Kevin Cramer: "If you require work for benefits, you really have created some cuts because you've made people more self-reliant and less needy for the kind of largesse that they've just come to expect. It's not good for them."
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It's not going to work anymore. Repeating mindless talking points.
Americans were cheated out of a national health system by the owner class.
Healthcare is a right. Working or not working all people should have access to healthcare.
Cramers words are empty. He works for billionaires interests.
What if we introduced a work requirement such that executives making over $1 million must work a second job? I mean, wouldn't that incentive them to work even harder?
Kevin, you are living off the money we pay you through our taxes. So I’m thinking we might need to cut your wages & benefits so you’re less reliant on the hand out. It’s just not good for you.
So the Senator is basically saying those who fought for this country and some have given limbs in selfless service have to work for the benefits of VA disability? Didn't they give enough?
You're in North or South Dakota. What do y'all know about real struggle? Some people can't work due to a medical condition or disabled. You're such a blow hard
You can ask his mentally ill son about that - rotting away in prison when he should be in a HOSPITAL. (Mowed down a cop while on a psychotic rampage)
Guess he didn’t meet the “work requirements” to get proper treatment.
Cramer is only good for preening on camera and fellating Trump.
Most of the adults have jobs already, unless they are too disabled to hold a job. (And anti-DEI initiatives means moving the disabled to the back of the line.) Add to that the concerted efforts to make sure poor people can't readily report that they really have been working.
Yes, dealing with the bureaucracy / red tape involved in constantly proving income, etc. is already prohibitive enough for many low income people, especially those that are unhoused or lack transportation. This will just make it easier for them to kick people off the programs.
It’s amazing how quickly welfare will take your benefits away especially without notice. I renew my Medicaid every January. I finished my app a month before it was due & they cancelled my insurance for not doing an app…lady looked it up & it was right there
So, when are Kevin Cramer and the other GOPers going to START to actually "work" for the American people rather than the bullying FOTUS, American billionaires and other political radicals?
So as an old woman on Medicare, do I have to go back to work to get my earned “benefits”?
A lot of those people on Medicaid do have jobs…earning $7.50 an hour or $3.15 an hour plus tips.
Yes. For example, it's not good for elected officials to have taxpayer-funded salaries & benefits handed to them. It makes them less self-reliant & they lose their ability to function like normal humans. Cutting their salaries & LIFETIME benefits would save money & also be very good for them.
I’ve worked for 39 years so far. I worked through high school, college, and ever since without a break. I am retiring from my career job early, but still plan on working some more. I’ve been paying into the system the whole time. How dare this MFer tie these programs to ongoing “work requirements”.
And that is a total and complete lack of understanding as to why people are on those benefits. Are they going to raise the federal minimum wage while they’re at it?
I know -- what if they stopped trying to crash the economy? What if we required companies to pay a living wage?
What if health care is a human right and we made it available to everyone?
What if --hear me out-- Reagan's grand plan was crap, and money doesn't trickle down?
There are already work requirements for Medicaid. Some states waive the requirements temporarily, like my state Pennsylvania and currently Georgia. Most states require working-age adults to participate in that activities can include work, volunteering, job training, or school.
Seriously? Entitlements, Largesse? What a smarmy prick. He’d be the first to shriek if anything he thinks he needs was taken from him. Like that Fox (“news”) Entertainment camera in his fat face. Asshole.
Since they are cutting all the staff, who will these ppl report to? How many damn jobs do they think is out there? Especially since they have fired so many??
There speaks someone who has no idea who medicaid recipients are ... less than 1/6 of budget goes on adult recipients and THEY have conditions that preclude their being able to work (or they wouldn't qualify for Medicaid)
🇨🇦🇺🇦🤔Kevin Cramer, you are the prime example why Republicans don’t have the balls to hold Town Halls.
You think you can talk into a camera for Fox News and your constituents would be satisfied with that?!
