These things have happened before in history and ultimately they all end the same way. They are not special, they are just low class men with a lot of money. They are a temporary interruption of civilization.
Do you think tRump is microdosing with Elon?
They're taking an Ozempic like weight loss drug together.
Do you think they shower together too. Who drops the soap?
And they have access to billions of people personal information and habits of buying, politics and more. Big brother on steroids. If you haven’t pulled your Amazon, meta and x accounts.. too late.
4 years is naive. After Germany elected their convicted felon in 1933 they were broke apart East/West and didn't have a free democratic election again until 1949. They also murdered a lot of innocents. Not dissimilar to Gaza today.
If they got shot/bombed with weapons they sell/didn't ban,
I'd be entertained and have some of my hope in humanity regained.
I'd also horny-post about the doer.
This isn't a call for violence, just an imaginary scenario.
It'd be an absolute shame if a but of space junk, or random outbreak of violence just happened to strike at that moment and wipe out some of the worst threats to humanity alive right now
🎪01/20/25 party continues in the backdrop of GOP VITRIOL targeting American livelihoods devastated by a FIRESTORM on American soil. Paid for in million$$ by those whose wealth grew exponentially with businesses based out of CA and who have yet to drop a dime into any aide for CA.
Are they installing a golden escalator for the big entrance? Was hoping for full boycott by former living presidents but perhaps full attendance in mourning attire is a better idea.
It's who founded this country. You couldn't vote unless you were a land owner. Then the slaves were emancipated...the electoral college was established...then given the right to vote....this has been brewing since the civil war...
These are the ugly facts rearing their ugly head...
But we're not going to just bend over and take it, are we? Every elected Democrat at every level, and every citizen has the duty to do everything possible to muck up the implementation of the Christo-fascist agenda. Don't comply; don't cooperate; don't snitch. Become ungovernable.
Two scientists were granted a patent for a cure for Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder; the first
and only known cure! A group of business moguls led by Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerburg purchased the patent to make sure it is never used....thus saving Humanity as we know it.
Yet his supporters say this (from the NY Times):
“He gets us,” a hay and beef cattle farmer told me one afternoon...
How could the man with the silver spoon and the golden triplex above Fifth Avenue understand anything about this woman’s life?
“He just knows where we’re coming from,” she shrugged.
They mean being uncouth and being allowed to be freely racist. I can’t wait until Trump announces he won’t proceed with mass deportations because it will hurt the economy.
Imagine being some of the richest people on the planet and still not having the cojones to tell the rapist racist traitor nazis to go fuck themselves.
Seriously, what was the point of making all that money?
Well the richest one on the podium that day is upset that apartheid is gone in South Africa and is pushing support for Germany's Neonazi party. So that WAS the point of him making all that money. To bring those ideals back.
Encourage all to boycott their respective ventures. Anyone considering buying a Tesla is out of their mind. There are other electric cars. And I ended my Prime as well as my Post subscription. Easy. If these oligarchs want to play footsy with a raging fascist, it's up to decent people to respond.
Think about this: the CF announced the creation of the “External Revenue Service” - official act for which he is immune. What if he directs that new Service to require all governments he want to extract revenue to stay at his hotels or face twice the tariff??? Also official act. The USA is dead.
Americans need to develop some discipline and stop buying and using their shit. That’s the only way to make a difference; make their stock prices go down. Any sane person understands the value of diversity in an investment portfolio - so even if you have stock - you’ll be fine.
Billionaires and Millionaires are not happy simply evading taxes or cheating on their taxes. They want to use the treasury for their own stash. These criminal minds won't pay taxes but they will spend billions to buy politicians to represent them. While the voice and rights of Americans are stolen!
As one can see, billionaires are enemies of the working class Americans. As billionaires buy politicians to steal our rights our ability to form unions, shutdown the national labor board , up ending work place safety, workers rights and benefits.
Then Republican politicians plan to cut or remove Our Senior Citizen's Social Security and Medicare per the conservative and Libertarian Billionaires who want to throw Grand Dad and Grandma into the street. Billionaires want to Rob American Workers of Health Care, Overtime ,and benefits!
The Billionaire and Millionaire class since 1980 has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to make life easy on them. First they get MAGA to remove the regulatory laws removed. Then remove environmental laws to make laws business friendly. so they can pollute our air and our water supply. Then....
MAGA and the Republican party are puppets of the billionaire regime . They serve billionaires like prostitutes serving their pimps. Like drug mules serving the cartels. The Heritage Foundation is run , sponsored and supported by Koch industries who have advocated to take our rights away.
The 750 billionaires shall pillage our treasury, rape our women , rob our citizens of what they own and then enslave them. Anyone who claims that our millionaires and billionaires are friendly to the working class . Don't know the billionaire class!
They are enemies of the working class!
This is completely gross. What this fool thinks shows strength is a massive self-own. Such an insecure wimp would be hysterical were he not about to begin a second disaster.
I suppose we can be grateful to ICC and Interpol. Without them he’d have Putin and every other tin pot dictator with him
Okay, seriously. Help. I’ve read so many scary things like this that are unbelievable and incredibly maddening, but moving on beyond those feelings…. What should we do??? This seems to be unprecedented and terrifying. I don’t think carrying on as normal seems correct.
Here's an expert opinion. I'm at a loss. This is incredibly scary. We've been watching it unfold for years. Thought we'd been victorious with Biden's win, couldn't have imagined we'd be facing this again now. They've had time to prepare for our demise. We haven't.
Total boycott of tech and consumer product manufacturers who support this regime.
Country wide work stoppage.
Hope the wind 💨 kicks in too😎🇺🇸
They're taking an Ozempic like weight loss drug together.
Do you think they shower together too. Who drops the soap?
Massive grift is right, but I fear it will last longer than four years.
…or is it
‘ludicrously obscene’?
And we know that .
I'd be entertained and have some of my hope in humanity regained.
I'd also horny-post about the doer.
This isn't a call for violence, just an imaginary scenario.
Bezos, unfortunately for personal health reasons, I still have Prime. He also gives BIG discount to poor people.
I've loathed corporate America for decades.
These are the ugly facts rearing their ugly head...
Luigi will be an American icon to all
The only way to change things is to stop buying, avoid engaging in the corporate economy, and create support systems for people to cooperate.
Two scientists were granted a patent for a cure for Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder; the first
and only known cure! A group of business moguls led by Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerburg purchased the patent to make sure it is never used....thus saving Humanity as we know it.
What's the point?
We tried to tell you MAGA, you’ve been conned.
Repeat the same talking point over and over and over again until it is seared on the inner eyelids of every American:
"The Republicans serve the billionaires."
They’re just out in the open with it now.
“He gets us,” a hay and beef cattle farmer told me one afternoon...
How could the man with the silver spoon and the golden triplex above Fifth Avenue understand anything about this woman’s life?
“He just knows where we’re coming from,” she shrugged.
Seriously, what was the point of making all that money?
They are enemies of the working class!
I suppose we can be grateful to ICC and Interpol. Without them he’d have Putin and every other tin pot dictator with him
All promises made to help the oligarchs, who purchased a seat on the stage, to make more money and pay less taxes will be pushed through ASAP.
Oligarch First is what the republicans voters wanted, right?