You control the weather, you can control the dogs!
(my cats think I control the weather. When it's raining, I have 5 minutes to make it stop - and they insist on checking every 5 until it changes...)
My cat Nigel stared dismally at the rain on the back patio one day, then chivvied me to the front door, clearly hoping for different weather conditions outside that one. Poor Nigel was bitterly disappointed.
And that lack of control is precisely his complaint. I have to agree with Swords and Sandals that you are at fault. If you had taken over the world properly as expected of any decent cat secretary, this would not have happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(my cats think I control the weather. When it's raining, I have 5 minutes to make it stop - and they insist on checking every 5 until it changes...)
But Sandal knows the truth.
Sandal knows.
(sending you love anyway, Dave)