Today, the GOP frontrunner for president said, "A president...must have full immunity…even events that 'cross the line' must fall under total immunity."
I'm really tired of hearing about "law & order" from these people.
No matter what he thinks, Trump is not above the law.
I'm really tired of hearing about "law & order" from these people.
No matter what he thinks, Trump is not above the law.
This applies to anyone in a governing role, any law enforcement officer in any jurisdiction, any judge regardless of which court they're appointed to.
All of them, every single one, no exceptions.
Chances are even money that he'll be given the opportunity to pardon himself of any federal charges next year.
I've stopped believing in justice. It's less disappointing.
is an #anagram of
"Above the Law"
Wishful thinking by Mr. Law and Order.
That man is a criminal lunatic.