Reliable sources have said the Russian "P" tapes have nothing to do with golden showers. It confirms he's a pedophile. Which tracks with the people he parties with. They were obtained during his recruitment as a foreign asset.
Putin owns Musk. Musk bought Trump. Pretty sure Putin already had dirt on Trump, but at this point he’s owned, completely.
Y’know, like a car or a screw gun that you might use to disassemble American democracy from within. 🤬
Read on twatter that some people think putler may have the Epstein list that actually matters (the one with the attendees of his... Erm, kinky parties)
I have no fucking clue and I want John Le Carre’s ghost to come back from the dead to tell me.
All I can do is wonder who picked up the losses on Trump’s failed businesses in the 80s. And whether the golden showers thing eventually outed by Christopher Steele was an internal leak tracing op.
Putin doesn't have to have anything other than being a role model for the kind of dictator Trump has aways aspired to be. Trump takes one look at Putin and says, that's exactly the kind of setup that would work for me. How do I get that?
Trump needed to build in NY, the Italian Mafia said no. Rudy Giuliani kicked them out, Trump owes the Russian Mafia that replaced the Italians.
Watch Fear City: NY v Mafia and Turning Point: The Bomb and Cold War. On Netflix
I have a couple of ideas. Think Tate and Epstein. But supposedly Trump was turned ages ago - I buy it. Dumpty has been a greedy, lazy, imbecile his entire life. It wouldn’t take much to lure him - loyalty isn’t in his vocab
its not like anything that is said about these people with any amount of proof has ever done anything. it doesnt matter what theyve done, its what they have to gain.
It's more than just money. Trump has stiffed countless people. Why would he care about defaulting with Russia. That may be part of it, but there is more.
The Russian mafia / oligarchs are not someone you want to default on. Maybe they have a pee per tape but Trump has been convicted of rape why would he care. He only cares about $$$
Totally the carrot and the stick. Do what we want or we'll kill you, destroy your family, your friends, your legacy. Do what we want & we'll pay you but you can never stop. It's a deal with the devil but remember, the devil always lies.
IMHO, it’s symbiotic. Simplistically, they both get something. DT has been groomed to abuse executive power to dismantle democracy and enhance his personal wealth and power, and VP gets to rebuild the soviet empire. Each effort is supported by oligarchs, plutocrats and sycophants.
#resist #theelectionwashacked #etrump #trumpsleptwithelon #morewelessme #leavingmaga #deportelon
Y’know, like a car or a screw gun that you might use to disassemble American democracy from within. 🤬
Dirty cops just hate a clean cop because it makes realize what POS they are
Your guess is as good as mine, I think.
All I can do is wonder who picked up the losses on Trump’s failed businesses in the 80s. And whether the golden showers thing eventually outed by Christopher Steele was an internal leak tracing op.
It's really that simple.
No protest planned for DC from or ?
Are you kidding me?
Please!!! Please!! ORGANIZE!
Watch Fear City: NY v Mafia and Turning Point: The Bomb and Cold War. On Netflix
They really need to find people who can't be blackmailed, bribed, or bought. 🤔
i dont think its a blackmail thing, its an agreement. Trump = King, Putin = Western World dismantled
Betting on it.