Russia is in a bad state, inflation is rampant and they are struggling. Putin needs the war to stop but is unwilling to cede so he puts pressure on Trump to ''make a deal''.
And what will they do when you get on your knees and simply hand them your power?
Because every night on Russian state TV, they do little but openly mock Trump, revel about destroying the US as a nation, and fantasise over burning Americans to death in a nuclear hellfire.
Trump: Russia has "some very valuable things for us, including very big forms of rare earth, they have a lot of earth, you know, they have a big chunk of real estate, the biggest, actually the biggest in the world for a country, by far."
Does he think of rare earth as land instead of metals?
no shit, you traitorous POS.
The US has the #1 economy in the entire world,
as much as the next four nations combined.
russia’s not even in the top ten.
that took me less than 30 seconds to learn.
Hey FG, F*** Russia. Care about your own country's economy. Which you are single-handedly destroying. Did you want to be like Russia's economy? You're FIRED!!
Sorry America, you are not doing enough. Only the Public can save the public. Hello,! democrats are not doing anything. Every citizen against Trump need to start marching. Dems are not there for you.
Does anybody understand what this guy is saying out loud. He tells on himself every time he opens his mouth. He admits the election was rigged for him, he Praises Putin, now he wants to give our depleted economy over to the person who crashed his own with his War
So, what is "America First" about caring about giving Russia some of our economic power? Asking for people who a few friends who fell down the MAGA pipeline....
Russias GDP is equal to the Netherlands and Belgium. Let that sink in. They are no longer a super power, not even a great power. They are a regional power at most and rapidly being overcome by its neighbours.
Exactly. People still see Russia as the USSR, which was second in many things, but Russia is not. And by far.
The economies of Germany, France, the UK and I believe Canada as well, are all larger and more robust than Russias.
Actually China is the superpower now!! And USA is falling fast can't make weapons without 🇨🇦 minerals , steal and oh power. On off, on off, hard to do anything in the dark and no water
Sweet Jesus he is an idiot. His idea to avoid this is to schmooze them and delude himself that they respect his power and suck Putin's dick cuz he is the white dictator.
So this is his game. Try to split Russia away from China. In reality he will destroy the USA and China will carry on treating Russia as the vassal state that it really is.
Underground tip from the rulers, America is shifting to an authoritarian capitalism because of a$38 trillion debt. There will be voting at state levels, the HOR is gone, senate&president will be appointed by the rulers. Ivy league business executives and Lawyers, so we can compete with China!
I guess I'm missing the point but the China trade imbalance is about $300 billion per year, not a trillion. And the only getting together Russia and China will do is China taking whatever they want from Russia.
-Trump Doctrine
It’s not even believable cause it’s not true
And what will they do when you get on your knees and simply hand them your power?
Because every night on Russian state TV, they do little but openly mock Trump, revel about destroying the US as a nation, and fantasise over burning Americans to death in a nuclear hellfire.
Does he think of rare earth as land instead of metals?
That's concerning
25th amendment?
The US has the #1 economy in the entire world,
as much as the next four nations combined.
russia’s not even in the top ten.
that took me less than 30 seconds to learn.
The only POS I'd rather see dead is Putin.
Can I say that?
Oops, too late!
And that is scary as fook!
GOP my country is not for sale...but we can send
Russia is the lazy neighbor jealous of your wife’s 4Runner.
Every day I wish he would keel over from a heart attack or stroke.
at great cost to americans
Russia’s not in the top 10.
of course they want some of that sweet sweet US economy.
The economies of Germany, France, the UK and I believe Canada as well, are all larger and more robust than Russias.
Lots of people, though. Oh, wait. Forgot their age demographics are basically an upside down pyramid.
JB Pritzker: "What does Vladimir Putin have on you?"
Huh there could be a lesson there or something
Hillary & Kamala were right about everything.