Jason X is just a delight. It’s high on my own list as well. And I sort of adore the birth of zombie Jason in VI. It was a risk for the franchise, but that’s the true Jason of my childhood. VI was the first time I was old enough to see him in the theater.
Part of me will always be a little sad they replaced sackhead Jason in 3. I liked the look a bit better. And 7 is beloved by me as well. I love the low key Elm Street feel of it. And I think Tina is really the only protagonist in any of those movies that comes close to being Jason’s equal.
I love sackhead Jason in 2. Part of me will always be a bit sad they went to hockey mask Jason in 3. And final chapter, especially the end is… *chef’s kiss*
I probably don’t have a favorite, but if I did, 7 would be a strong contender. I’ve always loved the low key Elm Street feel of it. And Tina - above and beyond Tommy - is the single best opponent of Jason. She’s really the only one that’s his true equal.
Yeah. Exactly. I was a hardcore Elm Street fan, and that’s the feeling I got too. I think I read something once that they were intentionally trying to copy some of the vibe for some reason.
I love the cheap 3D effects. They did those all the time when I was a kid in 3D flicks. And it’s the birth of hockey mask Jason, which is iconic. And best of all, Shelly Finkelstein dies. lol And I HATE Shelly. lol
Solid call. Hard to beat the og in general. But 4 is probably the best sequel. (At least pre-zombie Jason.) They figured out the formula by then and executed it perfectly in that one.
Well, I mean, they’re ALL occasionally hokey. That’s part of the enjoyment factor now. V isn’t the most popular, but I’ve always appreciated the risk they took with V. It took guts to go with that storyline.
For sure, though what I meant more so with the “hokey” comment is… Well, I guess Hokey is not the best choice of words- Rather, there is just something off… Maybe it’s the green triangles on the mask, though it makes sense why they are there… Maybe the ending seemed a little by the numbers? 🤷♂️
That was the first I saw in the theater back in the day. It will always be special to me for that reason. I love the humor and zombie Jason was the Jason that coincided with my youth.
Pt 4. It's like the most characteristic of all the movies, but everything is done at a higher level than normal. I feel like it's the closest to being a traditionally "good" movie. And Crispin's dancing puts it over the top.
🤜 🤛
Then, the fourth (The Final Chapter) for the fun.
I hear ya. 4 definitely the best of the pre-zombie Jason sequels. I feel like it’s the time they had figured out the formula and best implemented it.