On January 20th, I will still be proud to be an American, but I will no longer be proud of my president. Instead I’ll be deeply ashamed. How sad is that.
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I don’t think “proud” is the right word. Respect is a better word. I have no respect for someone who uses the Office of the President to demand loyalty and to further enriches themselves. His vile and hate-filled rhetoric are an embarrassment. Sadly, we’ve all seen this before.
My niece who lives in Australia says that the people there think Americans are “gun toting low life hicks” she’s been resorting to telling people she’s from Canada…
TBH, never really been all that proud to be an American. I don’t get that level of patriotism. The pledge of allegiance felt as weird at 6 as it does now at 56.
Your post made me think about my feelings as an American. Upon reflection, I am not proud to be an American. Not one bit. However, I suppose I'm more fortunate than most to be an American. And that is really a condemnation of most other nations.
So, ashamed and passively dismayed seems better for you than outspoken and proud of yourself and your cohort? No. Be a party to justice and opponent to injustice whenever you see it. All evil needs if for persons of good will to say nothing.
The only saving grace for me is that I’m a duel Citizen. My birth Country England didn’t throw me out when I became a citizen in 1977. My Mother wasn’t happy though!
I’m sure some of the voters of #Trump for the first time are having buyers remorse! I was hoping for a recount! During all of the bomb threats at polling station is where the cheating went on! How could #Harris lose all
of the swing states? Hmmm?
I agree with you -especially when before the election rRump kept saying he “didn’t need people to vote, that he was all set” and Musk’s 4 yo son saying “they’ll never know the secret” and Musk hushing him up…
Democracy is an active verb. Use it📲 (202) 224-3121
14A(3) Tell Congress & Senate to uphold their oaths. DJT is disqualified to hold office https://nowmarch.org
I really feel for the decent people in America who have to live with the embarrassment of having such an odious man as their representative on the world stage.
Appreciated. There are many of us. I just want to hunker down and survive. So many people will be hurt. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to help those who will be most vulnerable.
I have so many good friends across the pond who are caring, kind, respectable folk, some of whom are struggling with their health or financially. It's horrid having to sit back and watch this unfurl and feel so helpless to change things.
For me, I am on the fence on being a proud American when 77,284,118 of our neighbors chose to elect a disgusting, disgraceful, hateful felon to lead a country over a HIGHLY QUALIFIED black woman. In addition to those who chose to sit on the sidelines and didn't vote, you are disgusting.
America has a mottled history, but there was always hope for a better future. Trump has temporarily killed that hope. He is a total embarrassment. It remains to be seen if the hope returns once the embarrassment has been replaced.
It is an interesting thought. Will I be “proud” to be an American? Am or should I be proud now? All I did was be born. What I do know is if I travel oversees, it will be a fact I won’t freely share.
Frankly I am more ashamed and disappointed in our failed judiciary to hold anyone of consequence from the last admin accountable in 4yrs. As AG, Garland was a complete failure and so was Mueller.
I think I will forever be disappointed in most of my fellow Americans, or at least a good portion of them. Exit showed that 70% of people who voted for Trump agreed that he was at least partially responsible if not fully responsible for the insurrection. Did not matter.
...and the world will be watching the USA crumble and implode as a handful of greedy oligarchs continue to bloat their fortunes at the cost of the citizenry. The inauguration of a criminal as leader will be an event I choose not to watch. It'll be like watching an execution.
Unfortunately this Adjudicated rapist an treasonous grifter will be sworn in unless congress grows a pair use sec 3 of 14th amendment which forbids This treasonous bastard from being sworn in. Make it so congress 👇
Deeply ashamed that people had almost a decade to see the indecency , the inhumanity, the cruelty and voted for a sexual predator who habitually lies over a qualified woman.
We will no longer be a country worthy of the work, pain and sacrifices of the Greatest Generation. My father was a WWII veteran and then worked in law enforcement until his retirement. He would be so disturbed and angry about what has been allowed to happen. A convicted felon in the White House.
I can’t say for certain yet if I’m still proud to be an American. If I have to share a nationality with anyone who cast a vote for the shitgibbon, then it’s embarrassing.
I'm glad to see you got the capitalization right. So many people get it wrong. Hopefully, we will inform and encourage those among us to use the preferred small t capital R.
Ignore and boycott 🍊💩
Human decency, integrity, kindness. Those are some qualities worthy of being proud. No matter what country you're from.
Wait… don’t answer that.
Good Riddance to ZIONISTBiden.
of the swing states? Hmmm?
14A(3) Tell Congress & Senate to uphold their oaths. DJT is disqualified to hold office
I just "am" an American, by birth. Nothing to be proud of.
When he is sworn in it will be living testimony to the power of lies, propaganda, greed and avarice. A sad day for America.
I am proud of those who opposed the man who will sully the White House.
I'm proud of those who defied their party in opposition.
Prouder still of those who will stand and fight