Trump on drug overdoses: "If you want to get it down close to 100 percent, is with the death penalty. But I think maybe America is not ready for that. China has the death penalty. Singapore has the death penalty ... wherever you have the death penalty, you don't have drugs... it's always an option."
Trump really does want to use his power to kill people.
Worked out great in the Phillipines where death squads shot down addicts in the streets.
he doesn't give a shit about drugs. he just wants to use this as an excuse to murder his assorted enemies.
Hell, there's a drug problem in the white house
Death penalty to all traitors calling themselves “president.”
Great specific deterrent but not as a general deterrent - I mean if the death penalty worked as a general deterrent, you’d only have to use it that one time wouldn’t you?
Makes no sense, at all
Comments like this seem to track.
See what you think.
This is a rhetorical question, btw...
Is it time for Big Pharma CEO's to be shot by volunteer assassins in Carolina?
Look at Prohibition. Worked out fine.
Their addiction rate is also the highest on earth.
For some reason, making plant matter worth more than gold does NOT deter people from growing said plant.
Odd that, yes?
For addicts?
For pharmaceutical company executives?
For doctors who prescribe opioids?
And tell me he never snorted coke at Studio 54!
Serious question.
what about controlling demand
He's usually speaking out his bum!
Milton Friedman
Trump pardoned him the day after he was inaugurated.
Unchecked mental illness in Republicans is a really big problem...
in 2026. In the meantime we need to continue to 👇👇👇
Has the country become immune to his dementia-babble?
I have no idea how .... each new looney tunes statement infuriates me anew.
First two? His sons dumb and dumber.
If they choose firing squad, I’ll volunteer for duty.
Orange virus should be on top of that list.
And people who steal from children's charities.
Start by death penalty for W Bush and Trump
Now, this PARTICULAR rapist should be treated like the Mussolini he is.
But that means these 'men' would need to take responsibility for the impact their actions have on others... unlikely.