If you really want to find $2 Trillion to *balance* the budget, maybe look at taxing them and their companies rather than cutting health care for the elderly/poor/veterans and social security?
Unless you don’t actually care about the debt, and just want to make the rich richer?
Unless you don’t actually care about the debt, and just want to make the rich richer?
It gets updated for each US trading day so while I don't know when this screenshot was taken, I don't think it has changed that much in the last few days.
No one needs more than 1 billion.
*clutching imaginary pearls*
When you have more money than you'll ever spend, it gets boring and the suffering of those who don't have becomes your sole source of entertainment.
It’s just about to start happening.
I don't care, do you?
You can't put a liver in an alcoholic. 🤗
and a time
to meet at the town square
with our proper accoutrements
and just start ‘fixing things’
All of us….
300 million Americans…
same day, same time, same message, same method
Federally legalize marijuana and tax it
Budget surplus with no cuts to any programs with in 6 months. Will also help with fulfilling trumps promising cutting energy, food costs, fuel costs, ect...
But not the maga way to fix things
They do NOT want to eliminate the Federal deficit.
They want to find a way to pay for 0% taxes for the ultra wealthy and corporations, and leave the financial burden of government - today’s costs and yesterday’s debts - on our shoulders.
They could fund the Dept of Education, HUD, and several other agencies.
Instead they take $$ in tax cuts, contracts and subsidies.