The 100 lowest-paying major US corporations spent $522B on stock buybacks from 2019 to 2023.
Buybacks artificially boost share prices and inflate CEO pay.
The typical worker at these companies earned just $34k.
Meanwhile, the average CEO was paid $14.7M.
See the problem?
Buybacks artificially boost share prices and inflate CEO pay.
The typical worker at these companies earned just $34k.
Meanwhile, the average CEO was paid $14.7M.
See the problem?
Reagan was a dick.
So, we have something to vote for.
5 states haven't adopted a state min. wage. 3 states have a min. wage below $7.25. In all 8 of these states, the federal min. wage of $7.25 per hour generally applies.,$7.25%20per%20hour%20generally%20applies.
Stock buybacks are the least of our worries.
Canada is also worried, as is Ukraine.
Corporations must payback the government what they’ve gouged from the social welfare system to artificially increase profits and pay shareholders ‼️
For real though that’s insane. It’s time to start valuing human life again.
He has spent his entire life predicting this, that and the other thing. And not always being Nostradamus at it either.
Another day. Yet another lie. Probably one of many over the next 24 hours.
Corporate Welfare.
Ronald Reagan was the worst thing to happen to America!
Nothing we are experiencing today is possible without that monster!
- Iran Contra🤷🤬
- Trickle Down Theory 🤷🤦♂️🤬🤬🤬
- Logan Act violations pre-election by negotiating the release of hostages with Iran (Making Carter look weak on the topic)
- Ending the Fairness Doctrine
- Just say "No"
JFC! "Saint Reagan" is the patron saint of assholes.🤬
who changed the law to make it legal?
Reagan - of course.
so much of the ruin of america started with that mf-cker.
why did we allow republicans to destroy everything rational and good about this country for the last 45 years?
they saw the chance to hook up with oligarchs and undo everything FDR did.
We have 300+ signatures in 48 hours!
Floridians, join me!!!
Florida doesn’t have a recall mechanism for Senators, but since we’re ignoring the rules….
Let’s remove this fraud, waste and abuse. Let’s raise our collective voice and send a message!!!
But I don't believe that anymore.
I have made a print called America jumps the shark.
What would companies do with profits then?