Yes, three people that AEW fans wouldn’t notice or particularly care if they were off TV for 18 months is ‘losing stars fast’
Whatculture has become to wrestling what Joe Rogan has to common sense
Whatculture has become to wrestling what Joe Rogan has to common sense
I do hate that most YouTube channels are forced to make headlines like this to play to the algorithm. No reason to get all worked up.
Worst thing about them is how pious they are. They act like they're above the whole bad faith grifter thing when they're among the worst offenders
All three of them are top-tier mid-card wrestlers. I'm just telling the truth.
They will be front and centre. After 7 months, people will say. I forgot their on the roster
headlines are supposes to draw you in right?
they have fun with them
you know what is worse when people post pictures instead of a link to try and generate drama that is not there.
Fuck off I'm not giving them my screen time or any ad revenue.
They’ve gone from objective and funny to angry and low brow. Not for me, I can’t believe they’re still going tbf
Top 10 Blag "News" Websites Who Swapped Integrity for Meagre Access.
Shit on AEW = Get the views. It’s a formula and they’ve perfected it. BUT what they haven’t realised is once WWE stans eventually get bored of it and stop watching, us AEW fans will remember and never tune in.
AEW releases 3 people, 2 of which haven't been on tv for months: OMG! ITS A MASS EXODUS LIKE ALL JAPAN IN THE 90s! AEW IS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS!!
One based in Luxembourg
Banking companies meaning
Sure they been connected to something dodging
Or the got bought out again??
Wrestletalk still the worst
Middle class twats
Now they’re a hot mess