Wow- Himes during a heated exchange w/Will Cain on Fox: "I'm not gonna listen to to you tell me that this about a partisan is by the grace of God that we don't have dead pilots right makes me want to throw up to hear you turn this into a partisan issue. You just need to stop"
Here's a place you can review Fox advertisers so can choose to shop elsewhere!:
We're NK now
The Ukraine/russia war would never have happened
Oct 7 never would have happened
Afghanistan never would have happened
Unprovable hypotheticals
Are you fucking serious????
Hey Chuck you seein' this?
On that note, why is Chuck still in his position?
Watch, as this so-called reporter, attacks the Rep. Then does not allow the Rep to answer. When the Rep answers, the so-called reporter loses his tiny little mind, as the Rep is 100% correct; the app could have been hacked and military lives lost.
No shame.
When was a potential security breach noted by the addition.
Was there any attempt to secure Goldberg device to ensure security protocol for
Procedures were followed
Which secretary of state is known to be an associate of Goldberg.
That is basically what Cain is saying here.
So no, the house is not safe. (This is a rant against Cain.)
Meanwhile, “but her emails!!!!1!1!”
And hypocrisy and shame don’t exist in their world
If he's viewing this as "partisan" to complain that they were playing with matches near an open container of gasoline, then that means they view our national safety and security as a partisan issue too. Fuck that guy sideways.
The “mistake”, aka a criminal offence, was using Signal in the first place!
How long has this been going on? How many other such chats have there been where they DIDN’T realize it was compromised?
Consider what the Trump regime is gaining and what it is losing. Just a simple cost-benefit calc.
Any serious resistance from the Dems.
Not a single one of their Senators has withdrawn their unanimous consent. It means they STILL keep rubberstamping all GOP Senate motions as fast as they are coming in. Over 500 since Mar-A-Lardo took office again.
Case in point:
Gaining: a cast-iron way for the Democrats to hammer them, for breaking the law in an obvious manner
Tell me how they benefit from this? A blatantly illegal move isn’t a “distraction”. Especially not conducting govt. business with disappearing msgs.
Latest in a long string of cases in point:
The Trump-"led" Russian puppet regime and the USA as a whole lost all their international respect and credibility a month ago when they tried blackmailing NATO into dropping Ukraine support.
At the latest.
None of them were surprised that they were meeting on signal.
There's a reason for intolerance of mistakes in the military. Hegseth wants to be a lethal warfighter... welp. He missed on that. He wants to feel like a bad man and play outside the rules... gonna get people killed. Lethal in the wrong way.
They should have kicked him out after the first episode, Democrats just roll with letting themselves be abused.
Unfortunately, that’s how the stupids determine who won.
The Signal leak is more than a glimpse, it’s a blueprint. Trump’s playbook isn’t chaos, it’s control: crush the press, bury diversity, reward obedience, punish defiance. Where loyalty replaces law and truth is whatever power says it is.
How often are they on signal?
The FCC had no power and could not constitutionally be given power to not "let this go from the start" because there is no constitutional basis for it to regulate the content of non-over-the-air media.
Another interesting bit of recent research - most Americans are at the literacy level of 6th graders👨🎓
They determine the winner by who yells the loudest and is most unruly.
Hime’s brought the load and unruly and beat them at their own game.
Good job!
What do people not understand about war plan details including US military personnel movements being shared on an insecure channel IS THE FREAKING MISTAKE?
They used Signal as a SCIF, full stop
Everything else is public relations.
Across all dems and independent politicians fighting for the survival or this country as we know and love it.
More, more, more of this fight and pushback. Every day!
Business as usual. Expect a bonus from Putin
also disallow the republican party from running for any office in the land.
Fuckers trying to throw him under the bus!!
The listener can't hear the truth for the bluster of lies used to muddle the message.
Anything produced by a human is worlds better than the shittiest AI.
Case in point, Shittywatercolor:
So yes, you SHOULD draw it yourself.
I mean, it's the trump administration, so the bar is a tripping hazard for ants.
Anyhow, happy to see a Democrat like Himes fired up and not taking that sh*t.
Fox News is a partisan propaganda show.
Sit down and shut the fuck up.
GQP in a nutshell.
But ... I know ... he is a very ... CREATIVE ... thinker.
It scares the sh** out of myself. 😀
Fck Will Cain
and the thought of them being put in harm's way by
these irresponsible people makes me sick.
I appreciate your son so much.
God I hope 'bone spurs' trump chokes on a big mac.
He is an 🍊💩🤡
2. Disrespectful to gold ⭐ families
3. Literally gave confidential info to Russia
4. Used the Arlington cemetery for marketing op.
5. Doesn't even know which foot has the "spurs"
6. Freed people who invaded the US capitol
7. Too many to list
stole . . .1/2
I think they want a war...and they
wont think twice about killing our military
It scares me so much
I'm praying for military
they deserve better than this
And that is still nothing
Holy fucking shitballs. This fox news host has no fucking idea what he's talking about.
Natural causes of course.
I'd be happy to visit his grave each time in town. With a full bladder naturally.
Encourage your friends to do the same, it's only fair to share the responsibility 🤣
This reminds me of the GOP attacking Biden for leaving behind weaponry in Afghanistan claiming it would lead to dead soldiers.
That’s a hypothetical too and GOP never let it go.
How do these people take themselves seriously?
I'll wait
*Witkof sitting in Russia while on this thread-pure vulnerability & more than likely in Putin’s hands (I get it, they love Putin)
*Our enemies now know how these idiots share top secret info
*Gov’t is in evermore chaos
Of course with the exception of terrorists being killed. Which should be cheered.
I have zero sympathy for anything Houthi related. War and preventing war is not pretty and they'd kill all of our children if they could.
Everytime I hear Pete Buttigieg speak, I am thinking: He is
ALWAYS the smartest guy in the room!
Nothing current is going well for them, thank God, so they whine about insignificant bullshit. They all need to be removed.