She's actually right. Europe barely has any weaponry. And they also have huge economic problems. They should have been making more weapons over the past three years.
“Let the Europeans take care of it, but they don’t have any weapons” is the most MAGA thing I’ve ever heard.
It’s going to be supremely embarrassing when Ukraine uses locally supplied arms to continue humiliating Putin after Trump said they couldn’t win without us.
Europe has no weapons”? Tell that to France, the UK, Germany, or any NATO country. The ignorance is off the charts. Maybe she should Google “European militaries” before embarrassing herself.
US military aid to Ukraine was all about throwing a windfall to US military weapons contractors. Now that trump's cutting that cash cow off, the contractor oligarchs are not going to be happy. Look for trump to start supplying Russia & other despotic regimes with US weapons
A lot of the Conservative MP's in the UK used to shout their mouths off with garbage like this - until the last UK General Election when the Conservatives became almost Extinct.
Maybe she means assault rifles in the hands of european civilians. That would be true. However, I've got a special glass bottle I can throw at her, if she ever came near my place
First time, it was a close race. After that, the Indiana GOP, scared that the district would turn blue next election, gerrymandered tf out of it. She won the 2nd time because of that. She almost didn’t run the 3rd time. She does nothing for her constituents but Repub Hoosiers don’t care.
Yes, when I was in the Army and worked with the German, Polish, French, and UK army, they just ran around with sticks for weapons. Oh wait, those were real weapons.
This is where EU, Australia, Canada need to step up and take on the support of Ukraine. If the WH wants to contribute, so be it, if not, oh well. Let those who contribute reap the economic and diplomatic relationships with Ukraine.
Embarrassed to say she’s my representative (have never voted for her, or tRump). After she won, she basically said that she wasn’t going to be on any committees. It appears that she feels that she was elected to appear on the fox/tRump network to say stupid things.
The combined military arsenal of EU countries is significant, with France and the UK alone possessing hundreds of nuclear warheads, while other nations maintain large conventional military stockpiles.
this graph doesn't really apply. it shows the number of different systems, not the size of the stockpile. Obviously the US doesn't just have one main battle tank, but one type of.
Yeah, everything I'm reading is they need to really ramp up their defense spending and have shortages in ammunition etc but still a far cry from having no weapons.
Republicans are so SHORT SIGHTED.
US was 40 yrs ahead of the curve in weapon dev.
We are forcing European innovation, by us POUTING.
THEY will catch us and our weapons sales will plummet.
(Imo not a bag thing, but an economic reality)
Now Ukraine #RareEarth mats will go to EUROPE .
Really makes you wonder about voters in that district. The woman is an incompetent shouter. Watch the BBC Hard Talk interview with her. It’s embarrassing. WTF is wrong with people to vote for that?
As our idiot "president" and his sidekick couch fucker embarrass our country, this corrupt, Putin loving wench embarrasses her home country of Ukraine.
In the meantime, all those european weapons that europeans don't have any of, seem to be killing a lot or Ruzzians and their equipment.
Europe, collectively, has a military twice the size and strength of the US. With all the same modern weapons. Germany is one of the largest weapons producers on the planet. The UK also produces heavy and advanced weapons. The reason they don't produce everything specifically the US does, is 1/2
what is the point? Europe can sell artillery, guidance systems, small arms and jet engines to the US in exchange for fighters and bombers. Why bother buying their own when there is a market of exchange. It's not like Europe couldn't begin producing their own, there's just no demand to.
I really hate that the conversation from this nuthouse is tracking towards who has more weapons (not dunking on any of the comments here, I mean I would want to have more weapons than orange blob, but I don't want the world to end 😫). I don't think I've hated someone more than this sad, lonely blob.
Wow! I guess we’ll have to tell the British and the French that their nuclear missile submarine and aircraft carriers don’t exist. The Germans will be so disappointed to learn they their Leopard Tanks aren’t real.
The US does make a lot of weapons but Europe buys a lot of them. According to the google 600+ F35s; M1s in Poland and Romania; Germany, France, and UK all have drone capabilities. Working together (something we apparently no longer do) they can bring a lot of heat.
A lot of Ukrainians speak Russian, especially in the eastern part of the country. Before the annexation of Crimea, the Ukrainian language in some regions was perceived as the language of the "peasants". Everything changed after 2014.
The extermination of Ukrainians from 1920s to 1950s, mainly by starvation when their wheat crops were exported to other parts of USSR. It was state policy.
Russian speaking Ukrainian. They were imported from Russia to Ukraine for Russification
Russia has done that for centuries. They deport natives, replace with Russians to Russify an area. Crimea is an example. It was Tatar khanate. Tatars were expelled starting 1800s; intensified under Stalin.
Europe has weapons but they are all bought American. And that's the only reason Trump wanted UN countries, especially EU countries, to have an 3% GDP Defense budget. Because more money in weapons, equals more money for the US.
I hope the EU will start their own factories with their budget raise.
