As someone who grew up going to a UU church and has a mom who has seen her small UU congregation overtaken by some pretty right wing stuff, I would suggest making sure The Gadfly Papers stuff hasn't infiltrated the congregation you are looking at:
Yeah, it has been pretty interesting for me to watch from afar (I live around 3 hours away from my mom and where I grew up).
It seems like a fringe thing in general, but my mom's church decided to not have my mom go to the most recent GA as a voting delegate because they wanted Gadfly voters.
UU slaps!!!! It can take some trial and error to find a specific congregation you like because they're all different, but when you find the right one it's so lovely!
Nothing against UU, but Christian Universalism is a thing too. Check out books/videos from Robin Parry and Brad Jersak. Might be hard to find local meetups, though. But these guys would definitely horrify teenage Lindsay. 😊
Not untrue, but there ARE extroverts there too. The introverts will be fascinating, often brilliant, and generally mysterious and still worth knowing anyway :-) .
My wife checked out a UU church recently and sort of loved it. Though heads up at 39 years old she was pretty much “the youth” when she stepped through the door.
This is true in MANY churches, for sure, but not all of them. Some have recognized the problem and tried to become more welcoming to families with children.
I remember when I stopped thinking other religions were demonic and instead represent a universal human need for the transcendent. Anyway, teenage John (or his youth pastor) and I don't talk about it.
I found a spiritual home where my beliefs can evolve without requiring me to change religious communities. Again. It’s a good place to find a group of like minded people.
Would teenage Lindsay be horrified by you joining a tiny, declining, fringe religion that goes to extreme & foolish lengths to cover-up, & even officially deny, #ChildSexAbuse committed by its clergy & lay leaders?
It seems like a fringe thing in general, but my mom's church decided to not have my mom go to the most recent GA as a voting delegate because they wanted Gadfly voters.
Every UU person I know is good people.
But, yeah, double check. (One of my friends, a UU pastor was complaining about the stuff mentioned up thread).
After all. It is what all the cool kids are doing.
Just know it will likely be an introvert party. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing for you.
A few weeks ago one of their “hymns” was a Jack Johnson song
I’m actually suprised I haven’t seen more exvangelical/ deconstructed people bring it up.
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