If we do nothing, it can pay 100% of benefits until 2035 & 83% after that. If we passed Bernie's Social Security bill to scrap the cap, it will be solvent for 75 years, benefits will go up by $2,400 and 91% won't pay a […]
Musk will never stop being Greedy! Getting where he has got to in this world (self made my arse) Daddy owned an Emerald mine, one that didn't need much mining either - apparently!! NAZI !
the Republicans borrowed twice and this is the year they have to pay it back this time they aren't even trying to extend the payment instead they would rather people suffer for what they owe and they are the first ones to say people should never fall behind on their bills
Scrap the Cap. It's unfair to most American taxpayers.
The cap of income for wage earners to be taxed for Social Security is $176,100 in 2025.
In 2024 the cap was $168,600. Any earnings over that is not subject to SS tax.
Scrap the Cap!!
The issue with a cap at the Billionaire level is the real money does NOT come from SALARY where these taxes are withheld.
Profits which get taxed as Capital Gains
Plus other stuff.
The “loopholes” will always be found by Accountants making millions.
If someone who had to double pay in the '80s to keep it solvent I'm all for this remove the cap make Musk pay a couple of billion dollars a year in SSI and he's still be the richest fucker in the world.
If we stand up together and fight back we will win! Call every day - over and over until they hear us! NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US! We have to do this on our own!
They are counting on us losing our determination, to slowly give up as many Americans have the attention span of a gnat… 90 million people didn’t even bother to vote with DEMOCRACY in danger…
It’s the easiest solution and won’t even seem like a tax increase because the paycheck will be the same as last January and December will be the same as January
If Musk is really a genius, why can't he think of scrapping the cap? I mean, most of us are not geniuses, and yet we came up with this idea pretty easily. He is a selfish, greedy d-bag.
The New Deal did one thing more than it did anything else. It put the people to work. I define World Economic Apartheid as Reaganomics in the form of privatization. Taking 13 US billionaires & just shy of a trillion dollar National Debt. Add 45 years.
Now 800 US billionaires & a 36 trillion dollar National Debt. At the same time some 140 world billionaires in 1987 turned into 2800 world billionaires today. FDR said, “Necessitous men are not free men”.
The billionaire class and their millionaire minions owe it to the world to make sure nobody ever goes to bed hungry. They owe it to the world to see to it that everybody has a warm, dry, and safe place to sleep every night. The planet does not deserve to be treated like a giant trash can.
DEAR ELON: You stupid sorry excuse for a man.
YOU should know when Social Security will run out of money.
That is your JOB to find out. Send your self a memo to email you what you did last week besides BULLY people into thinking you have a job in the government. YOU DON'T
This is not his job to find out, he should go run Tesla or SpaceX or something, and quit meddling in things he knows nothing about. We did not elect him for anything, Wormtongue has no official position at all
Scap the cap, insist congress pays back every dollar they took from SS and then pass a bill that SS dollars cannot be utilized for anything other than SS payouts.
It’s the same story since the ‘60s, when I got my first SocSec statement:
‘In the red in seven years.
Completely broke in 11 years.’
60 years later, still rolling along.
Musk pay taxes and into social security? But that will cut into his billions he uses to buy politicians. If he can't buy politicians how is he ever going to help the little guy out?
All apply… time to call in Marshall Law, grab all these terrorists, grab all passports, put them on the Terrorist Watch List, including Trump and his Family of crooks, and deport them all
I'm on SS Disability since 2010 due to cancer amputation, lung resection, & chemo damage. I don't want more money. I just want to stay off the street and be able to afford the doctor. That's not much to ask. Everybody has a right to housing and doctors.
