Never has this worked anywhere, but this idiot thinks under Trump it has a chance. These guys and gals are selling such a shit sandwich that eating it will blow up your stomach. Unbelievable, better off buying Gold & Silver from the pawn shop.
How many rich people do they think there are in the world?? One million people that have five million dollars to waste or want to spend on a fucking green card? I am sorry....what?
Not to mention you would need millions of people yearly to spend five million dollars on green cards?? Why don't we just tax the billionaires we already got.
If there are roughly 250,000 individuals globally with a net worth over $50M - and assume 50,000 - where are we getting the remaining 800,000, after every single one of the 200k moves to the US? This is a complete fiction and they need to call him out on it.
Is this new math? Selling Green cards would not come close to paying off the deficit. It is lo not a sustainable source of income. What is wrong with these idiots?
Ok, it might pay off some of the debt that Trump ran up in his last term.
What a brilliant idea. Why didn't previous Presidents try this? Because I'd be worried about oligarchs moving to America & fundamentally changing how our democracy works.
You get a one off $5 mill cost for ppl who will then receive tax breaks and refunds for eternity while the serfs drudge along shelling out their share to fund these a holes that’s not a sound economic strategy for anyone but the top 5%
They are not interested in what is good and right for the America people. They are only interested in money, greed, power and control. Make no mistake about it-this regime wants to control the American people. republicans are now the party of oligarchs and their insatiable lust for money and power.
Anyone who's lived in a tariff system nation knows that. And when the tariffs on Chinese electronics went away, prices for computers, solar panel lights, and phones dropped.
Jesus fucking Christ, this is why MAGA wins “this is what you want to hear! This snake oil is a cure all! What could go wrong?” Versus “ it ain’t that simple man.”
You're correct...and while the solution "ain't that simple" ...the MAGAt voters "ARE that simple"--sooo, once again, the gullible freaking miscreants will continue to swill the Koolaid and SWALLOW this grifting crap hook, line and sinker! God help us!!
Yep we are going to get rid of the IRS and income taxes because of tariffs and everyone will get a 5k Doge check and we are going to throw in a free pony for everyone.
This guy is literally Trump’s jester 🤡 All he does is forcibly laugh at Trump’s insolent comments while saying things like “Always say yes to the President”
I am an undiagnosed dyslexic and I read the first word in your post as lunatic. I had to read it twice. “Ohhhh Lutnick, I see…, hucksters yes…flimflam indeed.”
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
What the hell was that? It’s almost like they want to stand at the airport and collect money as people come off their international flights. I’ve never heard such crap.
I wonder what percentage of his salary and income that Lutnik has paid in taxes over the past 20 years? Perhaps instead of importing money laundering criminals on a golden visa, these fuckers should pay their taxes.
So to recap, Americans should freeload off the rest of the world, because we’re so exceptional. We don’t have universal healthcare, our infrastructure is collapsing, inflation is being driven up, the rest of the world is starting to hate us, and we need more billionaires.
You’re like a retirement village where old dears who visited while on holiday & thought ‘when I’ve sucked my own country dry I’ll move here to retire’ - out bidding everyone, bumping up house prices so locals can’t afford to get on the property ladder & have to commute from the far distant ‘burbs
Yes it was awful and neither Pam Or Wolff fact checked him and let him spew his lies and twist of the facts that we saw with our own two eyes! Better do better Wolff and Pam or you won’t have an audience for your show!
It was disappointing both show hosts did not correct not even one of the 3-4 times he emphasized the $350b the US has given Ukraine. US has only provided $170-180b and Europe has given the rest. Just a low bar to keep these liars honest. Do better CNN.
Awww, we can’t have that. Even though collecting from all the multi billionaires and millionaires could provide universal healthcare and other things that would be good for the country- but businesses, the wealthy, and lobbyists are too intertwined in the government
Income taxes are about more than just raising revenue, they also help reduce inequality. You want America to be great again, roll back 40 years of Republican tax cuts and pass Medicare for All.
OMG, this guy is a fu*kin’ idiot! Our government is not a business, it’s a service to the citizens who pay into it. Letting this guy go on TV and spout this nonsense with no pushback and condemnation at all is exactly how we got here. There should always be a person to dispute the crap. Civics 101.
Dear World,
You can pay off our debt and fund our domestic programs for us. Sorta like slavery, but you can pay us for a Green Card. But don’t steal our jobs…or actually live here, unless you can afford to stay at trump towers and be a big maga donor.
Immigrants will just be LINING up to buy Trump’s gold card $5 million visa to live the GOP dream: a lunatic in the White House, measles outbreaks, low wages, high rents, no healthcare, and their kids getting shot in school.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Will they be able to bring their unicorn that poops skittles with them?🙄🙄🙄🙄. Something tells me that asshole does NOT pay his fair share for the government he uses….
