I just heard Frank Figliuzzi (Former Asst Dir. of FBI) explain Trump's statement about 'no laws being broken if saving country' came from White supremacist far-right extremist neo-Nazi Anders Breivik from Norway shooting of 77 people including kids at a camp in 2011. Who told Trump that phrase?
lol. The House can continue to make fools of themselves. The Senate doesn’t have 2/3 majority to convict so this is for show. Senate Republicans are already against this move.
I always love when bloviators like Elon say, "Momentum is building rapidly" while he signals his paid whatevers on X to start validating his lie. And then there are kiss asses like David Sachs and assorted billionairs who kick in.
Impeach away. It means nothing. Impeachment is always political and you won’t get 14 Dem Senators to impeach a single judge the House sends over. There are many things to worry about but removing judges isn’t one of them. IGNORING judges on the other hand…worry.
but if theyre "activist" judges..then theyre saving the country...and can do whatever the fuck they want right you slimy disgusting nazi bag of shit Elon?
Wow that kind of leaves options wide open for the rest of us as well I can think of a few ways to save the country that wouldn't be too cool for republicans
If the republicans in congress fail to safeguard our democracy, they should pay the same price as eloon and tre45on when this is all over. And it will be over, because this country is not going to fall to these fools/crooks.
This is what the GOP doesn’t understand; the pendulum always swings. It may not be tomorrow, or a month from now, 4 years from now, or even a decade from now. But the further it swings to one side, the further it goes when it swings back. And when it swings back, there will be no forgiveness.
I'm saying this again, with more urgency: despot Trump stupidly thought his ragtag militia could overthrow the U.S. government on Jan 6 and found out it couldn't (Trump’s Insurrection Day https://weare.politics.blog/2024/01/02/trumps-insurrection-day/). He learned that he needed the full U.S. military for the overthrow. ...
2) Now as Commander in Chief with a puppet in the Dept of Defense and presidential immunity from the polluted TrumpSCOTUS, he is ready to get serious. Remember that he wanted the U.S. Army to +shoot+ American protestors on American soil. +KENT STATE+ X 100 is what he wants.
3) CONSIDER THIS: the Reich is killing healthcare, food, housing, jobs, and more throughout huge swaths of American citizens. NEVER has such societal upheaval +not+ resulted in uprisings.
4) Despot Trump now has the power to destroy the inevitable uprisings — by his hated political opponents — with our military, court, and Congress being complicit.
His dictatorship is declared with his declaration Saturday!
Call bullshit on Musk and the orange turd...the courts ARE following the law and they are trying to ignore it. Every accusation is a confession with these psychopaths.
It's one Republican. One. And they're "going" to introduce it. You know, like the third term or the mount Rushmore shit, or the red white and blue land. These people are deeply unserious and incompetent.
When did he put in work for a fair wage. He stole other people's business ideas, inherited money from his family and got government contracts that were so overpaid. He cheats by canceling any investigation into his illegal and subpar inventions. Fair wage $15 /hour.
And I’m sure every one of those Federal workers worked harder than Musk, Trump or most of our elected officials have ever did. He’s seriously saying that working for your country worthless and doesn’t provide value to other people. Nuts.
Or jail them. Or murder them. The "activist judges" (Bush complained about them, too) were simply following the law.
Federalist Society member Merrick Garland worked hard to make sure nothing would happen, and it didn't, exactly according to his plans.
Momentum is growing to stop Musk from participating in government activities as he has a raging conflict of interest and could care less about the well being of the American people….
There is no momentum. There is only a coordinated amplification effort by social media ownership to make it appear as if there's momentum. Propaganda at its finest
So let me get this straight. Elon says the judges are failing to follow the law. Trump says you aren’t breaking any laws if you are trying to save the country. So which is it?
Momentum is quickly growing for people tired of their bs, and ready to put a stop to it.
It would be nice for the law to settle this, but these guys don't give a damn about the law.
I wonder how many combat vet federal workers live in Tennessee? I bet there's a few. I bet they feel attacked and betrayed by their state and federal government; like they're being tread on…
Why would we deport him to South Africa when we have a perfectly good permanent deportation-reception site in Cuba? For efficiency, he can share a room with the entire Trump family. We will take his assets though and distribute them to every American who voted against Trump.
MuskRat's posting of 14 American flags is a stone cold signal to his White Supremacist following. "14 Words" is a reference to the most popular white supremacist slogan in the world: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." It's insider speak for racist chuds. 🖕
In addition, "momentum is growing rapidly" to deport your sorry, lying ass back to South Africa where it'll be much harder to disguise your fascist/racist BS to a population that knows you oh so well.
It’s not that they aren’t following the law. They are falling it & we all appreciate & support that. What they aren’t doing is following trump, and that is what makes them mad. How dare someone defy trump. Trump isn’t used to not being followed & idolized. I wish many more would stand up to him
Just theater to get the GOP to hate the justice system. They already have the memes of “lawfare” and “weaponization of the justice system”. Now they are adding “activist judges” to de-legitimize constitutional law.
No way to get 2/3’s of the Senate and remove a judge. They know it and don’t care.
FYI Neo-Nazi terrorist and convicted mass murderer Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011, cited this same Napoleon quote in his manifesto
Cry harder. This movement is ahead of you. Sure you will get a win or two, but the toothpaste is out of the tube. Yall are setback years your bureaucracy failures.
Thinking of this from a logical perspective, if he saves the country, then no law is violated, the contrapositive is also true, i.e., if a law is violated, then he can not save the country. Since he has already violated laws, the conclusion is clear. Time to move along little Donny.
Impeachment means nothing. McFelon proved that. Removal is still 67 votes. He likes amping up jibber jabber on his jibber jabber machine. Walk away, slash the tires on a Tesla if you know that no one is watching. Much more effective.
Vaush suggests that Trump doesn't talk like this ~ no CAPS-LOCK, no insane rambling ~ this is one of his cronies getting a hold of Trump's account and posting some Napoleon shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0JzwKDtK4U
They aren't interested in subtlety because they know they don't have to be. Everyday they wipe their arse with the Constitution and the American people do FUCK ALL!😡
I really do not appreciate this slash and burn approach. At all.
If he chooses to abandon the law he signals that nothing is illegal.
As he’s demonstrated he’s a physical and moral coward I think he’s unprepared for the consequences.
The number 14 is used by white supremacists to refer to the popular white supremacist:
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
The Trump administration members are all NAZIs.
Back too the old West
No one is going to impeach the judges.
But would it matter? It would be a massive, financially draining, ordeal with no PAC to pay for it.
Others might then fall in line.
His fate is what people are interested in.
Trump is just the dumb patsy playing pretend.
Protests Monday. If you can, please go. All 50 states
His dictatorship is declared with his declaration Saturday!
You fire anyone that gets in your way to total domination.
Federalist Society member Merrick Garland worked hard to make sure nothing would happen, and it didn't, exactly according to his plans.
I expect a full report on how that works out for them.
It would be nice for the law to settle this, but these guys don't give a damn about the law.
E xtortion
I ntimidation
You don't need permission to defend your country! Our constitution is our instruction while history is our guide!
Btw they are going for ppl dependent on meds next! Seriously get READY!
Momentum is growing to kick your sorry ass out of here
What do we expect?
No way to get 2/3’s of the Senate and remove a judge. They know it and don’t care.
I bet fElon closes his eyes and says I can't see you when someone is in front of him.
ie judges upholding the law and protecting the constitution.
Elon Musk is a terrorist.
Isn’t this like exactly what 2A is for
If it is organized by a judge, it’s pretty well regulated, I would think