Include me PLUS my 4 children, plus their spouses, PLUS 7 grandchildren.
Even the younger ones will learn about the power of "hitting them in the pocketbook". Singling out specific companies will make this unsustainable. What makes a small organization the arbiter of the worst offenders? Why is Nestlé (which ranks high on third-party sustainability indices) a major target, and not Tyson Foods?
A general monthly consumer boycott against major corporations could catch on without the controversy. To be accompanied by few specific general demands (campaign finance reforms, taxes) to avoid the ‘occupy wallstreet’ debacle.
Disgraceful. I have no specific fondness for Nestlé. Just but dont think a boycott can gain mass support if too many fairly subjective criteria are used to single out indiv companies.
FWIW, I’d be in favor for that single criterium to be continued presence in Russia. But it could also be requiring companies support to overturn Citizens United or tax reform & CEO pay. Just not all at once imo
If you’ve been wondering “ what can I, one person, do to make my voice heard and save democracy?”; This IS one thing you can do today.
Tomorrow you can go to and ask for information on your local chapter. Or just donate. Each of us must do our part.
One day is not enough.
Money will be spent the following day.
For a protest to work, we must Boycott all of Trumps' & the GOP's DONORS businesses and services for as long as it takes.
I've been searching out minority owned small businesses in my community. There's some amazing people with great products and services. And guess what, you can actually have a relationship with them
Please try this in your own communities, trust me, you'll love it
With all due respect, NO ONE will do this. They'll tell you they did but in the end, they'll justify spending. For the past few generations, Dems have been incapable of effecting change via boycott. IF I'M WRONG, come right back here and tell me all about it. But I'm confident you won't be able to.😞
I can live without some of the commercial web. #BoycottAmazon #BoycottMeta #BoycottAlphabet there are a few better alternatives to these 3 behemoths. #homelab
Don't just stop at tomorrow. Do it for a month, a year, the rest of your life. If they are not worth shopping at tomorrow, they are not worth shopping at.
With all due respect, boycotts need to be sustained to have an impact-just as our protests and assemblies and strikes must be sustained to be effective. Otherwise they are just performative. Can you call for this to go on longer?
Well — I haven't shopped at Walmart since 1993. Granted, my boycott if Amazon is a bit shorter as I only cancelled prime in January — but have quickly realized how little I actually need from them.
What about the idea of purposefully spending at small and local business today? Seek them out. Experiment with where you can shift your regular spending permanently. What could replace the bigger companies for you regularly?
No point if you spend what you would have with the same big biz tomorrow.
Remember: If you’re planning to participate in this economic blackout, you should also block automatic payments by locking your credit cards/bank accounts for the day.
Think about buying used. I don't want to use FaceBook, but Marketplace has a wide audience and a wide selection of stuff where the profit already went to the big corps. Craigslist too. Just be careful. Meet in a public place if the vibe is creepy, or look elsewhere. Reduce, reuse, recycle!
Anybody near VT that wants to kill time not shopping can come to the town green in Warren to welcome JD Vance on his way in to ski. Bring your cowbell! He’s here til Sunday.
The Legislative Branch has failed as a check on the President. GOP officials are afraid to deviate from Trump’s orders. The oligarchs threaten to primary them. The J6ers threaten them physically. We need massive peaceful protests to help them find the courage to take back power.
The media, people in general ask why, how, so many of politicians, McConnell, Vance, etc. the list goes on, who at first hated the Dear Leader, and now kiss his ring??!!
IMO FWIW it’s got a lot to do about that YELLOW stripe down their backs! The American GOP (Republicans) are cowards.
Bazos is just pissed me off beyond all belief,he pissed me off with the editorial chickened out during the election.Now he wants to only editorials printed that he considers on his viewpoint, no taking on the man. I spent most of the day setting up my shopping on Walmart website to cut my prime down
Bezos is getting out of control, I truly want to get rid of prime and everything that he represents.It's so entwined in my life,I do like the entertainment.What does one do, I guess I have to say f** it. Just give it up and see if it makes a dent in this mental f****** billionaire's head,indifferent
This is our problem. We finance them with our endless spending. Trade, barter, share, shop second hand stores and stop endless spending starve these shitbag oligarchs to oblivion. They only understand money so give them as little of your hard earned money as possible!!!
Not just one day for me! I cancelled Amazon on inauguration day and will boycott any and all companies or products supporting this coup. Democracy deserves more than one day. This includes all stocks in any companies either. I have liquidated my stock portfolio of traitors to democracy!!
Instead of making purchases, reach out to non-profit groups that have been impacted most by cuts. Volunteer at a food bank, local homeless shelter, an after school program. Show them that we care about them and they’ve not been forgotten. Give back to those most vulnerable and in need.
As the last wisps of moonlight danced across his face, he slowly lifted the mask that had shrouded his true self for so long, revealing the haunting contours of a soul that had been hidden in plain sight.
