New in PN: AG Bondi blames deep state for nothingburger Epstein files
"Bondi promises to deliver the goods to people primed by Pizzagate and Qanon to believe wild stories about cabals of evil liberals raping and murdering children. The problem is there are no 'goods' to be had."
"Bondi promises to deliver the goods to people primed by Pizzagate and Qanon to believe wild stories about cabals of evil liberals raping and murdering children. The problem is there are no 'goods' to be had."
To whatever degree the "deep state" exists, that shit was happily buried in one of the greatest bi-partisan efforts ever.
If she saw the lists then she has them.
These morons will believe anything.
Tomorrow: More bullshit
Eventually: Flat line
Future: No bullshit, no nothing no more
Where is Tucker Carlson when we need him?
Does anyone find it odd that Bondi was AG when Epstein got his sweetheart deal?
Gotta wonder who is being protected!
- Simple prostitution
- Weird and kinky prostitution
- Child rape
There's going to be mostly those first two. Embarrassing, career ending maybe.
Child rape is go to prison for rest of your life stuff. There won't be many in that category.
The stupidity is staggering
Or maybe it’s her rapist pedo boss being named multiple times as he was close personal friends with Epstein. They probably shopped the junior beauty pageants together.
I expect to see Maxwell pardoned for staying quiet too.
The truck has pulled up and dumped off thousands of new pages!
When PHASE TWO rolls out, and it's also a disaster, she'll find someone else to blame.
Wow these people are dumb.
Compare Barr’s timing - to the great reporting on Epstein by Julie K Brown in the Miami Herald. I’m not making this stuff up.
...BUT LOOK the Giraffe eating the disco ball, aww so cute🦒
I'm fucking tired.
Redacted goods ain't Delivered goods. If she is hiding something then she just admitted that she reps the Deep State.