This is perfect framing that the American people need to hear. For far too long, the right wing has been screaming that Social Security is going to bankrupt the US. A few tweaks that get people to pay their fair share will make it solvent as well as expand its benefits
People need to educate themselves very quickly about how much money every working person in America has paid into social security before Elon and the GOP remove their access or rob them. To find out your lifetime contribution and expected benefit, Go Visit: https://www.ssa.gov/
Musk said that his goal is not to slash Social Security benefits but to "stop the extreme fraud taking place, so [SSA] remains solvent and protects the social security checks of honest Americans." Musk has not provided proof for his claim of " fraud." Because he's lying. https://www.npr.org/2025/02/28/n...
It's just another lie to funnel tax dollars to the wealthy. It's not new but has never been this blatantly obvious before! As long as MAGA stays tuned into the reality show they'll never realize they are being conned. Good govt just runs ... it isn't meant to be our daily entertainment!
And it would go even farther if we’d skip a couple of cruise missiles each year and put that $ toward the social good instead of the military industrial complex
As a Canadian I can assure you Bernie is right. The left really needs to break away and be its own party. Most democrats have been trained to hate you by the same people who brainwash MAGA anyway.
His questions are all bullshit propaganda so he can steal the money allocated to whatever he is talking about. He does the same play dumb routine every time to try and hide his grift.
We need to keep protesting & calling Congress at 202-224-3121 on all issues. That only takes a few minutes of your time.
They ask for the Senator or Rep you want to reach by name & connect you. Leave a message or talk to staff.
Speak out at airports, state offices & Town Halls. It’s working!
Reagan scammed us, took from SS funds to use for general revenue, he paved the way for GW Bush,and Clinton to do the same. SS would not be in trouble had the funds been left intact.
Jessica Craven posted a tip from a confidential informant that the Trump administration is quietly dismantling the Social Security Administration. Please verify and spread the word to save Social Security! Thank you!
Apparently there is a new 3d printing fusion type invention that will make Social Security solvent and increase benefits by the rate of inflation every year.
So, he’s making program cuts, recommending budget cuts for the magat congress, & firing tons of staff working for Social Security without having any idea of the issues with social security solvency. Elonazi is the one cancer the U.S. needs to cut and deport. Seize his companies & send him to GITMO.
Elons a great money manager. Look at Tesla. Cant figure out what he’s doing wrong. Attach yourself to Trump and you become a loser. I hope he winds up on the street.
So, in Canada, we have this thing called the CPP. Very similar to your SS, for a period of time, we were being told that it wouldn't be there when we retired.
The birth rates were dropping, and the boomers were going to take it all.
I have asked for years to tax me all year long for SS. I am lucky enough to earn over the cap, but that extra I get in mid-October is essentially meaningless to me, but means everything to SS
Harris/Walz could have easily campaigned on a REAL platform for saving Social Security. The Democratic Party has made it policy to ignore/silence the real solution (scrapping the cap) since the Bill Clinton era.
It's been a winning message for decades. And the Dems have refused it, courting the wealthy donor class instead. It's hard not to see it as being too late.
Getting rid of the cap is so obviously the sensible thing to do, that I have never understood why it exists at all.
I assume it has something to do with the usual reason of certain people in this country not wanting to do anything that could possibly benefit certain other people in this country.
The cap is there so that people didn't contribute beyond their future payment scale. Musk paid no taxes in 2024 so didn't pay into social security at all. How about at least a minimum ss tax?
#scrapthecap if people earn more than $150k (approximately the cap)they can afford to continue to contribute to FICA/SS and live better than their counterparts, plus once they are eligible for benefits they still receive them and more than likely they have a large nest egg for retirement to boot.
So today so far now I have seen on Bluesky that E**on wants the U.S. to leave NATO and now he is dissing social security yet again. Along with all the other horrible things he has tweeted, now this. He is telling R's what to do by tweet & it is sickening.
I'd be OK with that, even though I'd pay in a lot more and get nothing for that.
To make it work politically, give some of that back to those who pay in more. Say above the current taxation cap, allow 25% of their extra payments to also raise the cap on their own benefits to those super payers.
