The Conservatives think that they have a right to be in government, like they’re the default government and only get voted out when they’ve pushed their evil plans a little too far (NHS breaks, children in poverty, economy crashes etc).
This view espoused by Rees-Mogg is so inimical and self-destructive to the UK's interests it is astounding idiots like him are given any credence at all. A sad example of how talentless upper-class twits continue to exert undue influence on British politics.
Who'd watch a TV show about 3 pints of malign ectoplasm haunting one of Oswald Mosley's old suits trying to shake off the woke yoke of liberal oppression?
However it does show very clearly why the EU will be very wary of allowing us any sort of "back in," knowing that there are Tories who would simply take us straight "back out."
So he's ideologically wedded to the idea of hating the EU even though it has proven to harm the UK and he will reverse anything that makes things better for UK trade, regardless? Got it.
Is it possible he somehow thinks the British Empire still exists? I’m at a loss otherwise to understand how he equates the negotiating power of the US to the UK.
Twats like him should be fired out of the barrel of the 21” gun on one of our battleships into ghe middle if the South China sea. Pity we don’t actually have or need them…..
Grifter Farage, wealthy Tories, like Rees-Mogg, made 💰 from the lies they told to force an unnecessary EU referendum. Brexit broke Britain and is a proven disaster for trading with EU. Torygraph is desperate and bonkers. Sensible know that and the Rees-Mogg TV show was cancelled, a win for woke.
You say that Otto, but remember nobody thought Brexit would happen, and here we are. I am past being surprised by the mob's mentality to accept shite from morons.
Further proof, if any were needed, that despite what the manner and accent help us assume, this guy is a feeble minded half-wit.
Don’t fall for the Oxbridge schtick.
I think this is encouraging. JRM can see the direction of travel and is trying to undermine it by threatening that the Tories would undo any positive change
An early sign of panic?
Something’s shifted and the last few aging brexiters are on the back foot as their nation destroying idiocy crashes around them. Rees-Mogg’s skeleton should be hung from the ceiling of the National History Museum, preferably some time next week. #Brexit
Mogg is a political dag (a lock of wool matted with dung hanging from the hindquarters of a sheep) his comments are purile and usually based on his own ignorance.
All that expensive private education wasted, utterly wasted. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, or, as the French say, you can't make a racehorse out of a donkey.
Honestly, it’s like watching the most monstrous spoiled brat having an epic wettie because he’s been told no. So now he’s threatening to smash up everyone else’s stuff.
We need to shut the door on that nasty little horror-bag and all his stupid ideas.
If joining the customs union is a big economic success, which it would be, then the Tories proposing going out again would be the biggest disincentive for anyone to vote them back into power you can think of. I suspect they'd quietly forget about it, notwithstanding idiots like Mogg
All that he, Johnson and the like could do was destroy things like our rights and protections. He is insulated by wealth and entitlement. I really wish he could spend a year on benefits with his six children and see how he turns out after a year.
And investigate/interrogate all his voters, supporters, backers to find out what their understandings or intentions are.
Mogg and the rest of the charlatans wouldn't be able to do what they do without backing, when that is in the open he would slither away and be forgotten for all eternity !!!
It’s like watching a greedy self entitled over privileged ponce looking for new ways to bet against the country whose infrastructure he benefited from, just like his greedy self entitled over privileged ponce of a father… who wrote a book on it. A family of traitors.
I bet he has egg white omelettes with truffle shavings for his breakfast every morning, served sharply at noon with a freshly ironed copy of the Volkische Beobachter.
I think Trump is going to have his "I tanked the economy" moment.
The State underpins the economies of most countries. Pull the rug out from under the State and private enterprises lose a major income stream. Switch that stream off instantly for 3 months is going to kill companies (& people).
I find myself yearning for the days of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Elizabeth I.
As some of today’s Tories might have put it at the time - ‘these religious misfits simple refuse to adapt to our ways and don’t recognise the authority of our King. Time to deport them.’
Does he not realise that if we want to sell goods produced in the uk to other countries then the standards they are produced to have to as a minimum meat the standards of the country we are wanting to export to. That's how standards work ffs
A yoke most often refers to a wooden frame placed over the necks of two animals so that they can pull together a plow or cart. It can symbolise cooperation but JRM is using it to express oppression. Surely I am not the only one who knows that.
Check your bio, you may have a typo CTO - community treatment order?? Or are you a CEO or CFO or is it a Chief Technical Officer? Always a problem when using abbreviations, the meaning can be lost outside a specific industry.
Look, everyone with a brain knows that he’s not talking about eggs. People with emotional intelligence are capable of seeing the humour in the fact that Rees-Mogg is too dumb to know the difference.
Um.... Does he really think that the actions of a politician in one type of governmental system tells us anything about what is or isn't possible under our own rules?
I did a part time undergrad history course at my local uni Oxford. They used his history book as an example of a poor source not to be trusted - had our group howling with laughter.
He still thinks it’s their birth right.
The Norman Yolk🤣
You can judge people by the company they keep
1. Make elections publicly funded
2. Ben disaster capitalists from both Houses of Parliament
4. Ditch first past the post
6. Remove “Think Tank” (aka dark money lobbyists) charity status so they pay tax at the full non-corporation rate
He will be wearing a maga hat next like lettuce Liz.
On this, Holicaust day, remember musk is a Nazi.
This man is meant to be educated.
Or maybe the AI is malfunctioning.
"Sideshow Mogg"
I’m also delighted he has examined it thoroughly without any consideration of the facts. Again.
“You can’t stop progress”
Don’t fall for the Oxbridge schtick.
Credit: husband.
Perhaps we need to walk on eggshells?
An early sign of panic?
He's 30p Lee with a 19th century thesaurus.
5 days in and America is a shambles.
I learned better grammar for free at my state school.
I'd completely forgotten about him.
I can never tell!
"He needed a firmer rein to make him toe the line" will live with me as long as I still retain language.
Rees-Mogg lied to the Queen about the prorogation of Parliament. For all his pompous wittering about Erskine May, he has no respect for democracy.
So of course he adores Dictator Trump, who is getting on well with Project2025.
We need to shut the door on that nasty little horror-bag and all his stupid ideas.
Mogg and the rest of the charlatans wouldn't be able to do what they do without backing, when that is in the open he would slither away and be forgotten for all eternity !!!
The State underpins the economies of most countries. Pull the rug out from under the State and private enterprises lose a major income stream. Switch that stream off instantly for 3 months is going to kill companies (& people).
As some of today’s Tories might have put it at the time - ‘these religious misfits simple refuse to adapt to our ways and don’t recognise the authority of our King. Time to deport them.’
Was JRM ever relevant ??