Even Canadians know you are just trying to justify Donald Trump’s evil policies.
Listen to the fascist sing
"Take hope here, war is elsewhere
You were chosen, this is God's land,
Soon we'll be free of blot and mixture,
Seeds planted by our Forefathers' hand"
largesse is something squarely reserved for people like him. he's just projecting because he knows nothing else. every accusation is a glaring confession.
Largesse? F- OFF you entitled prick Cramer. We paid into these programs. Yeah sure, people should work until they die in the street. Get off your couch grampa and pull your weight. These people are evil assholes to the core.
The private sector can not provide the number of jobs to absorb the numbers coming off Medicaid, the fired government workers, and the number of people who lost their jobs from the pending recession . Recession will cause huge job contractions. Just please explain to the public where the jobs are
Ok, let's start with the Senate. You have to work F/T to get a full paycheck and a pension. Plus, your dear leader says if you ain't at your desk, you ain't workin - so only DC time counts.
I think society would be improved greatly if every career politician had to spend a year living like the bottom 30% of earners in this country for a year.
he's talking about people with autism, long covid, mental health and other invisible illness should be forced to labor for their basic health care becaus they dont believe in diseases of the brain
“Working parents are too reliant on public schools. They need to stop expecting handouts and get those kindergarteners jobs of their own. Illegal immigrants have been taking hardworking American child labor jobs for too long.”
“Grandma needs to get up out of the nursing home and stop expecting someone to bring her food and make sure she’s taken her meds. This welfare state isn’t good for her.”
1/3rd of Medicaid spending is long-term care for the elderly in assisted living and nursing homes. We're clearly not putting a work requirement on them. What about single parents with children at home. Work requirement on them? They are more likely to go without insurance given the cost of childcare
Of course. The GQP have been demonizing the poor since the days of RonOLD -Raygun. Always after the low hanging fruit and protecting the big dawgs where just paying a decent tax rate would benefit everyone greatly.
What? Federal assistance aka has requirements for FS and Cash. It also has term limits. If they need childcare that means they are in job training, hunting or have a job so they'd need it. Medical..the same unless children still in the home or there is a medical issue. Those getting FS longer than
3 mos must look for work. Elderly and disabled aren't required to Job Search.
This is victim or poverty shaming. It's not right.
You don't know how humiliating it is to have to apply for help only to be treated like you're lazy, a slut, using $ or FS for drugs.
Most want a job and independence
Show me the person on Social Security or Social Security Disability chasing largesse in their lifestyles. The people who need and expect it are the rich who don’t pay a proportional amount into the SS systems. It’s always the working and middle class who have to fix the problems the rich caused.
Most of the people on benefits are working then still qualify for snap and Medicaid. what's fucked up is that minimum wage. States need to start matching employers to beneficiaries and making the employers pay the cost
no one in this country is being poor and destitute bc they want to. maybe they have autism or mental health issues or long covid or some other illness u cant see. maybe they have cancer. maybe they are a caretaker for someone with cancer. medicaid is for poor people whatever the reason
A few people on SSI who you think shouldn't be aren't the fucking problem, Suzanne, it's already superwealthy people and corporations who receive obscene amounts in government subsidies.
You have to forgive Senator Cramer because he recently fell and hit his head. Glad to see it has not affected his cognitive thinking because these comments are just as stupid as anything he has been saying the past 6 years.
All workers expect work for benefits. Kevin Cramer saying all that stuff to benefit himself. Otherwise he wouldn’t be on tv saying all that nonsense, he’s doing to get some sort of largesse for himself.
How about the largesse that these corporations and billionaires have come to expect by not have to contribute to society by paying taxes. Yet they want to drive on our roads and they’d be pissed if emergency services didn’t show up when they needed them.
Speaking of “largesse they’ve come to expect”this is exactly how to describe the tax cuts the wealthy have enjoyed and demand continuing. Forget about cuts all they have to do is pay the past taxes they never bothered to file and no one’s taxes would need changing.
