If you ever encounter a singular explanation for the ongoing success of D&D, it's worth treating with skepticism. If you name a thing that D&D does well, you can usually find several games that do it better. Size & recognition matter, of course, but the brand's been through rough times.
That may not be as true in the TTRPG space, but even there it is the first game I think most people ever tried.
It's been around the longest, and it's been the top of the industry for most of that time.
Also hey Rob!
(Said in jest... mostly)
"Wanna come over for D&D? It's APOCALYPSE WORLD!"
"Oh yeah, the D&D game was REIGN, it was really fun!"
"We're playing a DELTA GREEN game of D&D, bro, it's intense!"
"Did you play that D&D game THIRSTY SWORD LESBIANS?"
And that’s like a super power.
I've tried more complex and realistic systems, and I've tried other settings.
Home Brewed OD&D is still fast and fun.
Make your own world from scratch.
I paid 10 bucks for the LLB's in 1977.
Still really fun to play.
I don't think it's entirely WotC being lazy, I deadass think it's just partly them acknowledging that players are gonna make up their own stuff anyways so why bother beyond the basics?
Let me iterate: that isn't to say WotC *shouldn't* be criticized. Just something to think on.
As for WotC being criticized, I play Magic...I have more than enough to say to them about that 😂
I don't even play MTG and I'm still baffled by the whole Pinkerton thing LOL
Which is doubly important, since a lot of D&D's strengths are its weaknesses.
This is not an attack. It is not, considering the context, even a criticism. It's just the way it's made. Any attempt to produce any kind of coherent explanation for how the fiction of D&D works as a whole is pretty much doomed.
For some players, attempting to make it make sense is very nearly a hobby in its own right. For everyone else, it means EVERY DAMN THING YOU CAN THINK OF fits in there.
D&D literally does not bother. You have rules around spells, but there's no underlying logic of magic. It's just whatever.