Completely stopped making new purchases on Amazon after seeing the mass firings of federal employees. How they are treating folks working for the government is unacceptable. Will also participate in the black out.
THIS! As many as possible should extend their boycott as long as possible. Sustained protest is the best msg, as these mega-conglomerates can just sit back and enjoy that revenue the day before/after. I know consumerism is a way of life in the US, but they're still winning even when they're losing.
I deleted my Facebook account afterfirst tRump election. I deleted Twitter account day musk bought it. I started boycotting Amazon years ago. I don’t have gmail or chrome any more and I even deleted Apple Maps after the switched to Gulf of America.
Yup! I’ve used Firefox with duckgo for a few years now. That’s perfectly fine. Just switched to Mapquest but it seems sad. I’m wondering what the Europeans and Canadians will be using. I want what they’ll be having.
Came across a recommendation on here for this one last week. Will be looking into it.
Regards, another long-time Firefox + Duckduckgo user.
One of my authors said, " novels are only available on Amazon right now. I am also staying with them because the company is more than their oligarch boss. I know many of the KDP management and they are very good people."
That's good information, however that article is a little over four years old. I would welcome more recent information. I don't use it much myself because I like sci-fi on an e-reader and they don't have much.
None of these businesses are our friends, they just spent marketing money to manufacture a parasocial relationship. You may have to settle for “less bad guys” because of how power and influence make guys worse
Definitely not our friends. It should be obvious that the tech bros will immediately turn over anything the tRump admin requests and the Supreme Court will not protect us. I don’t know if I can even trust our data with Apple any more.
And & says (good follows!)
Hi💟💟 I'm sorry
I’m Diana. My family and I are facing very difficult circumstances in Gaza, and we need your help. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our lives. If you can contribute or even share this message, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you very much ❤️❤️
After the election, I noticed right away Walmart went up a few bucks. So, I started to prepare for his tariff crap. So far, I have saved, and all Xmas was locally made. I cut out maga family, so that was a savings, too 😆
I’m curious to see if Musk will pour billions into the economy tomorrow to make it seem like they outnumber us. There are more of us than the oligarchs. We have the real power.
Robert, I doubt you check your comments or have the time to reply; I envision a time where we boycott professional sports for an entire YEAR until we get health care, a living wage, and end the homeless crisis. Sadly, we’re addicted to the distractions and not the search for solutions.
Great day to cancel all your subscriptions to organizations that are profiting from our collective pain.
Disney, Hulu, Peacock, Amazon, Walmart, Paramount, Meta, X, Rotten Tomatoes, ESPN and on and on.
Boycott is a good way to show displeasure. Additional other means exist too. Violent protests will give him an excuse for martial law. We need to target our displeasure and anger in a positive way. If done right, we will get change we desire!
Canadian boycott is forever now.
I'm so glad that I have two pairs of Levi 501s that will still be strong for years to come.
Hand wash a couple of times a year.
First and foremost if you contribute to a candidate’s campaign, it has to go into a general fund. And that whoever is running gets the same amount of money. We have to ensure that this situation we have today never happens again! Period!
Not purchasing for a day is normal for poor folk. How about general strike?
"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed". Abraham Lincoln
Imagine the economy as a tire. Trump put a nail in it and is going on a joy ride. The passengers in the backseat aren’t seeing the warning light. They won’t notice til the tire is flat. A one day economic shut down may not cause them to insist he finally pull over but we can take down the PSI.
I've seen some describe it as an opportunity to assess how one shops overall. Change habits. Choose local over big chains. Buy less unnecessary stuff. Less consumerism. Just what you need.
Also boycott the Federal Parks system to ding Trumps plans. "In 2023, the parks generated $55.6 billion in economic output for the U.S. economy. This economic impact supported 415,000 jobs" ..many of whom have now been fired by Musk. Boycott the Federal Parks and go to the State Parks instead.
From 🇨🇦
Personally, we’re setting our #AmazonPrime account to not auto renew. This isn’t an easy thing for me, but I feel I’ve got my priorities straight.
I’ll probably get out of the house more and learn about what’s available locally.
Also, we do have Costco 👍🏼
DOGE is now a verb. Example- "I'm gonna doge this test-hadn't been to class, didn't buy the text (not a comic), of course didn't study. But goddamn, I sure can scurry around aimlessly." Also an adjective- doge shit is what's thrown on the nursery wall to see what sticks.
Would you please help me in donating or sharing this? I'm from G@za , I lost everything in the war , please help me feed my family and rebuild our lives once again
Get what you need NOW...
STARTING TONIGHT 2/27/2025 @11:59 THRU 2/28/2025 @12 MIDNIGHT. NO SHOPPING. NO SPENDING MONEY (small businesses, ok). NO SOCIAL MEDIA (except Bluesky & Youtube)
When you don’t have a job, have been looking for six months, and are the sole earner for your family you tend to not spend anything beyond necessities anyway but I hope the strike is successful.
