It's a very modern idea to think that we can be happy. Most of our ancestors merely hoped to survive. I'm the biggest pessimist there is, but maybe we can find strength is whatever modicum of joy we can find.
Bishop Budde has been facing death threats since she asked Trump to show mercy to people fearing for their lives. Now even the President is painting her as the enemy and we can’t abandon her. Let’s show Bishop Budde she has massive support all around the world!
I don’t feel happier. If anything I feel more pessimistic - like Padmé in the galactic senate when Palpatine announced the first galactic empire and the death of democracy
I've lost both my parents, my kid, and my dog within the last 4 years. I know strong , but I don't wait for happiness. I go searching for it every day. Sometimes, it lasts for seconds, sometimes a whole day. But it's there.
Happiness isn’t a permanent condition. Peace seems like a more reachable goal. If we can all have that, we’d be a lot closer to something good.
Peace on earth, good will to you all.