Related: Cast Away came out 15 years before my youngest daughter was born. You know what came out 15 years before I was born? The Sound Of Freaking Music.
I will still never, ever forget that some dumb*ss picked "Cast Away" as an in-flight movie for a cross-Pacific flight in the days before personal movie choices. We were skirting a growing cyclone & "enjoying" heavy turbulence right around the time the crash scene in the movie.... 🙄🙄🤪
Or the bus scene in Real Onigokko
when Pierce Brosnan is singing.
Also I am only 15 years younger than "Some Like It Hot."
R.I.P. Lt. Nick Bradshaw 🍻
I am extraordinarily old.
If X<6 and Y<10, then A≠ Extraordinarily Old.
My 15 year movie is It's a Wonderful Life.
White Chirstmas
The Caine Mutiny
The Glenn Miller Story
The O.G. Godzilla!
You have now read that it in Michael Caine's voice.
Especially the log truck.