Someone needs to take a baseball bat and smash Couch Fucker Junior Varsity Vance across the face. Someone should have told his worthless mama about birth control.
I’m not saying they have anything to do with each other. I’m saying that Trump isn’t confusing them like a bunch of people in these comments are saying he is.
Just look at those two feckwits flanking the Moron in Chief. They, presumably went to college and know that what he is saying is unadulterated bollox yet they grin and shake their heads as he spouts his nonsense because they know his Red Capped ill-educated fans just hear trans and begin frothing.
Here's the deal...the world is not only watching this fucking lunatic make a fool out of himself, but we're also watching with disgust how Amerikkka is normalizing and coddling this fucking moronic goblin. Y'all are a bunch of inbred assholes.
Side note: this nitpicking of federal spending and pointing out things as being “an absurd use of your tax dollars!!!” was popularized by Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma.
I wish there was a hell so that he’d be burning in it now.
ah yes I am familiar with Inhofe, that's that one guy who brought in a snowball to disprove climate change. Unfortunately people do not ever get their just desserts.
Mike just shaking his head in supposed disgust - proving that he either completely believes it (drooling moron) or is cynically shaking his head to support the lie (seeping anus of a man).
MFers can't even do a keyword search correctly. That was "transgenic" not "transgender". These clowns make President Camacho look like a Rhodes Scholar.
You can argue whether or not giving testosterone to female mice and testing its fertility makes it transgender but to Trump it does. Funny he didn’t mention the millions of dollars spent testing viagra on mice
It was the $8 million that threw me off. I assumed it was for a single study, and not an assortment of studies looking at impacts of hormone therapies and surgical procedures. I guess if they think those therapies and surgeries are abhorrent then there's no need to make them safer.
Look at those dumbasses laughing it up as Trump makes a fool of them all. "Transgenic" is not the same word as "transgender." Somebody has very poor reading comprehension.
This is sort of like when people mix up "etymology" (📚) with "entomology" (🪲), except so much worse because they are literally targeting all scientific studies using the prefix "trans" just to bully a tiny subset of our population. This absolutely stupid brutality is unbelievable.
He's the worst kind of moron, that kind that refuses to learn, never admits he was wrong about ANYTHING and is convinced everything he knows is right and his perception of reality is correct. Many people that know him have said he lives in his own reality, including his niece, Mary Trump.
What an idiot. Did no one try to explain to him that was not true. He’s said it more than once now. His demented misuse of language has become an inability to process and understand language.
Fight for your lives! Globalist libtards at it again. The mice are trans, and your neighbours are eating the cats and dogs. The Don will save us. Make Mice Alpha Again. MMAA
I’m 100% certain he had dipshit Elon tell the DOGEbags to do a global search of all federal funding looking for key “woke” words. Anything with the word “trans” is cut. These people’s brains are mush. Like oatmeal that’s sat in a pot on the stove for 3 weeks. They all need to be committed.
It’s almost like they are having a competition to see which of them can say the most ridiculous thing that their gullible supporters will believe. Just about everything that comes out of Trumps mouth would appear to be a contender.
Some GTA background satire thing actually got this moron elected... i've seen the word dog and cat on a fast food place's menu representing KFC, how dumb can americans be... here just have a look
This is based on tallying budgets from specific grants called out by “White coat waste,” an anti-lab-animal research group that has his ear. I won’t link WCW, but it’s easy to find.
Realistically, it would be for developing mouse/animal models for gender-affirming therapies - these are needed before the therapies may be tried on humans, so perfectly reasonable.
'Mice', 'mince', what's the difference? Insulting to both! And JD & Johnson clearly haven't a clue what he's talking about either.They'll happily defend his idiotic lies if asked to, though.
This is good stuff. Let’s make him focus more on these transgender mice. Maybe if they’re also _Mexican_ transgender mice, and they’re eating all the cheese and shooting up on fentanyl in the Hamberder places.
Ever read "American Psycho" (appropriate) and the rat scene in it? I was reading it on the train one evening and had to stop and take a deep breath before I could continue. 🤢
Do you think those transgender mice were raised in a peach tree dish? MTG is as stooopid (I always forget how many 'o's are in that word) as a cinderblock.
However, this study doesn't cost 8 million dollars either.
There are only 3 studies regarding transgender people and all based on hormonal effects, HIV vs estrogen levels.
No "transgender surgeries" either.
There is a point to be made that studying the effects of hormone therapy is going to continue being a necessary part of understanding the chronic immune disorders that RFK wants the NIH to focus on.
And under Democrat leadership the auto industry has for years been selling the American people cars that have a, get a load of this, trans MISSION WAKE UP SHEEPLE
Perhaps they were trying to make mice without the gene of empathy, like Elon said that was always that gene.
It didn't result, because the mice ate each other inside their mother's womb.
When laughing at a joke shows you to be embedded in your own right to ignorance. Probably can't work a washing machine either. It's all the same kind of entitled laziness.
It would be fucking hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that this idiot has control over all our country's resources and nuclear capabilities. As it stands, it's more frightening than funny.
His followers believe this BECAUSE he says it. There is no convincing them that he is a liar. At best, they will say he is joking around, and they find him hilarious.
Lmaoooo transgenic you asshat 🤣🤣🤣🤣 they are research mice and we make them transgenic to develop cancer and such to be able to test treatments on them lmaoooo
What a sad day for America! Your “leaders” are you leading you down their kool-aid infested rabbit hole. Fight back or you will succumb.
Transgenic refers to organisms with genes from another species inserted into their DNA, often in genetic engineering.
Transgender describes people whose gender identity differs from their birth-assigned sex.
I wish there was a hell so that he’d be burning in it now.
Mais quel bouffon !!!
Avec lui, c'est Mardi Gras et le Carnaval tous les jours...🥴
Translation: “This is horseshit but I believe many of you are fucking stupid. Send me more money you fucking rubes.”
TransGENIC mice have genes inserted/removed to study the effects of said gene.
He stopped halfway through the word and bullshit his way through the rest. Classic.
Transactions are transgender doing things.
Transports are seashore facilities for transgender people.
And so on.
Oh btw, how are all other drugs tested I wonder 🤔
They don't even look to see what the study was about.
TRANSGENIC---- oh f*ck, this can't resist any analysis
Hat tip:
I am Irish and I feel your pain.
Our minister for health during COVID thought there were 18 previous covids for which there was no vaccine.
That man went on to become Taoiseach 🙄
Happily Ireland is irrelevant in international politics.
The buddies of the Irish Government did very well out of it!
The people who caught it and the healthcare workers who cared for them suffered badly.
Unfortunately, we still can't get rid of the same government because of our voting system.
Unfortunately it's the idiots who voted, and the machines allegedly hacked by Musk's men, who allowed that to happen.
It really is a minority who believes him.
Most Americans, like many western countries, aren't politically minded because they don't have to be.
- Junie B Jones
Wasn't there a scene in 1984 with a torture scene, where a cage with a rat was bound to Winston's face ?
Yes, that.
That's what these idiots deserve.
There are only 3 studies regarding transgender people and all based on hormonal effects, HIV vs estrogen levels.
No "transgender surgeries" either.
It didn't result, because the mice ate each other inside their mother's womb.
How does your self-esteem get eroded away so badly that you will sit in front of millions of people and let yourself be used like that?