People who own company stock can vote against pay at company's annual meetings. It does make a difference, & is part of the reason the degree of slope has come down a little bit. If you are in a pension fund, a note to tell them abou that is a good idea.
Please Robert, warn everyone about President Milei, the “chainsaw” of Argentina who’s visiting Mar a Lago.
Trump/Elon want to follow Milei’s model of gutting govt budgets, depts, benefits & even PENSIONS. 10 months later, 52% of their pop live in poverty.
Milei is a madman. He’s Trump’s “fav prez”
But, they *need* all that extra compensation because of the added risk that they have to take.
**Checks notes**
What is a "golden parachute"? "guaranteed salary"?
Anybody? crickets... ?
lol try bringing that up with the typical boss though. There’s nothing & nobody to protect workers in smaller companies, which almost everybody I know, works for.
The bitching about it times ended when we left Twitter.
What can we DO? I’m ready now.
Trump/Elon want to follow Milei’s model of gutting govt budgets, depts, benefits & even PENSIONS. 10 months later, 52% of their pop live in poverty.
Milei is a madman. He’s Trump’s “fav prez”
**Checks notes**
What is a "golden parachute"? "guaranteed salary"?
Anybody? crickets... ?
The great depression & WWII set us straight
Every since then we've headed back down