I've been mindful where I spend for a few years now. I haven't bought from Amazon for years. Our household is in the UK but we'll be taking part in the boycott with you. Stay safe folks. Sending best wishes!
Thanks Don
Even the younger ones will learn about the power of "hitting them in the pocketbook".
Just because I’m far away, doesn’t mean I can’t stand up for what’s right.
As I’ve said before, please excuse my language, but quei nazisti devono andare a vaffanculare
Tomorrow you can go to and ask for information on your local chapter. Or just donate. Each of us must do our part.
Canada is sorta kinda doing the same thing, although for us, it's about random tariffs thrown at us for completely made-up reasons.
Keep your eyes on the puck!
Money will be spent the following day.
For a protest to work, we must Boycott all of Trumps' & the GOP's DONORS businesses and services for as long as it takes.
Retailers obsessively track daily sales; they *will* notice our (in)action.
I've been searching out minority owned small businesses in my community. There's some amazing people with great products and services. And guess what, you can actually have a relationship with them
Please try this in your own communities, trust me, you'll love it
Get everything you need today.
No Cheating
Or it won't work.
We need to be out in the streets resisting, showing them that we cannot be stolen from or controlled
It'll be bigger and longer in future. We have to start somewhere.
We should do more of these! 😭
No point if you spend what you would have with the same big biz tomorrow.
Big Tech has failed us completely .
I'm gone for good.
No more X, Meta, Amazon, etc for me.
Why are you using it?
IMO FWIW it’s got a lot to do about that YELLOW stripe down their backs! The American GOP (Republicans) are cowards.
We corporate America. And back to
We the people!
Who are the good guys?!?
Regards, another long-time Firefox + Duckduckgo user.
And & says (good follows!)
I’m Diana. My family and I are facing very difficult circumstances in Gaza, and we need your help. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our lives. If you can contribute or even share this message, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you very much ❤️❤️
How will we know re Amazon or other antagonist retailers?
It would require
Comps to prior weeks, months years
A true fiscal assessment
Start where are ~ do what you can!
Stay peacefully, but steadfast!
Bite the bastards hard, where it hurts. Do it every day until they bleed out.
Blue state federal tax strikes based on constitutional compliance. States rights. That's the second layer general strike.
Disney, Hulu, Peacock, Amazon, Walmart, Paramount, Meta, X, Rotten Tomatoes, ESPN and on and on.
I'm so glad that I have two pairs of Levi 501s that will still be strong for years to come.
Hand wash a couple of times a year.
Thank you!
(Please keep giving us heads up on actions/boycotts/protests/rallies, etc. You have a big reach and could help people get involved.)
"People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people". 🙏
"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed". Abraham Lincoln
Remeber our power. Shut it all down.
I am unconvinced it will send that message.
I only need food and personal necessities. No more “stuff”
And since I’ve ditched my car , no more gas or insurance
People only have four powerful tools to create change:
📢 Protest
💰 Boycott
✊ Organize
🚫 Strike
When we move together.
Rattle the windows of the oligarchy.
Tomorrow, February 28th
Our first chance to show solidarity.
Take part!
Post on social media to your reps.
Be unbreakable.
❌️No Shopping for 24H!❌️
🔥✊️LET'S DO THIS!✊️🔥
🔥Kick Those
Where It HURTS💰!
Tesla sales in Europe have almost halved 😁, and hopefully, they keep dropping. We don’t "like" Musk and don’t want him meddling in our affairs. 🤑🤮🤬
Personally, we’re setting our #AmazonPrime account to not auto renew. This isn’t an easy thing for me, but I feel I’ve got my priorities straight.
I’ll probably get out of the house more and learn about what’s available locally.
Also, we do have Costco 👍🏼
Except it wasn't a boycott. It was simply a practice of daily habit.
That's my problem with these silly "protests". There's no challenge and no impact when you can move your commerce to an adjoining day. silly old person.
Consumer Buying "is never' The protest..
THEY PAY YOU to 'work",..not TO FUCKING BUY!!!
J F C !!!
Catch up,..old man.
STARTING TONIGHT 2/27/2025 @11:59 THRU 2/28/2025 @12 MIDNIGHT. NO SHOPPING. NO SPENDING MONEY (small businesses, ok). NO SOCIAL MEDIA (except Bluesky & Youtube)
Cut taxes $4.5 trillion*
Cut costs $2.0 trillion**
Eliminate deficit in 4yrs
* mostly for the rich
**mostly for the poor
I’ve never argued that Trump was smart but based on the above, I’m shocked that he can dress himself.
Boycotts only work, when you continue: skip one day and buy twice the next, does nothing. So, *start* tomorrow!
Also: carrot *and* stick. Boycott the bad, support the good, reward positive changes.