Walking over London Bridge this morning, I overhead someone say to two colleagues they'd clearly bumped into: "Look at this beautiful day we have. Who's ready to crush it?" They're out there. They exist
I am fascinated by how often tech services develop marketing examples like this that are based on appealing to a potential user who also works in tech. They're never set in a plumbing supplier or a local authority. Is that really the whole market or do tech people just have no imagination..
For a lo of tech companies the route to success is being bought out by a bigger company, not actually ever sustaining an ordinary profitable business. So other tech workers/bosses are indeed the key marketing audience.
I studied this for my MSc thesis! Tech companies generate institutional isomorphism because a lot of their tools are built originally for internal purposes and then sold externally, or by engineers who assume everyone has the same use cases as them. This then carries thru into their marketing!
Driving through silicon valley is funny because some of the ads on 101 are very micro targeted to certain people in the tech industry. No one else even knows what the ads are for because if you don't understand them, they're not for you
I know, right, it HAS to be, doesn't it? I am also beyond hyped now, but I think not as beyond hyped as Madison, but more beyond hyped than I sense Brian is as I feel he perhaps wouldn't have been as hyped if Mads hadn't said that. Mads has set the mood and I think Brian felt he had to play along.
I think it's all Charlie's fault, tbh. HE's the one who was like "How hyped is everyone?" So Madison opened her big yap, and Brian was like "FFS, well now I gotta join in."
But I'm disappointed no-one was 'MEGA' hyped, tbh. Bit of a let down there, if I'm honest.
There's definitely an issue between Charlie and Madison somewhere here, look how Charlie doesn't even recognise what Mads says and just bangs on about how great Brian and his team are. Crazy. You're right, Charlie's the problem big time. Such a shame, Genesis had so much potential.
The AI transcript should throw in a couple of "Charlie, you're on mute", "Sorry, was that for me? I was just dealing with something Scott's asked me to do"
Let me guess—it’s a startup, everyone in that chat has been there 1-3 years, just enough time for the shiny optimism to curdle into resentment and backstabbing. And naturally, not a single one of them has kids—because who needs a family when you have coworkers?
I assume Project Genesis is for the creation of AI Optimised Pain Shackles for deployment in Troubled Regions and that the next post is a message to slack from the CEO talking vaguely about how it's a Hard Job They Do But Quotas Must Be Set And Customers Satisfied.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, "OK guys, what's our theory of change here?"
But I'm disappointed no-one was 'MEGA' hyped, tbh. Bit of a let down there, if I'm honest.
"FFS let's get out of here and away from these knobheads"
Adds authenticity.
As soon as I sent this, the Bluesky app crashed.
"From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."
“I feel young, Brian”