I’m shocked.
Reposted from
The New York Times
New accusations emerged that Matt Schlapp, the Conservative Political Action Conference chairman, had groped a man at a bar in Virginia during a gathering of conservatives.
History says
They shived
and sank his boats
Problem solved
Call your Reps and Senate 202-224-3121
But saying he’s NOT gay …
Come on
I lived and worked in San Francisco for decades.
Keep your jockstrap
They are all about forgiveness.
Of white rapists. Just like that last 1000 years.
50 years in prison.
-Christian Nationalists
-MAGA (=>stupid, callous)
-NEW: Sexual Predator
America do you
Hear your children’s
Do hear their tears for
Their father?
Do you hear their pain?
I do, and it’s breaking
My heart every time!
#USABabies #USDemocracy
May you rot in hell.
Conservatives male gropes another male: Liberal media bias.
(Clutches pearls)
This asshole has got to go.
Is this a dominance thing like male dogs humping other male dogs??
"Me thinks he doth protest too much."