I live near Nottingham city centre. It's fairly uninspiring, so I tend to travel 10+ miles for my birding. Maybe I need to give city parks a bit more attention. I did come across a breeding pair of Little Owls in a different city. Maybe I should hold those possibilities, a bit more in mind.
But I tend to travel 5-10 miles to my regular birding sites, even though I am lucky enough to be in a village where I can watch barn owls 200m from home.
But I did have a 1w at the old patch a couple of years back. It's definitely back to basics time, I think. Reset my goals and values 😊👍
I would quibble with him shooting 25 yards from a cycle/foot path. I sometimes avail myself of the 'facilities' before my 80 mins on the bus.
The postage stamp reedbed has had lovely male Teal displays in late winter. I think I need to get back to basics & take a break from my public transport efforts.
A fruitful conversation. Thank you 🙏
When it's me on my own, it's a different vibe. I'm also polite, even when I get disturbed in my learning. The bird flies off, of course.