I actually agree with this. "Scrap the cap" is right in basic principle, and it's an important talking point, given so many people don't know there is a cap; ultimately a more nuanced approach to the structure is necessary. There's a lot of room to maneuver.
I think so too. Take "Kindergeld" in Germany. It disproportionally benefits low earners but is politically accepted because even very rich people get it (whose taxes far exceed their personal benefit).
Taxation needs to be smart, writing little ty notes to high achievers
I believe Warren has a plan that raises the cap, then reinstates it to give upper-middle class income brackets some payroll tax relief for funds they'll never see back, and the reinstates payroll taxes on the highest tax brackets. But it has never gotten a hearing.
🤑 Zillionaires should pay what they owe.
They got riches from public roads to move their goods.
Public health & education provide their workers AND customers.
Public safety & emergency plans protect them.
Zillionaires should pay to the Social Security System like everyone else.
I think the bigger question is why the fuck is that neuro nazi ket addicted fuckwad even looking in the general direction of US social security. SS IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT.
That 5k check was never going to happen, it was false hope for the base so they would support their neighbors being fired from federal jobs or losing SNAP. The same day it was announced Mike Johnson said no checks any savings would be used to pay down the debt.
felon elon is an ignorant asshole parasite, gritting million of tax$ while taking jobs from
people that pay taxes , waste he says, he should start with the waste of billion he pockets from our own tax$
SSA holds ~$3T of US debt, far more than China or even Japan. The biggest “issue” with SSA is that they have to start cashing some of those checks instead of continuing to underwrite R spending with their surpluses.
We are living longer, but the government has borrowed from and not completely paid back Social Security. They borrowed from it because they didn't want to tax the top 1% of people or corporations. Greed is the root of all evil.
Don't forget Bush 2 borrowed for Social Security for a tax cut and it was never paid back. Pay it back and drop the cap and social security will never run out
Soc Sec trust fund was created by legislation. Congress can approve a bill that use General Funds to make up any Trust shortfall. Medicare Parts B and D are paid through General Fund. The US is a currency-issuing country and can pay all approved expenditures.
I figured this out last year when they altered the proposed benefit cuts from 25% to 17%. It was obviously due to a million premature deaths of retirees and soon to be retirees. What is most concerning about this is that the administration knows it too.
These are the same bastards that were telling nanna and pop pop to sacrifice themselves to keep the economy alive during Covid. Now they're the same bastards who want to scrap ACA/Medicaid, and end drug price caps. They literally want people to die. They are the death panels, congrats America.
Oh how I wish there was someone looking out for us. We work and pay taxes to these people who are going to mismanage our countries finances with horrible repercussions for us.
The way you are going Elon with the smoke screen and chaos your DOGE boys are causing so the Republicans can give 4500 B back to the rich, I would say we now will be insolvent in less time.
I suspect that businesses with highly paid employees are totally against eliminating the cap because they have to pay an equal share of the withheld amount into those employees’ Social Security accounts.
Republicans always act as if the only solution is cutting spending. We wouldn't even be having this problem if wages had kept pace ... the $$ amount it would cost to fix this is a pittance to the wealthy.
What would be fiscally responsible is to have the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.
Social Security is also like the briefcase full of money in the movie "Dumb and Dumber." Congress kept dipping into it for loans, so now it's full of IOUs and they don't want to pay it back.
Social Security is a Private Trust Fund by The People NOT a Government Entitlement Ronald Reagan: "Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit." This will make more HOMELESS... https://youtu.be/ihUoRD4pYzI?si=tNIinWtAaVMEo3sL……… via
Better yet, let’s confiscate the musky ones money as fines for his crimes against humanity and tax all the cult followers for the same. That should make a dent in things.
There’s no conversing with someone so singleminded. I pity you. But maybe before commenting on a post that mentions BERNIE SANDERS you should learn something from him. #NOTMEUS
Now go educate yourself on how it works.
The point is that if *everyone* puts *everyone else* first then we all help each other and no one misses out. That's that actual entire philosophy behind it all.