Largesse, he says. I'm trying to survive on $1500/month. I suppose I'll have to buckle down and limit my nightly steak and lobster dinners to just steak OR lobster. 🙄
Saying “it’s not good for them” is so gross. But let’s just say, they expand the work requirements, they will have to hire more people to monitor and enforce these rules. There will not be a savings.
I am planning to retire in around ten years. I’ve only paid into SS since I was 18. Now, they want me to get a job just to claim these, “entitlements” I’ve earned?
Look, I’m sure no one at the checkout counter in the grocery store is going to care that your colostomy bag is leaking on the conveyor belt. You don’t want to lose your health insurance do you?
Again... Social Security is something we have paid into. It's OUR money! If you want to get rid of it, then I want all of my contributions back. With interest.
That’s freaking brutal. I mean out of all possible government programs, SS is the only one that is a literal line item on your paystub/tax statement. Cutting it without anything in return is literally theft.
New round of idiots to float through media? Ask him how many Medicaid recipients are already working? What are you supposed to do with disabled family member if you have to work?
That has been a Republican talking point forever. So many studies have been done on the effectiveness of work requirements and they could look them up if they wanted.
They don't believe in science, the arts, facts or truth, so pls tell this horse medicine-selling guy I do NOT need MAGA or GOP to tell me what's good for me.
Go after those committing fraud. I have no problem with that.
Don't treat everyone receiving benefits as if they are committing fraud.
Fraud was committed (by lots of conservatives) when applying for PPA loans, but the program kept a majority of businesses that really qualified afloat.
Americans were cheated out of a national health system by the owner class.
Healthcare is a right. Working or not working all people should have access to healthcare.
Cramers words are empty. He works for billionaires interests.
He could care less for the many that gave all nor the Families left behind. Survivors benefits will be taken as well.
-'If they would rather die they better do it and decrease the surplus population" (Magoo's version)
Guess he didn’t meet the “work requirements” to get proper treatment.
Cramer is only good for preening on camera and fellating Trump.
Project 2025 contains plans for concentration camps for homeless people.
2 + 2
Enjoy the next coffee you get from Starbucks.
Heads up. Thats probably not cream.
A lot of those people on Medicaid do have jobs…earning $7.50 an hour or $3.15 an hour plus tips.
just call it, the next party. the feather 🪶 is a good symbol.
313 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-2043
Also….here, here , here and here 👇
What if health care is a human right and we made it available to everyone?
What if --hear me out-- Reagan's grand plan was crap, and money doesn't trickle down?
You think you can talk into a camera for Fox News and your constituents would be satisfied with that?!
Even Canadians know you are just trying to justify Donald Trump’s evil policies.
"Take hope here, war is elsewhere
You were chosen, this is God's land,
Soon we'll be free of blot and mixture,
Seeds planted by our Forefathers' hand"
These lyrics keep coming to mind lately.
Poor, working class, sick, disabled are morally undeserving.
Rich and affluent are morally deserving.
that’s what he’s going with right
can anybody else translate old white manese I am literally not able to follow anymore
Another of his rockets blew up yet they want to let him run NASA.
Miserable and mediocre white men craft laws to make life more difficult for others.
This is victim or poverty shaming. It's not right.
You don't know how humiliating it is to have to apply for help only to be treated like you're lazy, a slut, using $ or FS for drugs.
Most want a job and independence
The paternalism. The sense of superiority.
Calling it “largesse” as if it’s superfluous gifts, and not life saving/bare necessity needs meeting.
If GOP makes cuts to what is owed, it won’t be good for them, and it might not be in the form they expect.
I've paid in to Social Security for 53 years, MF!
Have you EVER paid in?
Did I mention ignorant?
Don't treat everyone receiving benefits as if they are committing fraud.
Fraud was committed (by lots of conservatives) when applying for PPA loans, but the program kept a majority of businesses that really qualified afloat.