Voted Labour? This is on you.
Hope you can sleep at night.
Hope you can sleep at night.
Disgusting traitors
As for Labour? Starmer's a bully and a nasty man and a bigot. They're living out an unchecked Blairite fantasy. Blue Labour are conflicted Tories. Their guru Maurice Glassman is a far right nutter.
I never trusted Starmer, but I never envisioned he would do this.
But seeing as the Tories had been killing tens of thousands (500k?) with austerity and COVID mismanagement,
There was no choice.
My father was lifelong socialist, he said he was glad he was dying when The Borifice was around, I'm so glad he's not here to see this now.
PIP has a 0% fraud rate, according to gov figures, so it's extremely unlikely you're right
Unclaimed benefits £17b
Rich people avoiding tax £122b minimum.
I don't know anyone at the moment claiming benefits who can work, personally speaking, but I know they exist, just.
Most people trying to game it have found it's just far too much effort for what they get back.
I can work, pt only. I'm applying for every job in my area and getting nowhere
A lot of jobs won't bother doing reasonable adjustments, it's easier to just not hire disabled people
A lot of those disabled people who "can work" really want to work and are applying for tonnes of jobs
Cutting benefits isn't encouragement by the way
It's all stick, no carrot
So, who should I have voted for, given it was a two horse race where I live?
It's always been that way here, thanks to a nuclear shipyard dominating everything.
Conservative and Unionist = 13,213
Reform = 7,035
LibDem = 1,680
Green Party = 1,466
Party of Women = 290
That's what is here, it will be Reform next time probably.
if labour didn’t have such a massive majority they wouldn’t be able to implement some of their crueller policies.
By voting for people that are more right wing, than the Tories?
What a master plan.
Stop letting politicians know they don't have to earn your vote.
in any event, you voted for the continued murder of the poor and disabled and i didn't so my conscience is clear