"True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.” —FDR, 1944
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Robert! The $36T national debt is impossible to payoff.
Consider that all of "this" (all of it) just has to do w Trump/Musk/Billionaires trying to restructure/renegotiate our $36T in debt? Pennies to the dollar!
Trump has always billed himself as the "Debt King", has anything really changed?
The more you people hyperventilate the more lunacy ensues. Burning and vandalizing other American's property, the riots of 2020 you ignore and J6 gave you Marxists license to think you can do anything you want with no consequences. How's that working out for all of you so far?
Isn't it very odd that the President who always used the stock mkt as his approval guage suddenly doesn't want to talk about it??
He says their will be a Transition and pain is necessary. The pain will be felt by all stock holders and the public while his cronies privatize all govt services.
Here's an idea, a way to end poverty in America, leading us a little closer to equality, and equity inclusion When suing Musk and the tRump administration. One convicted, we take $350,000,000 and give every person in America a Million dollars, doesn't matter economic status, clear across the board.
Estimates are between 330 million and 355 million people in America and other countries that they live in, including the homeless.
Any left could be used in services.
Well the orange numpty is doing his best to increase those in favor of dictatorship. The number of people out of a job and hungry is increasing every day Trump is in office.
The nazis surrendered to the USSR. Total victory by the glorious red army partisans. Communism socialism saved us all from speaking German today.
Communism socialism is the solution for us imperialist fascist problems again today No room for zionists capitalists. Oligarchs
Well, picking propagandist Trump will get you the opposite.
He believes he's King. Now what? How are you going to undo this and set yourself back on the path to democracy US?
The world is watching you fall to criminal Mega MAGA Donald Fricken Trump and the convicts he pardoned.
You allowed this.👎👎
We waste a lot of talent because of our stupid government. Hopefully we can replace a lot of those government people who think the RICH need more money. 🐱 bye bye Schumer!
Yeah well Obama should have thought of that before he bailed out Wall Street and let Americans lose their homes and their jobs. This is the direct line to Trump.
In my humble opinion, democracy and capitalism cannot coexist. When "everything is for sale" that means the democratically elected representatives. No amount of legislation can change that
Republicans are trying to deprive us of our basic needs to fuel hate and division. We must support each other. We must continue to protest with our wallets and not use their platforms, don't buy their brands/use their services. Force businesses that support republicans to withdraw support.
"The ideal subject of
totalitarian rule is not
the convinced nazi or the
committed communist,
but people for whom the
distinction between
fact and fiction, true and
wrong, no more
Yup, that’s their plan. But We the ppl are pretty over it- lots of beautiful resistance is happening. Here’s an option if yr ready to get loud on the streets— Sat., 4/5, nationwide protests. Use the event locator. If none near you, do yr own w/ 2 or 200 friends. Let’s go! https://bsky.app/profile/henl...
Will one reporter please ask President Trump, why the fabulously wealthy need another tax break when there are poor Americans suffering. Americans first? Or the wealthy first?
So many wants to discuss freedom, isn't there? Nazis: "Yes, but providing economic security and independence to the people limits the freedom of the fascist leader to use those people to express his remarkable will."
As I'm sure you know, now that the US is an oligarchy, politicians don't care about the welfare of ordinary people except at election time, when they make promises they know they can't or won't keep.
It’s frightening that this just as easily could have been said by Trump rather than FDR. Unfortunately, for Trump it’s a strategy toward ultimate power while it was a horror and consternation to Roosevelt.
A platform of policies to redistribute wealth to the working class! Need the basics covered. Need tax reform. To get that we need campaign finance reform.
Trump attacked Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) for opposing a funding bill, calling him a "grandstander." But Massie stands for principles and transparency—unlike Jim Jordan and other corrupt, self-serving GOP traitors. Massie is a hero. Trump is a zero.
This is what the Harris campaign failed to tap into. The Dem party as a whole does a terrible job of helping Americans understand how GOP policies hurt average people by cutting education funding, privatizing public services, etc. And then they don’t legislate freedoms into law. And here we are.
Yep. And here we are. FOTUS is spitting on the Constitution & the law. No one is stopping him. The coup has happened, and America is carrying on as if everything is fine and dandy. Watch any news, even local news. Would anyone know that we are now a fascist country? The rest of the world sure does!
Trump is trying to kill off the poor and make the kids of their enemies and the poor stupid. They are stealing our tax dollars to make themselves rich and in the process killing Americans and people who want to be Americans. It’s time to change the direction.
It is in the wake of insecurities that dictatorships rise. What we are witnessing is an aspiring dictator creating insecurities to fulfil his aspirations. No, this movie won't play in reverse.
the bigger rhetorical project here is to redefine what freedom is in the american mind. it’s not just getting rid of barriers. it’s also enabling ppl to live how they want. Are you free if you are worried if you or a familiar member gets sick, you can loose everything? tim snyder’s “on freedom”
They’re gonna find out the hard way because this isn’t even 1944 anymore, at that, and the economic disparity between the rich and other classes has NEVER been greater.
