Loved the show, immediate reaction was the ending was super busy a little weird, but I've softened on it since. a lot of matches to run back but really hoping Mone and Kris get to do that again.
Honestly I thought one of AEW’s best. After the show I just felt to myself. If you’re not a fan of what AEW is doing. You just don’t like pro wrestling. I still feel that way.
They’re moving into a great direction AEW is right now.
I think it was good, but a lot of the matches felt really same-y and the ending really threw me off. Since the AEW PPVs have all been so good this year I think this is one of my least favorites.
I grew up watching wwe ppvs hoping I would get 1 or 2 great matches & end up being dissapointed most of the time. AEW ppvs are the promised land of wrestling 9/10 I give it.
Same, I always had such high expectations during the attitude era, and realistically the majority of PPVs were not good, basically just extended versions of Raw during 1998 and 1999.
Revolution is still the GOAT to me but it's an AEW PPV so it's a minimum 8/10. Interested for dynamite, especially with the supposed C2 participants. Worlds End may be better.
Solid, solid show. Feels weird to criticize that it was almost too much, but it gave something for everyone and I love the chances they're taking on so many heels winning, making Danny Garcia winning the TNT Title that much sweeter.
I'm really baffled by the complaints about the ending. Everything made sense if you watch the show and pay attention. To me that was easily a 9 maybe 9.5 show--everything delivered in exactly the way it needed to (which isn't always to have a "banger," sometimes it's advancing a story or character).
Not enough match variety but that’s expected because much of the feuds that matches were built on were nascent. Jay White and Hangman should’ve been a street fight. And Danny and Perry should have been a Dynamite/Collision episode. Otherwise solid PPV.
Hanger getting involved at the end has me giddy at the very slight chance that Kenny returns, they become best buds again. I'm fantasy booking and no one can stop me!
Amazing how much The Billy GOAT was willing to give to his boy. Koyle is a made man. Also, I'm not seeing nearly enough people talk about Nana telling Swerve to "CALCULATE IT!!!" before that stomp.
Hello Wrestling Mark my name is Benjamin Harrington Schupp and here are my thoughts about this year's Full Gear last night I really loved it my most favorite matches were Kristen Stadtlander VS Mercedes Varnado and Orange Cassidy VS Jon Moxley, they both really tried their hardest and were great.
8/10. Some truly excellent matches (Stat/Mercedes, Ospreay/Fletcher, Hangman/Switchblade, 4-way, Mox/OC) and moments (Danny's win, Mina and Mariah imploding), but a bit too long and the end was overbooked to hell. Also annoying to only have 1 women's match on the main card and 1 on Zero Hour.
8.5 out of 10. My only issue and that's every AEW ppv, is having too many matches and the pacing. The Perry vs DG match and Ricochet vs Takeshita match the crowd was exhausted and quiet for those 2 matches.
Finally sent the parents back home after a long wekend here and finished FG.
Thought the match of the night was MM v Stat.
Pleased for Garcia and with the Bucks absent interested to see which direction Jack Perry goes.
Swerve story got plenty of legs in it yet, can see him v Benjamin at Worlds End.
Ospreay / Fletcher =the pillars of AEW. I expected nothing less than the banger they gave.
Zero Hr - Kommander needs a huge push. Nobody works the ropes like he does.
Finally someone needs to remind Darby to buckle up when driving.
Another dominant ppv.
The negatives, didn’t care for the Tag match. The Outrunners and HOB are really over and everytime they left the ring it felt like momentum was lost. The ending of the PPV felt a little messy but it is setting up nicely for the chaos of C2 season. Otherwise, the PPV was another belter. 🤘🏻
Really enjoyed , can’t believe no returns or debuts though but a lot of shinnagens at end of show was great ending but I do need to watch last 3 I was falling asleep
It's the hardest PPV to book, Because of the C2 around the corner. But I thought Jay White, Lashley, Statlander, and Fletcher all left memorable impressions.
One other thing. Everybody is looking for the next lucha star, my eyes are telling me it's Komander.
Great show. Stat/Mone, Fletcher/Ospreay were the best matches of the night. Main event was good but not as good as Mox/OC 1 or 2. Pretty clear darby's beating Mox before getting cashed in on it seems.
I’m still an 8.5 out of 10. Very good, almost every match was a 4+ star match. I understood the Mina/Mariah thing but felt like it should have been Dynamite/Collision. Was frustrated by the zero hour Purazzo match, I think they need to set her up better. #AEWFullGear
It was really good. Especially the Ospreay v Fletcher match. I'm not so sure on the main event finish. I guess it did tell us that Hangman, White, & Christian are going to come after Moxley soon though.
Thrilled with it honestly. One of my favorites. I’m used to having highlights from AEW PPVS but not to feeling this invested much every storyline and angle. It stuck the landing on a couple of things where it really had to imo. Also Mercedes/Stat was a revelation.
