Another premature ejac- umm, Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly? Barely gets it up before it explodes all over the place! Was it the pressure or the friction that did it? Saw he added some length to the shaft to hold more liquid, but it was all for naught as he shot his wad all over the Caribbean! Messy…
This is controlled by the stupid motherfucker who has the most dangerous cars.... in the whole damn world. Sure let's put him in charge of every-fucking-thing. What could possibly go wrong??
Leon, we don't want your damn garbage and trash. The Earth is not your personal trash can. If one of your stupid rockets fall apart you should be out in the ocean gathering up all the trash.
After gutting the FAA and letting planes fall out of the sky, now we gotta worry about his space toys crashing on our heads and into planes. What’s next?
It was hard enough to dealing with one attention seeking sociopath for 10 years, now we got two!
he legit said he "chose to live with his father because that's he had a computer and mom didn't" when asked about his parents' divorce. also mommy was the daughter of his daddy's ex-wife. you cannot make this shit up.
Have you noticed that Bezos went up in his New Shepard rockets, and Branson went up in one of his Virgin Galactic spaceplanes, but Elon has never even considered going up in one of his capsules.
Well then…it’s time for him to prove what a brave man he is.
Strap that motherf**ker to one of those defective POS rockets, and let’s all watch the $hit show~ 🍿🚀💥
Infuriating. Irresponsible polluters of a pristine ocean. All space endeavours should be charged a debris levy for leaving crap in space and back on earth. Do they squat on a sidewalk do their business, get up and walk away, too? #environment #space
Compared to the daily burden of micro meteorites, and such, I don’t think that these satellite crashes can do much damage to the upper atmosphere. At least not at the frequency and mass of the current satellites. Mind you I haven’t done the math. It’s just my gut impression.
Lucky for us fElon has removed all the people in government who would have put checks and balances on his exploding rockets. Or cancel his wasteful abusive fraudulent government contracts for an unreliable space program.
Elon's shit storm. I always said that he was a shit storm! Now, I hope people start believing me. I have proof! Although, I am living in a world where blatant facts are fake news. So whatever. He's a shit storm though.
He is so good at turning flying objects that made supposed to leave our atmosphere in very loud, VERY EXPENSIVE fireworks. I guess he couldn’t have retrieved the astronauts very easily
Starship sounds cooler than spaceship. Even though it's only going (Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly permitting) to the next planet. And with current technology it would take c. 1000 years to get to the nearest neighbouring star.
Elon's big dick Starship took flight,
But exploded—oh, what a sight!
Like DOGE another Musk loon,
It blew apart and way too soon,
Both crashed from a dizzying height!
Elon's big dick Starship took flight,
But exploded—oh, what a sight!
Like DOGE another Musk loon,
It blew apart and way too soon,
Both crashed from a dizzying height!
Oh I thought this was a preview of the new and impending trajectory of the felon traitor and his fellow billionaires riding his alleged gravy train! They are going down! Keep up the fight and don’t be silent!!!
Oh, dang. Did they feel sorry for Mr. Sig Heil and allow him to “prove” his competence by designing a hatch seal himself, or something? But seriously, I feel sorry for Tesla/SpaceX employees who *aren’t* deserving of the failure and ridicule (and baffled as to why they haven’t quit yet)
Damn, I guess Elon should have been in the office working in-person and this all could have been avoided. As we've established, that's the only way to accomplish your job successfully.
Should have never ended the shuttle program. Privatization is not working for anyone but Starlink and their suborbital space junk which dropped 125 satellites in January alone
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
"Clearly there is still too much diversity and inclusion at SpaceX," wrote Helen Kennedy, former staffer at the New York Daily News and Boston Herald.
It's a sad day for the US when the country has become so polarized that half of the populations takes glee with the failure of SpaceX, just because its CEO is a kleptocratic right wing extremist crony of our Clown in Chief.
He is destroying the ocean as well. Literally in next 100 years we will have space junk falling here and there on land as well once other nations and companies start flooding the space with small sats
These things have extreme forever chemicals and nasty metals in them.
I guess it’s ok they just break up over pristine waters and marine life, over and over again.
This guy and his bullships!!
Elon is poisoning our planet.
It was hard enough to dealing with one attention seeking sociopath for 10 years, now we got two!
Strap that motherf**ker to one of those defective POS rockets, and let’s all watch the $hit show~ 🍿🚀💥
Where Trump and Republicans are taking us: a place where global warming is ignored -- is a future without water.
Will we once again, sing the song of the lament of Akkad-- when there was no water for 300+ years?
Are we going to Mars soon?
QV. Virgin Galactic. Aiming for Earth orbit.
But exploded—oh, what a sight!
Like DOGE another Musk loon,
It blew apart and way too soon,
Both crashed from a dizzying height!
But exploded—oh, what a sight!
Like DOGE another Musk loon,
It blew apart and way too soon,
Both crashed from a dizzying height!
Maybe next time. 🤞
God. I know they're all scifi fans but Bezos clearly doesn't understand irony. He's such a knob.
Great shout tho – and one to introduce the kids to this weekend. 🍿
Also, it's a new design, and they're learning.
If you want to know about the development process, check NASASpaceflight and Marcus House on YouTube.
And are those rockets my tax dollars because if so I request a refund
In further news, NOAA has been sacked.
It’s time to end him.
Love to see Tesla explode too. Who doesn’t want to see the stock go to ZERO?
I guess it’s ok they just break up over pristine waters and marine life, over and over again.
This guy and his bullships!!
Fuck sake, guys.
Yeah me either.
(You know what I mean.)
How dangerous.