It’s not a difficult fix…. INCREASE income cutoff to $500k/yr & NO changes to benefits/age limits would be needed.
Social Security is NOT part of national debt…. It’s self funded.
People laughed at Gore talking about a lock box, meaning can’t use it to offset budget deficits.
Yet here we are.
Warren Gunnels @GunnelsWarren
If we do nothing, it can pay 100% of benefits until 2035 & 83% after that. If we passed Bernie's Social Security bill to scrap the cap, it will be solvent for 75 years, benefits will go up by $2,400 and 91% won't pay a […]
The cap of income for wage earners to be taxed for Social Security is $176,100 in 2025.
In 2024 the cap was $168,600. Any earnings over that is not subject to SS tax.
Scrap the Cap!!
Profits which get taxed as Capital Gains
Plus other stuff.
The “loopholes” will always be found by Accountants making millions.
It’s our money, not an entitlement
Musk and the Repugs need to keep their paws off it
Asking for a planet friend of mine.
YOU should know when Social Security will run out of money.
That is your JOB to find out. Send your self a memo to email you what you did last week besides BULLY people into thinking you have a job in the government. YOU DON'T
‘In the red in seven years.
Completely broke in 11 years.’
60 years later, still rolling along.
He misspelled "Dip-Shit"
I won't explain or discuss this further.
I lost a whole lobe of my lung.
Thank you.
Medicare for All
No stock trades
We need two more and then we get everyone on board and stop the Democrat weakness and the consultants who are spoiling our opposition
America as part of the solution, not siding with Russia
Help me out here, someone clever can help with the slogans but I think you get what I mean
With low jobless numbers we should soon see the crisis of the last 20 years start to reside.
They ask for the Senator or Rep you want to reach by name & connect you. Leave a message or talk to staff.
Speak out at airports, state offices & Town Halls. It’s working!
It involves feeding billionaires into one end.
They'll be perfectly safe.
The birth rates were dropping, and the boomers were going to take it all.
Canada, however, addressed this with Immigration.
Harris/Walz could have easily campaigned on a REAL platform for saving Social Security. The Democratic Party has made it policy to ignore/silence the real solution (scrapping the cap) since the Bill Clinton era.
It’s a winning message.
I assume it has something to do with the usual reason of certain people in this country not wanting to do anything that could possibly benefit certain other people in this country.
How did so many people in the world fall for his dbag ignorance?
To make it work politically, give some of that back to those who pay in more. Say above the current taxation cap, allow 25% of their extra payments to also raise the cap on their own benefits to those super payers.
Taxation needs to be smart, writing little ty notes to high achievers
They got riches from public roads to move their goods.
Public health & education provide their workers AND customers.
Public safety & emergency plans protect them.
Zillionaires should pay to the Social Security System like everyone else.
SCOTUS already put a hold on a ruling and handed Trump and Musk a win.
Is what I’m doing.
They will be ignored by most.
They won't be believed by the 'cult.'
They will be rebuked by those in office.
And they only serve to anger those such as myself, and I am grateful I don't own a high-powered rifle. (I do pray daily.)
people that pay taxes , waste he says, he should start with the waste of billion he pockets from our own tax$
Top 1% if we do what is right. The red that are in office are very greedy and power hungry!
Thanks a lot dumb@ss
#Alt4You A quote-post on X:
Warren Gunnels quotes Elon Musk, who posted,
“When will social security run out of money, if nothing is fixed?”
and responds,
“If we do nothing, it can pay 100% of benefits until 2035 & 83% after that. If we passed Bernie's Social Security […]
What would be fiscally responsible is to have the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.
Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
Just like in an airplane: secure your own oxygen mask before helping others.
You want to sacrifice your own retirement for other people, by all means do so.
Now go educate yourself on how it works.
Social Security is NOT part of national debt…. It’s self funded.
People laughed at Gore talking about a lock box, meaning can’t use it to offset budget deficits.
Yet here we are.