OK, we've done Commando, Die Hard 1,2&3, Predator, Alien and Aliens.
What's the next action movie I should show my daughter (12 going on who the hell knows)?
What's the next action movie I should show my daughter (12 going on who the hell knows)?
The sequels not so much.
Might give her a few Chan movies before.
oh, and you cant forget Jet Li, Unleashed, Once upon a time in china, even Romeo must die is a delight
When we get serious, Donnie Yen, Iko Uwais, Tony Jaa and Chow Yun-Fat all call.
Damn, then we got Bloodsport, Kickboxer, On Bak, Crouching Tiger, The Raid, Ip Man
Beverly Hills Cop
The Running Man
Young Guns
Tango & Cash
Total Recall
Starship Troopers
Enter The Dragon
The Crow
Lethal Weapons
Rush Hours
Midnight Run
How about the matrix?
Escape from New York
Last Action Hero
Mad Max
You should rewatch The Rock.
Better add Hard Boiled to that.
... I miss Radio Free Val Verde.
I honestly don't know what other parents are doing.
True Lies
Total Recall
The Rock
and once you've done most of the Arnold movies, show her Last Action Hero.
Demolition Man
Universal Soldier
Lethal Weapon
I was thinking Terminator.
Police Story
Hard Boiled
Ong Bak
The Raid
Lee, Chan and Yeoh first, then progress to the more vicious Yun-fat, Uwais, Jaa.