Europe needs to treat Trump the same as Putin and televise the truth for all to see. These politicians are liars, they aren’t entitled to behave this way with OUR country. We must put an #end to this nonsense and now. Delete #meta #x #tiktok
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
that's how Putin works, If you study him, he saw how other Soviet leaders worked, they took some from the Oligarchs. But Putin ended up actually taking almost all of the money from Oligarchs, or he killed them. That's how he rose to power.
Yes, so does that mean everyone with money can buy one of these. Hypothetically it would mean isis, despots from abroad and what about Russian oligarchs or Putin could Putin buy a citizenship here and what would that mean? Could he vote? Could he run for office! I know he won’t but he could?!?!
I didn’t look at it from that angle but yes apparently the U.S. is for sale. We were cooked once Musk brazenly bought our government and wasn’t even born here.
Nobody in their right mind would buy into this unless there’s no criminal background check. Then it makes total sense. A country run by criminals for criminals.
Shut the hell up, Lutnick (or whatever your miserable name is). You are merely a puppet for Felon tRump and his merry band of pro-Putin fascists and haters of America. Take your "brain" to the Gobi Desert and stay there, little huckster!
He truly is one of Trump’s court jesters, laughs the loudest, brays the loudest, claps the hardest. What a creep. So America will be top heavy with billionaires and we are left to clean up after them.
We already have an option of investing a million to get a green card thru investment. It isn't all that popular
.why would an European for example give up their higher quality of life to live in the US?
Why the fuck should “other people” pay for our government? The entire federal government sold out to foreigners; what could possibly go wrong? 🙄 I just hate these people.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Money, money, money.
Based on his appearance he's close enough to death to know that isn't the most important thing in life. All you need is enough to live without fear.
We need to hurt the bank by spending cash and checks. Wall street is playing games to make everything look rosy. Not using credit and debit cards will work better than economic boycotts.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
And its 5m to the country, 5M to Trump, 5M to your congressman, etc. Because the SCOTUS has ruled that as long as its AFTER, there is no bribe, its a "tip".
Honestly, all these billionaires and money men behind Trump, pretend cost effectiveness their motivation, but it's pure greed and a power grab.What ever happened to just doing the right thing?
Only the finest kind of people have a spare $5 million to buy a citizenship.
That's just the cost of the ticket, then they have to have enough to buy their homes, their assorted foreclosed properties for future rental incomes, that kind of stuff
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
So let me get this straight...we have a Commerce Secretary who doesn't actually understand how the economy works? Is that about the size of it? Asking for a friend.
Ok, it might pay off some of the debt that Trump ran up in his last term.
Last Term, that has a nice ring to it.
And dumb enough to believe there’s millions of people that can afford 5m for a green card!!! That don’t already have it!!!
You don’t think anyone working for the Great Orange Dope has any honesty, integrity or morals do you?
It’s all a con & house of cards
F*ck taxing the rich when you can simply just tax the stupid, amirite?
Just what we need are more oligarchs...
They all are
Just a bunch of attentionwhores!!!
Second, if they have that money NOW why would they bother?
You can pay off our debt and fund our domestic programs for us. Sorta like slavery, but you can pay us for a Green Card. But don’t steal our jobs…or actually live here, unless you can afford to stay at trump towers and be a big maga donor.
🤫 We’ll still have taxes for wealthy tax cuts.
Immigrants will just be LINING up to buy Trump’s gold card $5 million visa to live the GOP dream: a lunatic in the White House, measles outbreaks, low wages, high rents, no healthcare, and their kids getting shot in school.
A sound economic plan.
And we should have the benefit of living in the great America."
Republicans are Nazi exploiters selling imperialism.
what MAGA refuses to even look at
They are hucksters.
I wonder where a lot of that money would go?
Think Hunger Games type setup
MAGA can’t see that
Spread the Message!
.why would an European for example give up their higher quality of life to live in the US?
This $5 million dollar idea is a distraction
Sadly, the Media do not ask for the stats on how many people they think will give them $5 million to "become an American"
The debt is 35 trillion.
He's butchering Shitler's bad math.
Basically, every person in the world with a net worth of more than 5 million would have to buy the visa.
They're liars.
And they don't care.
They're shameless.
Based on his appearance he's close enough to death to know that isn't the most important thing in life. All you need is enough to live without fear.
He couldn’t even get the math right on his la la land fantasy
This is a grown man saying this farcical stuff.
Do the math stupid.
It doesn't add up!
Yeah, the poor, middle class, even the well off but not so well off.
Fucking rat.
The systems in which these things happen are beyond flawed.
That's just the cost of the ticket, then they have to have enough to buy their homes, their assorted foreclosed properties for future rental incomes, that kind of stuff
It's not a rash decision
How is he in charge of anything?
And he obliged them