US companies definitely sell many weapon systems to NATO countries. Will the US stop? Doubtful. YS likes money. But if they do stop, Sweden, France, UK, Poland, and Germany all have weapons production. The question is can they scale it if required? I think they can.
Ah yes, the American made [checks notes] Challenger 2 and Leopard 2. Europe can and does make modern weapons. Meanwhile Russia has to try to refurbish early cold war era vehicles with scraps from other vehicles.
Even the outdated F16 fighter jets couldn't be donated to Ukraine without the approval of the US. The same goes for patriot systems.
I do hope Europe will step up and expand their own production.
Wait, I got here late, sorry. This woman represents American citizens somewhere? As in, someone in America heard her and thought "finally, someone can be my voice in Congress?"
That alone is a dead canary in the coal mine that is our once-proud country.
Indiana, 5th Congressional District.
The first time she ran, it was a very close race. It scared the INGOP so their gerrymandered the district to have more Repub/Less Dem voters in it.
She’s won because Repubs here just see R & vote for it. She does nothing for constituents but they don’t want Dems.
I am not willing to under-estimate the amount of influence Putin has over Trump. Be it blackmail or the Russian agent scenario or straight grift with promises of opening up Russia to Trump and his business associates, there is both smoke and fire.
There is little doubt that Putin wants this war ended. Apart from the war casualties, they are economically broke. They need the sanctions lifted and this is why Trump is being so forceful with Ukraine. Why Trump is aligned with Russia is one or more of many reasons but he is; that is a fact.
Yes Putin wants this over. We will see what happens but don't see Zelensky backing down without security guarantees. He may be willing to give some land not all occupied at moment to Russia. He wants this to end too but not just a temporary pause and then Russia attacking again in 2 years.
It was probably before she said anything at all - most of these people shouldn’t say anything in public at all if they don’t want to look as stupid as they do.
In a culture war, where kine jumpers and bold faced liars found they could circumvent popular opinions by just being loud and relaying on most Americans to assume the "truth" was in the middle.
This is just government by mass simplicity. And I genuinely don;t know what happens next.
Yeah…I think Putin’s 3 day invasion may be stretched to 4 days once the Europeans increase weapon supplies to Ukraine, but not really a challenge 🤣🤣🤣 dumb fuck magas
Who is that shrill Pinocchio sounding bitch? Newsmax just taking Russians straight out of the gulag and slapping a jacket with an American flag on them now?
Spartz is a Ukrainian immigrant to the US who has consistently voted against Ukraine. She is clearly on the Russian payroll, as she sells out Ukraine, Ukrainian-Americans and all Americans to Putin and Russia. She really is treasonous scum.
We built a 5th generation fighter plane via a program almost wholly dependent on sales of the fighter to European allies….so yes, they have weapons lol. And they’re domestic multirole fighters are top notch lol
Not forgetting that us ( The U.K. ) and France are unclear powers, and our own military companies who can both boost production, while US manufacturers will have to lay people off in what is honestly, nit the best time to be unemployed in America, yeah, we have no weapons. I think we’ll be fine
*UK and France rolls eyes in Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles
*Finland rolls eyes in SISU
*Rest of Europe rolls eyes and gets on with supporting Ukraine with weapons and civilian aid
It's simple. In America we have two parties that matter, and if you think God and guns and stripping rights from gays is worth your time then you vote Republican.
Totally defenceless which is why we were not able to stand side by side with the US in Iraq and Afghanistan after they evoked Article 5. Alternatively see below:
ABSURD. Europe has some of the most advanced militaries in the world—France, Germany, the UK, Poland—ALL heavily armed. But MAGA needs to push this nonsense to justify abandoning Ukraine. Spartz is either clueless or lying. Either way, it’s EMBARRASSING.
From your statement you are assuming the US would attack Europe. I don’t think that would happen. The loss of life on both sides would be horrendous. Even Trump’s base would not be onboard with that.
I would not put it past him to attack Canada. That would be a prolonged guerrilla war.
But on a lot of those weapons, the US can decide where and when they can be used; fighter jets, air defence systems.... So the US still has the power. And I wouldn't be surprised if Trump tells the EU they can't use weapons to defend Ukraine against the Russia attacks.
Then it’s up to European leaders to tell him to Fuck off! Call his bluff. He will not attack. There are enough nukes in Europe for mutually assured destruction!
Amen for that! Problem is that in Europe there is a right wind blowing as well which makes it harder to unite. These right wing populist tend to lean to and support Russia.
No one country in Europe has the ability to fight an extended conflict, and the UK don't have a plan for how to ramp up for an extended conflict. (I'm only singling out the UK because they are the ones I know most about.)
The US on the other hand is capable of fighting multiple conflicts at once.
I'm not trying to badmouth Europe or promote USA, btw, I'm just saying that we are currently in a position where we aren't set up for an extended conflict, and in the UK at least there is a lot of debate about the actual implementation of gaining that capability.
