If tariffs cause inflation? Everyone knows it does. What he really means is if there is too much blowback about tariffs then he will change like the wind.
Or you could do some upfront analysis and planning instead of driving the US into a recessionary cycle, hurting millions and millions of people and then saying “oops, time to recalibrate.”
Am I right to say that tariffs during Trump 1.0 were not inflationary because he used government funds to subsidize the farmers who were the actual targets of the tariffs?
Wow its almost like tariffs not used since 1930. didnt help what happened in 1930. You know what did? Participating in ww2. slava ukraine, stand up against russia. It fucking helps everyone
This guy's a fucking cunt that's responsible for half of the shit that's happening. That good old boy bullshit he portrays is just that, bullshit. But redneck see somebody that sounds like them and they're all in.
He says "we're going to have to recalibrate" as if he and his fellow GOP lawmakers have any say whatsoever in the matter. Doesn't he realize that in Trump's fledging autocracy, they have no power? Should be obvious.
“If” this starts causing inflation? Ummm…I think you mean WHEN this causes inflation. And WHEN the randomness of the tariffs and higher prices ends with the American consumer not consuming and the economy tanks!
“Republicans know their spin is a lie, and the truth is they have no problem taking healthcare away from millions of Americans so that the rich can get richer and pay less in taxes than they already do.” Rep. Frank Pallone
Yeah, Trump thinks he wants to emulate McKinley, but I don’t think Vanky ever read him the LAST page of the McKinley chapter in the Little Golden Book of Presidents.
I think he just had a moment of clarity and rationality. Maybe a small stroke so he actually understood what the issues were, instead of his usual delusions.
I love this “if” stuff as if it’s a question whether it will cause inflation. The pathetic part is tepid indirect pondering the most criticism Trump has received from a GOP member of congress since elected.
Trust in God, but tie your camel” is an Islamic proverb that means to put in the effort and then trust in God's plan. The phrase is based on a story about the Prophet Muhammad and a Bedouin man.
I keep hearing people say he’s really smart. Yeah, Rhode scholar & all that- but if a really smart person never does anything smart, are they really smart?
He was smart enough to choose a career that involves no real work. And all he has to do is lie to and screw the American people for the sole purpose of enlarging his bank accounts. But, a dumb ass like trump can do the same thing with only a thimble full of brain cells.
"RE....calibrate"??? Have they even started just a plain old calibration yet??? TF does that even mean? Does FOTUS even know that word? I have so many questions...🤔
Senator Beauregard Claghorn, the original character from the Fred Allen radio show (voiced by Kenny Delmar) that Warner Bros created Foghorn Leghorn as a parody of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTB9cT1aG8s
How is this real life???
They’re literally comparing Trump to god on national television?
Bc look at Kennedy. He’s scared shitless to even *approximate* a criticism of Dear Leader
None of them have the slightest idea how to govern a nation.
Especially Trump.
All they know is how to dissemble, deceive, propagandize, and enrage an already stupefied and radicalized minority.
All they want or respect is power.
Use your power to take theirs away.
Your vote.
Use it or lose it.
This man is very well educated. He knows exactly what tariffs do. He’s trying to hedge his bets now that he’s seeing the people are unhappy. He wants to have it both ways and that’s just not how this is going to play out for him. Screw that guy!
Companies have been raising prices in anticipation of tariffs since November, kind of like the pandemic gouging because of supply issues, even if costs didn't increase
Whatever the Market Will Bear...
Considering that republicans don’t have the balls to say boo to Donnie and Elmo, I foresee a Collin’s type of recalibration- they will say that they are deeply concerned
When you've sort-of, kind-of, maybe just a little lost Kennedy and Kudlow... yeah, the cracks are really starting to become pronounced. Watch for the follow-up attempt at spackling them.
But the roller coaster of lies I’m fine with…sure old man. The tariffs were supposed to make us rich!!! (also a lie) But if we were to believe it, and he keeps cancelling them or carving out exceptions, what was the fucking point? Oh right, It’s a scam to short the market and make his cronies $.
It's a total act--he has advanced degrees from Vanderbilt and also from Oxford. You can be he wasn't defending his thesis to Oxford dons in that down-home accent.
Fixing Louisiana housing after hurricanes and disasters will be 25% more… guys… it’s a disaster. I dislike Kennedy SO much ugh! So sort of relish a little pain for him since he loves Trump
Fuck off Senator Leghorn, you brought this upon yourself. This inevitable economic collapse is just as much your fault as the rest of the GOP and Elon and trump.
It will. Might as well start recalibrating now, you fool.
Should really think about an age limit to make a mandate valid.
How do tariffs NOT cause inflation?
Stare recalibrating, whatever that means to the GOP.
Think it should be impeach the orange idiot before he drives our country straight into the ground!
Foghorn Leghorn doesn’t know?
The entire point of a tariff is to protect the higher priced domestic production by raising the cost of the import.
Tariff = higher price.
I think the fake accent makes him think like an imbecile.
Wanna hear a camel joke?"
The fear is nearly comical.
They’re literally comparing Trump to god on national television?
Bc look at Kennedy. He’s scared shitless to even *approximate* a criticism of Dear Leader
Especially Trump.
All they know is how to dissemble, deceive, propagandize, and enrage an already stupefied and radicalized minority.
All they want or respect is power.
Use your power to take theirs away.
Your vote.
Use it or lose it.
Whatever the Market Will Bear...
(as a result of Republicans in congress abrogating their responsibilities)
can't wait to find out in what way this is all democrats' fault
Blame and reframe.
/Stares in Fark handle
It’s soooo fucking embarrassing. IF. IF. A TARIFF IS LITERALLY INFLATION.
Wake up.
But maybe we didn't think it through enough
Ass on TV. They think he’s funny but to Louisiana he is an absolute embarrassment.
-Sen Kennedy (Treason-LA)
I dare say, Sen Kennedy exists in a world that is woefully ignorant and behind all known time zones.
FYI, Canadians are boycotting American products, which will have a multiplicative effect on the costs associated with the tariffs.
We're pissed.
Which means the answer to Trump and Musk will continue to be yes, regardless.
doesn’t matter too late. Kennedy buckle up, buddy.