Each book is a calligraphic masterpiece written one letter at a time by an individual monk in a hidden monastery neighboring Tibet. It takes 32 years to complete unless the monk dies before finishing it. Then, the book is assigned to another monk who starts a new book.
...tRump's still negotiating his fee for writing the forward...winning? Besides, reader won't learn much, every other page will be meme coins solicitations 🤬
That’s nothing. Last week I ordered a book called How to Cope with Disappointment.
I waited 3 days for it, but when it finally arrived, I opened it up only to find all the pages were completely blank
A couple of years ago a artist was commissioned a lot of money to recreate one of his old paintings where he put a bunch of old money on a canvas so they gave him x amount of money to redo it.
Instead he gave them a blank canvas and titled it take the money and run.
I’d lend you my copy, but I promised to read it to my poor old mother later, when I visit her in the hospital. She’s trying to be brave, but…Oh! I’m sorry, listen to me going on about my problems when you need help too.
Each book is a calligraphic masterpiece written one letter at a time by an individual monk in a hidden monastery neighboring Tibet. It takes 32 years to complete unless the monk dies before finishing it. Then, the book is assigned to another monk who starts a new book.
Just need your banking details and we'll have that off to you in a jiffy.
Good one.
I accidently got your book, just venmo the shipping fee from sweden - and I send it to you. Like soon.
I waited 3 days for it, but when it finally arrived, I opened it up only to find all the pages were completely blank
First day of DST is always a lost day for me!
Instead he gave them a blank canvas and titled it take the money and run.
Then I have a bridge you might want to buy... 🤔😁😈
So i donated my car to chaity that helps.homeless people instead 🍀🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