Great matches - feel like we could’ve pulled the trigger on THE ACCLAIMED and some other storylines in a more impactful way instead of slow-playing stuff
I don't judge ppvs against each other but personally I thought it was awesome. IMO There was a reason TK didn't originally book Take/Rico on the show because he thought it might be too similar to Ospreay/Fletcher but fans bitch and moaned.. and it ended up getting on the show and it struggled a bit
I missed it but based on the reactions from what I saw on here, it was amazing. I know there was some concern with the tag finish and the Stat/Moné finish but other than that, everything else seemed to go over relatively well.
The first 2 matches didn’t do it for me. The PPV really got started with the Mercedes/Statlander match. Wouldn’t say it’s an all timer AEW PPV but it really solid and hella entertaining. Loved it.
But i have a question ?
Why the PPV was so great that people on the other platform largely hated it Including BOTS AND GRIFTERS !!!
JerkfromNowhere list this PPV as the worst PPV of 2024.
people didn't stop from doing it and im fuckin sick of it.
I really enjoyed this ppv
Full Gear was fuckin awesome
Mercedes had one of the best matches in her career against statlander
Everything about Ospreay and Fletcher was banger
I gave this ppv 9.5/10
I don’t want Darby to be the one. I want it to be face omega vs heel mox and Kenny wins it in an exploding Barbwire death match. That way they can write that wrong too.
I thought it was a good PPV. Osprey/Fletcher stole the show. Mone'/Stat was a banger. All of the matches were good. The end was a bit overbooked for my taste.
Very good show. First test is the 4 hrs flew by. Loved everything about Ospreay/Fletcher. Had high expectations for Mercedes/Stat but they even exceeded those. OC/Mox was booked perfectly to make both look strong. Great drama throughout. High bar for AEW ppv so not great but very very good.
Personally I think it was the worst ppv of the year but because it's AEW it was still very good. The floor for an AEW PPV is outrageously high. Great in ring action. Some of the story beats felt messy to me.
IMO, AEW has had maybe one PPV that's a 7/10, most of their shows are 8/10 minimum, and that trend continued last night. Statlander/Mone was incredible, so was Ricochet/Takeshita, Ospreay/Fletcher was insane, and loved the storyline progression/Garcia winning the title. Some great stuff.
banger ass ppv from top to bottom imo.. i enjoyed every match on the main card. missed some of the pre-show. and mercedes had a banger match finally against stat
1. Kyle Killmonger Fletcher vs. Konosuke Takeshita for the International is gonna feed families. I can't wait for Konosuke to turn on Don Callis, only for Fletcher to keep the title in house. Ospreay is such an amazing pro wrestler. Fletcher's getting the same rub Takeshita got after beating Kenny.
2. Mercedes Mone neeeeeeeded that match AND that win. She's an all-time great in the ring but people forget bc she's smothered with gimmicks and bad mic stuff. She's a legend because of the ring work, and beating Statlander clean was a huge win for her. the "CEO" needed that.
3. I wanna see the AEW World title. Hidden in a suitcase makes it harder to remember that Moxley is actually the champion. As soon as Orange Cassidy said "I'm gonna take that belt out of that suitcase and put it in my backpack" I knew he was losing. Also the end was soooo overbooked and clunky.
Look, yes, they're both stunning looking people. But so is Anthony Bowens and he gets to wrestle. Swerve is beautiful too but he gets to wrestle. There needed to be more than one women's match on the card. AEW needs to get out of its adolescence re: women.
5. Speaking of Swerve, LOVED that the co-main event was Swerve vs. Lashley. TK really is HIM at promoting Black talent, and on a card like this tonight, TNT and International belts on the line, TBS title even could've been co-main. That it was Swerve vs. Lashley was great, and they did well.
My kneejerk review is that there were a lot of better AEW shows through out the year but I ultimately have a positive outlook on it since I kinda expected not a lot of things to be paid off but be a bigger stepping stone and whaddaya know I got exactly what I expected but in a good way
Full Gear was an amazing show! I feel sad about Orange Cassidy, but i totally get it. The amount of chaos and stories intersecting was really cool at the end. It really opens up Moxley to different challengers, like Christian Cage and Darby.
Very enjoyable ppv, wasn't crazy about the main event but Willow returning and the post-match insanity more than made up for it. Putting over Fletcher and White was 100% the right call for going forward.
That ending was....something. Between the incredibly unnecessary and downright vile cleaning fluid spot to the absolute nonsense that even the announce table had issues dealing with...what was that ending? LMAO.
Of the matches I saw:
- Perry vs Garcia: Sicko shit, good stuff
- Kris vs Sasha: Kris did such a hard carry she blew out her knee
- Soup vs Rico: That 20 minutes felt like a year, Take did what was required of him though and just killed Rico
- Swerve vs Bobby: a better "big dude murders a guy" match
- Roddy vs MJF: Another oddly paced one but the post-match was a sweet payoff
- Lesbian Champagne Hour: roughly executed, not nearly as impactful as Mariah stiletto-murdering Toni
- 4-way tag match: didn't watch it, but couldn't help but notice like it seemed the crowd was not with the result
OC vs Moxley: exactly the kind of match that needed to happen. OC was right: Moxley truly needed all the help he could get to stop the murderous little fruit. Absolutely bloody, violent, chock full of spots, that hope pin was ELECTRIC, Death Riders running scared after nearly losing was great.
