Jfc, check out what Trump has done to the White House site. It won't take long. It looks like he had Pimply Broccoli Hair Jr. slap together some pages between classes.
He still needs to maintain the image of a law-abiding man for his followers. He doesn't have a large margin of error there.
(Admittedly one of my most popular emojis, especially these days.)
Forgot "as long as you are a straight, white right-wing male"
It would be really terrible if a zillion people left comments telling Trump what they think.
"President Trump’s energy actions empower consumer choice in vehicles, showerheads, toilets, washing machines, lightbulbs and dishwashers."
Thx for the research/posting. I’ll be leaving my thoughts in their comments section often. It’ll be interesting if that section gets removed 🤣
The Cabinet
What could it possibly be that these kind and loving people wouldn't want the public to see about Usha Vance?