Bluesky is still pretty new so we all need to remember to literally block people so fast. Make creeps feel like the room is empty while we all party.
Trust me, this is the way
Trust me, this is the way
The CHUD followers: bobbleheading in agreement, saying some nonsense about going woke and broke, continuing to not shower
Aw buddy nobody likes you is all
Both Musk, and his more avid fans played themselves and it's beautiful to see them struggle.
Still, I don't think that's X's biggest issue. No advertiser will touch it with a ten-foot-pole and it's hemorrhaging users... (1/2)
You can't exactly control how it will end up looking, you can only trim it and hope to shape it into something beautiful, but you can't change nature's course.
It was a bit of a blessing to be able to block literally 5,000 bad people all at once. I say "a bit of a blessing" because for every 5,000 I blocked, 20,000 more would materialize out of thin air.
*Cracks knuckles*
Although temporary muting mastodon-style would have been even better!
Ppl who advocate blocking pain me. So I mute them, as it is less cruel, + reversible.