Although inadvertently "where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes or
film-stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters" does sum up MAGA America
film-stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters" does sum up MAGA America
That’s not an argument for or against monarchy. But people need the symbolic in their life, and sense of belonging
Lewis is good in parts- sometimes even funny. But he's terribly establishment
Narnia is the better part of his writing simply because he - along with Tolkien - genuinely, incorrigibly loved pagan mythos.
Which is kind of funny because he has to invent lots of excuses why it's *totally compatible* - 120% compatible - with hardline Anglicanism
Case in point his ""Science Fiction"" series:
It's actually quite enjoyable if you're an aficionado of bad writing and clumsy apologetics.
But - for someone who does a podcast on intellectual history - particularly fun because he uses it to attack opponents with *very very thinly disguised* Bad Guy characters (J B S Haldane and another contemporary prominent atheist).