It was very good, far from the best this year but with a bar set so high I’m not surprised. I’m still happy with the 7/10 rating I gave immediately after.
I'm with you. The matches were good. Didn't have a lot of big feelings for the most part outside of Danny winning, Kyle/will and several UGH moments. Thought the end was a mess but overall still a good show. Womens match was absolutely killer, shame there wasn't more of them.
yeah, on 10-12 match cards there's got to be three women's matches minimum, even if one is a throwaway all-star trios or something, they've got the roster for it and plenty of TV time to build several matches for each PPV no bother
I’ve just finished catching up on the second half & I have to say that was a killer PPV from start to finish. Not a single dull match, stories moved further along/completed & I’m so glad Willow’s back & will likely be Marinas first feud! 🔥🤼♂️
The only thing I can think is that it's an in for the Elite, who are supposedly coming back as baby faces. Otherwise, it seems odd as Hangman is a heel in current storyline.
I think Full Gear struck a really nice balance between paying off their current storylines (Daniel winning the title) while planting enough seeds for their next run of PPVs (the ending segment, as messy as it was)
For me full gear always delivers even though there was some matches that kind of let me down but you know it is what it is but had a lot of fun with it especially with that ending
Probably ranks somewhere in the bottom half of their 2024 PPVs for me but all great stuff
Did not expect Mercedes & Statlander to put on the absolute banger that they did
They get the Match of the Night That Doesn't Feature Will Ospreay award from me for this PPV
They’re moving into a great direction AEW is right now.
No need anymore for Caster and Friedman. OC can have a break too.
Let Roddy rock alone.
Will and Kyle was a masterpiece.
Takeshita forever
We want Mina!
Mercedes is the womens mvp.
We hurt people.
Pumped for the CC
Jay White has to be the next world champ.
Thought the match of the night was MM v Stat.
Pleased for Garcia and with the Bucks absent interested to see which direction Jack Perry goes.
Swerve story got plenty of legs in it yet, can see him v Benjamin at Worlds End.
Zero Hr - Kommander needs a huge push. Nobody works the ropes like he does.
Finally someone needs to remind Darby to buckle up when driving.
Another dominant ppv.
Overall I'll rate the PPV 8.5/10
One other thing. Everybody is looking for the next lucha star, my eyes are telling me it's Komander.
Maybe they are saving those to kick off 2025. 🤷🏻♀️
Mone. Pressure is off. Hope folk back off.
Ppv will be remembered for the buzz (Nov Rain, CostCo).
However the end looked like they're where they want to be.
"Now we start.....".
Why the PPV was so great that people on the other platform largely hated it Including BOTS AND GRIFTERS !!!
JerkfromNowhere list this PPV as the worst PPV of 2024.
people didn't stop from doing it and im fuckin sick of it.
Full Gear was fuckin awesome
Mercedes had one of the best matches in her career against statlander
Everything about Ospreay and Fletcher was banger
I gave this ppv 9.5/10
It's a good problem to have honestly, when your "worst" show of the year is a 7/10
By which I'm mainly talking about the Deathrider storyline still lacking clear direction and the C2 being promoted on Sunday socials.
Definitely my match of the night has to go to Mercedes vs. Kris. The crowd in the end of was eating this up! 🔥
Loved the way that Mox didn't seem to want too much to do with Hangman, that eventual Elite reunion with omega is going to hit like crack
Look, yes, they're both stunning looking people. But so is Anthony Bowens and he gets to wrestle. Swerve is beautiful too but he gets to wrestle. There needed to be more than one women's match on the card. AEW needs to get out of its adolescence re: women.
So, I got a broader statement and one specific targeted one haha -
Can’t remember the last time, I was this worked up over pro-wrestling.
I’m bouta crash out
#AEWFullGear ⚙️⚡️⚡️
yet, I am so, so, sooo infinitely happy that it is finally Daniel Garcia’s Time.l
The match was fucking great, but...
- Perry vs Garcia: Sicko shit, good stuff
- Kris vs Sasha: Kris did such a hard carry she blew out her knee
- Soup vs Rico: That 20 minutes felt like a year, Take did what was required of him though and just killed Rico
- Swerve vs Bobby: a better "big dude murders a guy" match
- Lesbian Champagne Hour: roughly executed, not nearly as impactful as Mariah stiletto-murdering Toni
- 4-way tag match: didn't watch it, but couldn't help but notice like it seemed the crowd was not with the result
There are too many great women on the roster to have just a single match for them and then a segment that could have been on Dynamite
But loooooooove Mina, ready for her and Mariah to cook
Apart from that amazing PPV