We old people who live from SS direct deposit to direct deposit are no longer free. Living under Democratic Presidents, we felt, if nothing else, hopeful. Now we live in fear of whatever ideas #trump&fiends get while sitting on the toilet unable to much else but think about causing new devastation
Well, that certainly bodes ill for this democracy. People are already being fired by the thousands, stupid trade policies exacerbate financial distress, and lawless abductions and deportations without warrants and due process are destroying the trust in the legal system.
Oh, so that's why they want to destroy the social safety net (what little there is) at the same time they wreck the economy. It's a government-job-for-life plan for Trump, Musk and Stephen Miller.Plus those other lackeys.
Who knew they were such socialists, under it all. Or maybe that's Stalinists
Apparently you don't actually have to be physiologically hungry, you just have be told a half a million times that you are hungry by a propaganda "news" outlet.
I used to say that the left needs to listen to ordinary people on the right. The economic issues they endured after manufacturing went offshore needed to be addressed, or we'd pay the price. They were suckered into MAGA while looking for help. They got ideology, not help. Trump is the price. All pay
The enabling act in 1933 allowed the Reich government to issue laws w/o consent from German parliament. The Hitlerizing of America continues as the GOP Nazis are intent on recreating 15% unemployment and a depression along with other inciting plots to justify martial law. Resist & hit the streets
Of course! What is left when you’re starving to death. Storming the capital and starting a new regime leads to six months of relief, but since the underlying economic conditions never improved, another revolution begins.
Here’s how the corporate mafia works. Enjoy
The American dream can’t exist until we start thinking of others before we think of ourselves. It’s not an individual dream, it’s a collective thought process.
To many have bought into the idea of “rugged individualism” and that might work if you are a hermit but doesn’t work as a society
The fallacy of "rugged individualism" is that most of those who think they did it all themselves tend to be the ones whose history shows otherwise. We all get help - even if we don't see it.
Ok, enough with this 60-year experiment of rule by the wealthy, concentrated wealth, biggest wealth gap since Great Depression, a facade of a middle class, what we need is MORE FDR, and a full bore shift to an economic Scandinavian model to 'RAM', Restore America's Middle-Class.
There also the stuff of which revolutions are born I heard that from a maga today. Shocked the hell out of me asked him to repeat what he said. He said if that's what Trump's up to he should face the consequences of his greed.
In the Great Depression people were truly starving they told me. There were children with ribs showing, pot bellies and rickets, deforming their legs. They believe the poor must perish and economic collapse will accelerate it. Pinoche's Chile will look like a weekend in Orlando.
Yes! We think Trump’s dismantling services cuz doesn’t care about people, and he doesn’t, but this is his strategy: Weaken people so they’ll grab whatever crumbs he may offer as dictator. We need fighters!
GOP policies are designed to keep the public unhealthy, uneducated and unemployed. It's all about corporate profits and stock market gains. Profits over people.
I am pretty sure they do not want us to have individual freedom. Seems to more of a 10% own everything and the rest of us are meant to be serfs with nothing and no rights.
Wake up folks - this is what they want for you. Hungry and out of a job - that’s how they control you. Fight NOW while you still can. It might be a very different story in a couple of months - they know this, that’s why they’re pushing the destruction of our fed gov so fast.
Wake me up when we have a party that cares about economic security and independence. Perhaps the Working Families Party will rise up? Now that'd be mighty-welcomed!
Look at this built in money suck. Destroy govt but keep eating the money. Wonder if there is any way for these state governments to “capture” and claw this money back?
Blue already supports red, speaking of the dreaded socialism they don’t understand, while not knowing or caring that they already are parasitic to blue states. A double reverse robinhood. 🤬
https://Thepeoplesunionusa.com is growing support daily. Maybe check it out & if it speaks to you, if so, then join/tell others how We the People are fighting all injustice, & voting with our $
Too late. MAGA won. The new U.S. will be ruled by oligarchs, plutocrats, robber barons, white supremacists, Christian fascists, and other power-mad authoritarians.
A rare perfect storm the election of FDR was. We had a Republican Great Depression (what they called it back then) and it brought a huge majority in government for FDR to get things done with. FDR was a rare once in a lifetime occurrence at the right time. I believe what we see now is the norm.
Why is no one screaming about JD Vance and the “Theobros?”
Look into Moscow, Idaho. They own the entire region as a test bed. It’s the reason evangelicals follow Trump. They were the architect of Project 2025 and no one even knows their NAMES!
I feel like I’m going crazy. https://youtu.be/xebVcfN5C6s?...
