His followers believe he can bring world peace, eliminate income tax, erase the debt, and remove crime, but he bringing down the cost of eggs is just too hard. Make it make sense.
Well, Danielle Smith went off on her own, seeming to abandon the rest of Canada until she discovered she’d been played by Trump. It seems now she has made an abrupt about turn and now is making sense in her representation of Team Canada. Hang together Canada!! Together we are strong.
I would love a follow up today with a question of "what exact policies and plans are you implement ing?" Walk us through how this will address the problem
Don't know what he is talking about but I was able to buy my eggs cheap when Biden was in office. What has trump done to fix it? Oh yea, fire Food and Safety agency that inspects the chickens. Good job
he also promised to lower grocery prices on his first day.
instead, he's out here blaming Biden for high egg prices while simultaneously ignoring the bird flu and instituting his tariffs which will increase the price of groceries.
He is just trolling the American people with this comment. He doesn't give a fig about eggs but he thinks it's funny people do care. Insolent sociopath never bought eggs in his entire life. He is just taking the piss.
For decades Trump has been paid vast sums by Russians buying his real estate. The dollars and dots are now connecting as Donald is dancing for Putin. The danger is real; a self inflicted boycott of America is needed, as money is the only language he speaks. Time for action before it’s too late.
If only those who thought their couch was warmer and Gaza more important voted but hey let’s blame the dens. Unless you’re a troll then I bet your post
It’s that little condescending lilt, the up tick when he repeats a phrase that he thinks is really clever that makes me consider renouncing the pacifist life.
Like this? Cuz this is what I felt like while listening to T-Rump lie repeatedly while only a handful of DEMS were courageous enough to act up & resist.
Were they with Jasmine Crockett? I just saw her streaming, and walked out and has a T-shirt that says UNBOUGHT on the back. It looks like someone else with her has a T-shirt that says RESIST
Bluster won’t past muster when people can’t eat, so he can keep talking, like the petulant, diaper-shitting, Putin bootlickin’ child he is. The revolution is near and it’s not going to end well for Trump or his cronies.
And that right there that moment missed for somebody to have smuggled a single solitary egg in there and throwing it at him right when he was talking about that would have been the biggest f*** you to them that could possibly happen and they would be famous and have T-shirts all over the world
Joe Biden was doing something about which kept prices much lower than they are now. Trump came in and ignored the situation and fired the workers working on the bird flu. I blame Trump’s incompetence.
I thought I was watching a MAGA rally. All the full blown MAGA Republicans standing, cheering, and fawning all over him made me nauseous. They have been brainwashed and drank the kool-aid.
They should have laughed like a laugh track on a sitcom every time he said something false (so almost constantly). It would have been hard to control, and no one could kick you out for reacting to a lie like that.
I hate his face, his voice, his hair, his lying, his ignorance his narcissism, his bullying, his ignorance. Biden is a leader who put his country first, and has a moral compass.
Trump will only ever take credit for good things anything that is sideways it is always going to be someone else fault. Never say sorry never admit your wrong. He is a real piece of shit as are all those who blindly follow him.
The reason we're in this mess is because Democrats have no spine. Regardless of the insanity spewed by Republicans they all coalasce around it and people believe them because of this. Democrats have to step up or this really is the end of our democracy.
Deliberate. Trump didn't care. Plowed right on. It's why I say the sound Trump makes when he ejaculates should be on a sound chip inside all egg cartons for Americans to hear.
But his base is gonna be gone yeah it’s his fault. How is it his fault. They’ve gone up because he’s in office. They didn’t go up on. Biden was an office toward the end. It was his administration.
Trump now: "Maybe have chickens in your yard for eggs."
That’ll show him 🙄
instead, he's out here blaming Biden for high egg prices while simultaneously ignoring the bird flu and instituting his tariffs which will increase the price of groceries.
but yup, it's Biden's fault alright.
There is not a SINGLE truth in his words.
He is not even a showman.
Just a disgusting fishwife making raccas.
1. Donald Trump x47
Okay then I will.
Understanding a tactic that keeps a toxic person in the driver's seat
FU to all his team
FU to all his supporters
America's turn now. Thanks, Trump.
It’s always been someone else’s fault!
I blame his parents.
I decided to watch because I like Amy Adams as an actor.
They’re all so desperate -
it’s hilarious.
Nothing to do with Biden.
But that 34 count business fraud had everything to do with who?? & oh hey what about E. Jean Carroll. ?
Cheats, liars, felons, frauds, fake phony, corrupt, evaders, invaders
Russian compromised.
Jfc...whats it gonna take???