Pam Bondi on DOGE's lawless cuts: "The Supreme Court is going to back us up, it's just getting through all these district court judges. The president has a right -- he was elected overwhelmingly by the people of the United States of America to do just the job he's doing."
But, maybe he’s been trying to convince people, for years, that 1.48 is overwhelming.
AG Blonde Bimbo assumes the Slimball court will support the Great Orange Dope’s behavior-probably
The people can elect a dictator who can ignore the law.
You do realize that's what you're saying, Pam?
You also get that means he can then ignore the law to have the next election?
“ overwhelmingly “ doing a lot of heavy lifting here
"Oh no team, we're losing by two points at halftime, 47 to 49, we should just quit now. We'll never make this up. We're OVERWHELMED."
Her hair dye clearly has leeched into her brain
Zero integrity or honor.
This is misinformation and wrong. And no, he’s not doing his job. He swore to protect the constitution.
Tell me, what has he done to protect anyone or anything unless it serves his interests or finds it helps him.
#Democracy vs #Tyranny
And hard to believe so many voted for that orange chucklefuk.
And fukc him anyway. He and elon can eat a bag of dicks.
Certainly no justification to become a monarchy, to be ruled by royal decree
I guess the Trumpies think SCOTUS is in their pocket.
That's the fucking problem.
The Only reason he won is because most of those voters lived in 7 States. The 7 swing States he needed to pull off all of his lies.
He has NO Mandate! Not in the USA but definitely in Moscow!
But she might be right because white Christian nationalists have been courting the SCOTUS boys for years. And they’re as susceptible as the next oligarch to blatant corruption.
He has a mandate for nothing and the reaction to his extreme agenda of shifting even more wealth to the mega wealthy is already backfiring with the dickheads who voted for him.
Enjoy the shit sandwich you ordered morons.
How is she ever going to read and follow the Constitution?
a hundred times every day...
all over social media...
only one consistent keyphraze...
'he won overwhelmingly'---because he did not and they are afraid of the majority realizing he has no mandate, let alone the authority to brake the law
(2) If he got 100% of the vote, there would still be limits to his authority.
(3) She's garbage.
Main issue here: she says Trump owns SCOTUS.
That’s a BIG deal!
It's their strategy: flood the zone.
That's why the US ppl are numbed, no action, no revolt. But oh boy... the US is so close to totalitarianism.
Just once, I would like to see a statement from one of these ass-clowns that was not a deliberate misrepresentation or blatant lie.
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Smallest margin in history, if i am not mistaken.
Elected overwhelmingly?
I think not.