It was not about economics. It was about misogyny, homophobia, and racism. MAGA was doing better than ever under Biden/Harris. The price of eggs is worse now, and they no longer care. Their hate is being made into law.
I blame the Industrial Revolution. People became a tool, just a resource for those willing to undertake unethical business practices. Then the rise of corporations, chains driving out the local business. And greed to fuel the fires.
And we without a Dickens to call it out.
We do reach hard and far when we do not have what we need or get what we justly deserve. There is no worse feeling than to toil in strife and still not be able to acquire our basic needs.
Desperate people do desperate things , Not from selfishness but absence of essentials food, water, meds ETC.
Trump has declined to rule out a recession this year. Ten of the eleven U.S. recessions between 1953 and 2020 began under Republican presidents. You voted for this, MAGA.
I'm really good at the stock market and I'm constantly listening to data. And I've owned 5 businesses in my life. I see the set up. We'll all feel it in 2-5 months! And all of this could take America into a great depression. My opinion, we'll see
I'm with your thoughts 💯. I can see this setup coming like just before Covid hit. Except this time it wont bounce back for years.
I am also an avid options trader. I was able to profit from the first down wave. Now getting ready for next.
Stupids don't know how to vote for their own rights. They'd rather hate "the other", lose their Social Security, breathe toilet air, and die of environmental cancers, shouting "Make America Great Again"
Consider that all of "this" (all of it) just has to do w Trump/Musk/Billionaires trying to restructure/renegotiate our $36T in debt? Pennies to the dollar!
Trump has always billed himself as the "Debt King", has anything really changed?
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
I think history will be very unkind to MAGA, but it will also admonish the left. 4 years to end this, and we sat on our hands.
Trump and Musk: EXACTLY.
It's common knowledge that Smoot tariffs made the Great Depression much worse. Now they planning biggest tariffs ever. Not a coincidence!
Get out of stocks now!
He says their will be a Transition and pain is necessary. The pain will be felt by all stock holders and the public while his cronies privatize all govt services.
"Not enough? We're on it! Just give us eighty or ninety years." - Republicans, a few minutes later, 1937
Any left could be used in services.
- Driven up housing costs
- Made healthcare unaffordable
- Allowed huge profits to insurers
- Put entitlements at risk
The nazis surrendered to the USSR. Total victory by the glorious red army partisans. Communism socialism saved us all from speaking German today.
Communism socialism is the solution for us imperialist fascist problems again today No room for zionists capitalists. Oligarchs
I can say that since I'm not a slim Jane.😉
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
He believes he's King. Now what? How are you going to undo this and set yourself back on the path to democracy US?
The world is watching you fall to criminal Mega MAGA Donald Fricken Trump and the convicts he pardoned.
You allowed this.👎👎
totalitarian rule is not
the convinced nazi or the
committed communist,
but people for whom the
distinction between
fact and fiction, true and
wrong, no more
Hannah Arendt (1906-1970)
Putin has a buffet of our demise before him.
Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick
That promise heaven tastes like this
I don't believe that i believed in you
All that money wants"
This administration is STILL deporting people without due process. We MUST fight for our democracy right now!!!
A platform of policies to redistribute wealth to the working class! Need the basics covered. Need tax reform. To get that we need campaign finance reform.
It’s a marathon people.
These f-ing #PiggyBillionaires
"If a man's belly is empty,
You can fill his head with garbage."
The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way--everywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want---everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear--anywhere in the world.
-FDR, 1941
I have had economic freedom and have been laid off 10 times.
My wife worked, had insurance and we owned our own home.
We did whatever we wanted, knew our limitations
Who knew they were such socialists, under it all. Or maybe that's Stalinists
Musk Set to Get Access to Top-Secret U.S. Plan for Potential War With China https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/20/us/politics/musk-pentagon-briefing-china-war-plan.html?smid=bs-share
Giving Musk access to some of the nation’s most closely guarded military secrets is a major expansion of his role as an adviser to Pre. Trump & highlights his conflicts of interest.
Here’s how the corporate mafia works. Enjoy
To many have bought into the idea of “rugged individualism” and that might work if you are a hermit but doesn’t work as a society
Trump. Is. A. Symptom.
Was not disappointed.
1789 was a hungry year.
There are some very poor (by western standards) people out there having an absolute sovereign ball.
Look into Moscow, Idaho. They own the entire region as a test bed. It’s the reason evangelicals follow Trump. They were the architect of Project 2025 and no one even knows their NAMES!
I feel like I’m going crazy. https://youtu.be/xebVcfN5C6s?...
And we without a Dickens to call it out.
Desperate people do desperate things , Not from selfishness but absence of essentials food, water, meds ETC.
The elevator goes down faster.
I am also an avid options trader. I was able to profit from the first down wave. Now getting ready for next.
Centrism is killing us
Capitalism is killing us