"Just change the law" so we revoke the citizenship of people who say things we disagree with.
I can't think of how that could *possibly* come around to bite us in the ass.
I can't think of how that could *possibly* come around to bite us in the ass.
Reposted from
can't read the article, but sure you can. you just change the law. lots of countries in the world already have revocation processes and we've certainly tinkered in this space here in Canada.
I would be in favour of ending dual citizenship, which would accomplish same revokation.
Also, ending dual citizenship wouldn't end Musk's Canadian citizenship, it would just force him (and MANY more Canadians, including me) to choose which citizenship to keep.
As for other, I expect it would be a painful decision for some, and for those who have two passports for convenience slightly less convenient.
My kids have dual citizenship, if they ever want to claim it. They haven't.
I was ALSO born with two citizenships, fwiw, as my Mom was born in Canada and my dad in Scotland so I was BORN with both citizenships.
I happen to know this because I was born with both Canadian and UK citizenship and neither was dependent on me applying for a passport.
There are, so far as I can tell, rationales prescribed by the state by which citizenship recocation can be initiated
Does Musk meet any of those criteria?
Im not surprised.
Can you name one of them that applies to someone who was BORN a Canadian citizen?
I asked what you think the conditions are because I don't think any exist in this instance.
Come on, man...
There are no legal means, currently, to strip a Canadian citizen who was born a Canadian citizen of the Canadian citizenship they were born with.
When a Canadian citizen who was born in Canada gives birth to a child that child is born a Canadian regardless of where the birth takes place.
I know this because I was similarly born with British citizenship (in addition to Canadian) even though my birth took place in Ontario.