I'm gonna be really honest, with me dropping the crap guide format I'm getting so much anxiety and fear if these new videos are even gonna be good or worth anyone's time
I know that shouldn't stop me from just making them anyway, but man does the self-inflicted pressure suck so much
I know that shouldn't stop me from just making them anyway, but man does the self-inflicted pressure suck so much
I feel like your Japan Trip video shows that you are a creator people naturally gravitate to regardless
But a lot of people watch your stuff because it's good, and they like you. So if you have worked hard on them, then you should be ok :)
Its going to be so good whatever you do
... Same.
Best I can say buddy, is that I'm confident that you'll make nice videos, and you'll likely even enjoy making them as well. The anxiety is just gonna be a pain in the ass for a bit, but you'll do well, I'm sure of it.
You've got this. We're gonna love what you make, not because you're fitting a format, but bc *You* made it. We believe in you, Jo 🌌✨
Best of luck with all your future projects, I can't wait to see what you're cooking up!
You're doing amazing, JoCat! Keep going and creating what you WANT to create! <3
But change will always have that feeling in varied magnitudes. Both in your creative works, and in yourself as a person. You're still here and you'll still be here, whatever the outcome
You got this!
I am reasonably sure that whatever you produce is gonna be fantastic.
And if it isn't... then the next thing will be.
As long as you enjoy the new videos you make, it is the right thing for you to do.
Crap guides are great, but you can do much more
And while no one can guarantee success, I don't doubt they will be good and worth people's time
Anyone on your channel, watching your content, have all bought tickets to YOUR show.
We wouldn't be here otherwise.
You could literally post a crap guide to hammer where you include 10 clips of a hammer going bonk with a voice over of “hammer go bonk”…and we’d watch.
I'm very much looking forward to them ^w^
What i loved about your guides weren't only the JoCrap part, but also how under a lot of good humour, you were making real points and very nice advices.
And some are still valid today
All this said those fears still exist but I'm excited to see what you have cooking
Hope your anxiety breaks soon.
Besides, the Crap Guide videos are still available, and as entertaining as ever
Do what you enjoy and feel proud making.
You got the talent to make a new schtick. You just can never see your own creative power after waking up and groggily staring at it in the mirror every day. It doesn't feel special to you anymore.
Trust that the ideas will come to you.
And I will just go waste my time to watch all of them because I like bad videos.
But to be fair you'd get hate anyway, the internet is a cesspool and creators like you are the bright and shining beacon that keep the good ones coming back.
I look forward to your next project. <3
The snark and sarcasm is fun, but it's not the secret ingredient. :) In fact, I noticed the snark being slowly dialed back over the years and your stuff was STILL a delight.
The best thing you can do is have fun with it/them.
If you're having fun, we're having fun.
And It's all but guaranteed that I'll love it.
Your charisma sold those crap guide videos and besides, the Klonoa 2 vid is still the GOAT
Just know that while most of us came for Crap Guide, we're staying for you. While you will see a slight dip in subs, most of us are still excited to see what you'll do next
Those that can't embrace change probably weren't worth keeping around anyway.
I have no doubt that people will appreciate your work
I always have :3
[Rubs hands together in glee in getting to see new things]
We care because you care.
Make what you love doing and we'll be there.
That said, I'll give the new format a watch because I enjoy your stuff. It'll also make it was lot easier to point people towards them without the disclaimer that the names are misnomers for effect.
Do what makes you happy! I personally think that whatever you make will be fantastic, and I look forward to seeing it ^^
Keep being awesome! ❤️
... And maybe cute goblins. Cute cute goblins.
PS: I still love the character creator videos.
It was so cosey & the music, the animation, & storytelling of it was all just so wonderful. If these next things are even a tenth as good then at the verry least I'll be happy :3333333
Keep doing what your doing