The UK has nukes and the ability to project power anywhere in the world on about 48 hours notice. They could probably take on any other country in the world apart from the USA in a short term conflict.
They can't take and hold land. Ukraine is a big country, defending it is a big challenge.
I don't know if this lady is trying to score some political point with her party but, if not, that is one of the most staggering stupid things that I have ever heard.
A large amount of the weaponry that Europe purchases are from the US. It would be good to see them start their own production lines becoming less dependent on US supplies.
Yep. However, having seen a few summaries, we are not in immediate danger (this is not just Perun's analysis though it's good, this is also coming from a friend in Swedish armed forces).
We do need to wind up the production and make Ukraine into that steel porcupine UVDL mentioned.
It’s going to be supremely embarrassing when Ukraine uses locally supplied arms to continue humiliating Putin after Trump said they couldn’t win without us.
Follow me – Goal: 1,000 followers for the truth!
for when it all
Comes aparts,
She can still
Parrot Putin's swill,
As his giz
Covers her phiz...
It’s frustrating living in her district. Calling her is useless but I still have to do it.
She would be too on the nose as a casting call for a mole.
In the longer term, I expect a European buildup.
There is a chance we all going to a global war because of misinformation and abhorrent stupidity.
The combined military arsenal of EU countries is significant, with France and the UK alone possessing hundreds of nuclear warheads, while other nations maintain large conventional military stockpiles.
Europe Has Six Times As Many Weapon Systems As The U.S.
She has passed the first test of the Republican party.
US was 40 yrs ahead of the curve in weapon dev.
We are forcing European innovation, by us POUTING.
THEY will catch us and our weapons sales will plummet.
(Imo not a bag thing, but an economic reality)
Now Ukraine #RareEarth mats will go to EUROPE .
Spartz is a Kremlin mouthpiece, who visits her "aunt" in Moscow on regular basis.
In the meantime, all those european weapons that europeans don't have any of, seem to be killing a lot or Ruzzians and their equipment.
Trump turn over 100% and help Putin get all Ukraine
What kind of stupid is this ..,
She left for the US in 2000.
She is both Russian and Ukrainian.
I am not sure, but her accent is very Russian.
The extermination of Ukrainians from 1920s to 1950s, mainly by starvation when their wheat crops were exported to other parts of USSR. It was state policy.
Russia has done that for centuries. They deport natives, replace with Russians to Russify an area. Crimea is an example. It was Tatar khanate. Tatars were expelled starting 1800s; intensified under Stalin.
I hope the EU will start their own factories with their budget raise.
I hope the EU will increase their defence spendings to develop and expand their own weapon production.
Agree that EU countries need to vastly expand their weapons production capacity so they are no longer dependent on the US.
I do hope Europe will step up and expand their own production.
That alone is a dead canary in the coal mine that is our once-proud country.
Holy shitballs, what an idiot.
The first time she ran, it was a very close race. It scared the INGOP so their gerrymandered the district to have more Repub/Less Dem voters in it.
She’s won because Repubs here just see R & vote for it. She does nothing for constituents but they don’t want Dems.
Nasty business but such is the mood in the Admin when trying to end the war as Putin is instructing.
I am not willing to under-estimate the amount of influence Putin has over Trump. Be it blackmail or the Russian agent scenario or straight grift with promises of opening up Russia to Trump and his business associates, there is both smoke and fire.
This is just government by mass simplicity. And I genuinely don;t know what happens next.
A bit like the rest of the spineless GOP
*Finland rolls eyes in SISU
*Rest of Europe rolls eyes and gets on with supporting Ukraine with weapons and civilian aid
She’s FROM Ukraine, and yet she’s in bed with tRump?
She should change her name to Benedict (not the British actor)
Russia no longer exists, it's back to being the (smaller) Soviet Union.
Do these people know anything 🤦🏻♀️
I would not put it past him to attack Canada. That would be a prolonged guerrilla war.
Denmark is Europe.
The US on the other hand is capable of fighting multiple conflicts at once.
I'm not trying to badmouth Europe or promote USA, btw, I'm just saying that we are currently in a position where we aren't set up for an extended conflict, and in the UK at least there is a lot of debate about the actual implementation of gaining that capability.
France has nukes, jets, and range.
If Putin wanted to play - now he's playing. If you think the UK and France will stand by while Europe gets decimated, you're kidding yourself.
They can't take and hold land. Ukraine is a big country, defending it is a big challenge.
There is no need to count when there is no risk at all.
They are off to achieve orbit.
All make some really good stuff. They just need to ramp up and make a lot more of it.
I live near Kongsberg. The city where the company is.
We do need to wind up the production and make Ukraine into that steel porcupine UVDL mentioned.
There are migrants in the country. Offer them work. Maybe also ask Ukraine for some temporary workers to fill the plants?
Just don’t treat them poorly like the American Republicans do.
Other European countries with interest to buy
Almost all of these countries participated in the War on Terror