Trumpet of patriots -? I would hope the rest of the world had an aversion to the T-word and every variation of it- damn check the water and the churches
Trump is the trumpiest. Nobody trumps better than Trump. A lot of smart people are saying that. They've never seen anyone trumpier. Very very smart people.
No we have plenty of fuckwit Trump imitators down here. The main opposition leader is now commonly known as 'temu trump'
He is also a dumb as dogshit, grifting,lying pos who is backed by the human cancer aka Rupert Murdoch.
Has to be Gina Kindheart,
Inherited everything from her father.
All her kids hate her.
Hates pesky unions.
Has a bigly inflated opinion of how smart she is.
The resemblance to the muskrat is uncanny.
When I first came to reside in Australia, (a proud citizen now!) the Age and the SMH were excellent brain fodder, a good balanced view of Australia and the world beyond, now, they are fit only for use as emergency toilet paper!
No offence meant to those who don't identify with gender based on their genitalia alone. I'm just ridiculing Clive for his outdated, divisive, and intolerant views
clearly they represent one of several African nations - it looks like Tanzania has the healthiest lion population by numbers - and they have advertised in the Age by mistake.
(I know nothing of the politics of that fair nation, but suspect the cringe factor of the Patriot Trumpet — just, like, fully the most embarrassing dick euphemism one could think of — is a universal human position.
Apologies to any Tanzanian citizens reading this; I hope the lions are doing well.)
I just love being the subject of an ad campaign
It’s comforting to know that debates about my existence are funding to a newspaper. Gives one a concrete $ value to place upon ones life.
Oh for fucks sake. He's all over my youtube ads, no matter how many times I block them. Expect I'll start getting the unblockable texts also soon. Has there ever been a louder and more obnoxious figure in Aus politics that barely anyone votes for?
Absolutely dissapointing.
Remember to vote in a way that won't take away peoples rights or stop a relative from trusting you with their true selves.
Let people live long fulfilling lives.
So they write an article about ‘divisive ads’ then publish said ads on the same page? Such strong values at the age……especially when money talks……gotta be a new low even for them.
Pathetic alright, but not at all surprising from them. Trumpet of Patriots though?….😂 with a leader called Sueellen ?!!! hahaha…maybe they’ll announce JR Ewing as a candidate in Queensland …ya all! 😂
Have I died and gone to hell? There is no f*cking way this sh*t can be real. I’m dead or must be on great hallucinogenics right? Trumpets of Patriots? What fresh hell is this? Fffuuucckkk. I need a drink or two for this. Ffffuuuucckkk.
And who is this weird woman...Suellen?? Is she for real???
Yes, I also end up watching MAFS, shouting at both the MAFS cast and this bizarre advertisement.
“There’s only two genders,” said the absolute fucking trashbag of a man, as he adjusted his XXL vest to cover the gender-affirming surgery scars from having excess 3rd and 4th chin fat removed
Some say civil war, I say World War III is coming soon, with these sick fucks threatening democracy!
Fuck these Republicans and conservatives straight to hell!!
In the ‘80s it was a great treat to purchase the Saturday Age and the Weekend Australian and spend hours devouring the wonderful contents. These mastheads are now just marketing brands with propaganda as content. Sad loss for the community.
Well done Chip.
I think they're saying it's bad, but I can't hear them over the cash register.
Trump is the trumpiest. Nobody trumps better than Trump. A lot of smart people are saying that. They've never seen anyone trumpier. Very very smart people.
He is also a dumb as dogshit, grifting,lying pos who is backed by the human cancer aka Rupert Murdoch.
Toss between dopey Dan Tehan or possibly the rich oligarch Gina.
Inherited everything from her father.
All her kids hate her.
Hates pesky unions.
Has a bigly inflated opinion of how smart she is.
The resemblance to the muskrat is uncanny.
Wake up Australia!
Used up republican karen
And bloated old republican ken.
all that money and vitamin V and they still can't get a root
Clivia is just being a good little Trump-Pet 🤮
Trumpet of Patriots?!
how can anyone take these people seriously
how can they take themselves seriously
the most unserious party name imaginable
clearly they represent one of several African nations - it looks like Tanzania has the healthiest lion population by numbers - and they have advertised in the Age by mistake.
Apologies to any Tanzanian citizens reading this; I hope the lions are doing well.)
It’s comforting to know that debates about my existence are funding to a newspaper. Gives one a concrete $ value to place upon ones life.
And would encourage others to do so as well.
Absolutely dissapointing.
Remember to vote in a way that won't take away peoples rights or stop a relative from trusting you with their true selves.
Let people live long fulfilling lives.
And advertising and editorial separated by a 'firewall'.
I’d rather go broke as a publication than run hateful advertisements.
It’s just an excuse for him to exploit political advertising laws to be a massive bastard.
Gender is the spectrum.
But yes, everyone SHOULD be accepted. ❤️
He has a lot of work piling up in the USA first though .....
I think the editor might be disagreeing very publicly with the paper's owner? I'm just confused now.
And who is this weird woman...Suellen?? Is she for real???
Yes, I also end up watching MAFS, shouting at both the MAFS cast and this bizarre advertisement.
french with english subtitles, but oh so worth watching
I go ballistic when I see that dick Tucker Carlson talking like the tub of lard billionaire, Clive, has a conscience. Ugghhh
Australians are not like Americans. WE are smart, educated, don't hate everyone and vote accordingly.
And The Age is neuter.
Fuck these Republicans and conservatives straight to hell!!