for real, one of the most annoying parts of the MSM propaganda cycle is sensationalist like implying that it is unbelievable that nazis said nazi things, in fact it often does more harm than the actual reporting did any good
It's easy to say that from where we are sitting but the average American is deeply entrenched in the cultural propaganda surrounding police. That orgs like CNN are finally chipping away at that is a good thing.
I think they have the shame, and in response they make the choice to harass the families rather than atone. If they didn't have shame, they'd just ignore the families and move along.
see, this is the problem, they're still required to come up with excuses for why they killed somebody when what they need is to be able just to say 'because we felt like it'
I can't bring myself to watch the video. Just the transcript is heart-wrenching. The victims of gun violence don't fade away when the next shooting happens. They have to keep living with the pain, and in this case, with the people responsible for exacerbating that pain, for the rest of their lives.
Only in the USA, especially Texas & Florida, is the dominant narrative guns are gods to whom the innocent must be sacrificed. It's beyond comprehension to the rest of us.
I 100% don’t understand how cops in Uvalde aren’t slowly and quietly one by one going missing and turning up in the desert a few miles outside of town.
The police do not exist to serve the public. The Supreme Court confirmed they aren’t even obligated to protect anyone. They are a militant force that protects the status quo and the interests of the wealthy upper class. And as this situation well illustrates, their ranks are full of bullies & thugs
My dad used to have hunting land in uvalde county. The cops saw my dads tan skin and grilled him about being an illegal immigrant. He was just a drunk Cajun. Those guys are real assholes.
Oh yeah. I remember reading months ago that the one mother who jumped a fence and went into the school to get her kids out hadda move out of her house because cops kept hassling her. It's typical pig behavior and IDK how Acosta can call himself a journalist and not know about it.
If "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun,” and the cops had guns and did not stop the bad guy with a gun, then we can safely assume they are not, in fact, good guys.
I swear, CNN is such a stupid fucking media organization, like how is this news surprising to them. Shows how out of touch they are and how often they love to support the police and copaganda type of ideology. If this is news to them, then they're clearly not paying attention to the right things.
It's not news to them. They're active participants in creating and reinforcing the copaganda. Occasionally, they pretend otherwise, but that's because to be effective, copaganda requires that they lie about their participation in it.
Sadly it is surprising to a lot of people who still see cops as there to "protect" us. They really believe cops are good and there are just a few bad ones. It has not sunk in how pervasively bad cops are. And I am someone who thinks we NEED cops for certain things.
Full stop.
In a real world every leafing officer should have been terminated without pension
But in more instantaneous cases, that's why they carry guns they confiscate from drug dealers and steal from the evidence locker.
"He had a gun."
Those coward cops are pretty glib about a group of people who might have nothing to lose at this point. 🤔
That’s how Texas works, right?
Not people
I have to remember that anytime I think about calling them. And don't believe a word they say.