Millennials should be intimately aware that complaining that you can't play Mario Kart anymore is an early step towards being just a straight up nazi
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millennials please. please stop this. we were supposed to be better than this
Man I hatee those obnoxious "OnLy 90's KiDs WiLl ReMemBeR!" Posts
I fear every day into turning into that.
Why, on the other hand, are other people from the 80s/90s outright whiny cynics
They remind me of seeing 38 year olds at the club
Things that would invest them in the now and future.
Super Mario Bros. 3 is still good, but it's not like video games got magically "bad" since then
No need to hand out crappy Mad Catz pads to Player 3 and player 4.
There Is so much I haven't seen, I'll never run out
Things we used to love are not just gone and inaccessible now. Nostalgia is a big reason I've gotten into collecting DVDs and CDs for the past few years, the latter of which I had a small but nice collection of in my childhood, too.