Oh, so the faithful should now be on the watch for corrupt attempts to stop Musk finding more waste, fraud and abuse? Or, maybe he means people will finally realize that DOGE is the source of the most of the waste, fraud and abuse?
Tesla can burn either way at this point, in my opinion, as long as Musk is associated with it in any way. The same goes for all of his other companies.
I cannot bring myself to turn on audio when he speaks. His voice is viscerally disgusting to me. I'll wait on the comments to summarize since there's no closed caption lol
Any serious attempt at cutting waste/fraud/abuse would involve inspectors general and forensic accountants, and started at the Pentagon, which had yet to pass an audit.
It should be it’s an illegal take over of govt approved agencies ! The courts, judges, the Repub politicians MUST take back the control of their powers. STOP BEING SPINELESS COWARDS!!!
Yes, they’ve inflicted real damage with really not much to show for it - except all the info they’ve stolen. (Which was prob the real purpose of this debacle)
Only way to get to a trillion is by robbing SS, Medicare and Medicaid this killing millions of seniors and disabled. A repeat of the Gene Hackman tragedy replaying over and over. Caregivers and their spouses found dead in their homes from starvation
That will be their legacy
He has no clue, literally, that he just said that and made the entire poli-sphere go - WOAH wait WHAT?? He also has no clue how badly we want him to go TF away. He also has no clue or care about the turmoil and pain he has caused in the world in just what - 46 days?
Melania-Antoinette and Damien shouldn't be left out of the picture. Damien did tell Biden it's on. Well, let's really show these two, It's on. Russia is going to be there escape route when it's over. Trump is targeting our wives and children.
Ruth Marcus was the last straw for me. Paused my membership, although it doesn't take effect until my next renewal date. Have cancelled a bunch of my subscriptions, and have started shopping alternative markets which provide the organic products I love.
They accomplished their goals.
Hacked all security information, stole everyone’s data, and most likely have tapped any secure transmissions for the Russians. Remember when they sent people in to install devices? Yeah. The US is no more.
So, if Musk is correct and X is under massive attack from Ukraine, then there's only one course of action... Musk must immediately cede half of X's assets to Ukraine and apologize for allowing themselves to be attacked. Then, make sure he says "thank you!"
I’d like to see the receipts of this $4 billion dollar a day savings…. Most of these contracts they’ve cancelled have either mostly been paid out or are required to be paid out in full.
What single bit of proof does Elon Musk have that he has made government more efficient? He's cut essential workers, he's fired ppl he has no rationale for firing, he's cut off all corruption investigations. This isn't efficiency. It's costly and criminal.
Sooooooo many drugs that I’m not even sure he knows where he is or who he’s talking to, let alone doing any sort of accurate math or not just flat out making fucking numbers up
It has been my fear that after Musk has done the worst, he will be jettisoned but tRump will remain and proclaim himself a hero. (Insert picture of Napoleon crowning himself emperor)
We need analysis, thoughtful discussion and input from the American ppl and Congress. Our gov is not based on one person making decisions that have ripple affects around the country
Elon Musk is a NAZI SCUM criminal who believes in Hitler’s NAZI Ideology. He’s a puppet for Putin & Russia. He is a national security threat to the U.S & international terrorist. He’s a malignant narcissist, psychopathic lunatic, sociopath & megalomanic. He’s not American. He is insane & dangerous
Doesn’t matter. He already got what he wanted. Compiled data of every American citizen and documented immigrant in the US. That’s all he was after in the first place. Everything else was smokescreen even for the felon. I’m neurodivergent, so I think like one. Neurotypicals have missed it completely.
Psychopath needs to be held accountable for all his crimes, including fraud all the way up to treason. US Nuremberg trials will be coming for you F’Elon.
Elon Musk, like his protege Trump, is not an accountant. Both have terrible math skills. They will bankrupt this country with all the DOGE cuts because the government will stop functioning. Somebody tell these goons that when you cut off the legs of an Olympic runner, the runner can't run!
Put them all in cages! Behind bars! Until every cent of taxpayer money is accounted for, and the Government Systems have been fixed, all Doge software removed, any programs placed by Doge are completely purged!
Are these four billion a day here in the room with us now?
DOUCHE has been up and running for almost 50 days now, and even by their own insane numbers they haven't "saved" more than $60B. And those numbers are absolute nonsense anyway.
Yes! Who knows what, if anything, has been saved. Will we ever have hard evidence or just the BS coming from Musk & Trump. They’ll never admit it is (likely) a failure.
this isnt about efficiency...
if you just stop buying groceries and paying for gas and water, youre not SAVING MONEY!
youll end up starving without water and electricity after a while
how do people not get this?
how dumb are maga???
It’s illegal
He’s a con artist.
Deport him !!
He’s the worst poker player on earth. matt Damon would take all of his chips in 1 hand.
There is a Nazi junkie pilfering through our confidential government data that belongs in solitary confinement next to SBF in Riker’s
....but wait, DOGE *is* the deep state.
hey hey…..
Kudlow is an idiot.
That will be their legacy
Never seen an interview quite like this….
It's like a rat on top of groceries.
I wonder if this could be impacting his decision.
When your enemies are making mistakes, don't interrupt them.
Cons have been screaming about SS going bankrupt in 20 years my whole life (I'm 61). Fixes are easy and obvious.
Musk and trump/republicans are the only real threats to the full faith and credit of the US.
Hacked all security information, stole everyone’s data, and most likely have tapped any secure transmissions for the Russians. Remember when they sent people in to install devices? Yeah. The US is no more.
Is there a satisfying whiff of panic emanating from the little fraudster?
Causes me physical pain in my brain. Horrible human who chooses to set himself and his pals above all the rest of humanity
DOUCHE has been up and running for almost 50 days now, and even by their own insane numbers they haven't "saved" more than $60B. And those numbers are absolute nonsense anyway.