I keep having this notion of setting myself up as a “beach food blogger” and go up to all the people grilling delicious-smelling things at the beach with business cards and demanding samples for review
i know we've never spoken and i don't know you but what i DO know is that i'm hungry as fuck and you're not helping unless you're shoving food down my throat
Real. I walk by a house that every other day smells like it's having a meeting of middle and south American gods inside and it drives me nuts. Tacos, salsa just drifting on the wind..
On the other hand, they could be grilling ‘kusaya’ - a dried fish embalmed in puréed fish guts. Only for the strong of stomach, with some sake as a chaser on a very cold day. Of course warn the neighbors in advance not to hang out laundry!
My mom decided she wanted to drop a chunk of her retirement on making out backyard "proper" and this includes getting a grill set up. So within a few weeks, we will make others suffer as you have, I'm sure
i know we've never spoken and i don't know you but what i DO know is that i'm hungry as fuck and you're not helping unless you're shoving food down my throat
Like, you made good food and didn't invite me? Rude.