It's interesting how so many of these Republicans are starting to look like their faces have fallen into the blackness of their hearts. They look more and more like Dorian Gray's portrait.
Republican messaging has nothing to do with the truth or facts. It is all about the feels. They want you to FEEL that things are ok even if the house is on fire. They message on that.
Marsha, Marsha.....look at the 99 pictures that the world sees today, tomorrow, forever. Does this not embarrass you??? The world speaks the truth and you know it to be the truth.‼️
Tariffs are just another way to transfer the wealth of the bottom 99% of US workers to those at the top that already have billions because their greed has no bounds.
The market is already making a beeline for the door. 401ks are diminishing. The average Joe here gets poorer by the hour and gets about half as much for the same $50 he spent on groceries as he did last week. And it's only going to get worse.
She is a liar and the goobs are
buying her crap. Sad for Tennessee. Let's not forget about John Rose either.
"It's a big club and you ain't in it" George Carlin
What the actual fuck is wrong with her? I am just stunned at the cognitive dissonance every time she opens her nasty mushroom hole. She should be in one of these asylums her dear leader speaks of so often. Bigly.
They don't care, neither party cares about the people they're supposed to represent. We need to stop looking to the Democrats for answers people. They're all in it to protect their investments, not us. Yes, there's a few, but they're outnumbered by the dinosaurs still in office.
This wet dust mop is running for governor of Tennessee in 2026. The crazy part is that farmers and people in east TN will still vote for her because she is MAGA. All of these MAGAs in congress don't want to lose their perks and salary. They don't want to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
All he’s managed to do is destroy the economy and jobs numbers that Biden handed him on a silver fucking platter. He hasn’t accomplished one damn thing. He’s destroyed America.
Can you give me just 1 great thing?
Let’s see 6 weeks.
If you can give me just 1 for each week. And I mean real great stuff!!!
Not lied up stuff.
It’s only 6. Hold up both hands that’s 1 hand five fingers plus just 1 from whatever hand you can take away from jerking off Tang Turd. it me or does she look and sound weaker by the day?
She is a gross hag, who should not be in the Senate, let alone the Governors mansion..
Somebody(S) needs to vote that bitch outta office; she obviously is delusional and hasn't got a clue what the fuck is going on. Only ignorant and the rich are voting for this bitch.
MAGA REPUBLICAN CULT STEPFORD WIFE. Is it a requirement to have an I.Q. lower than 73 to function in this new form of a non governance process. Just kiss the 🍊 imbeciles ass 24/7/365. Vain little STUPID man.
I just don't get it, did the regime threaten every elected official? Blackmail them? What is it? How are these ppl able to say this crap with a straight face? I mean it's like me saying pigs are flying and they are all agreeing with me. I'm truly lost for words.
Well they better start running because 💩's gonna get real when those voters bank accounts start showing what's really happening in the country on so many different levels.
It's more like the voters holding them hostage over Trump will change their own minds when that happens and the same people will then threaten them to go against it.
Ok that photo says a few things to me. It says “hi, I’m Marsha Blackburn and…
1) I drink at work, like, a lot
2) I had an unusually physical meeting with a lobbyist or DOGEbag
3) I betray my state and my country because when Dear Leader smiles at me, the skies open and the sun smiles upon me.”
They know no matter what they will be bailed out. No matter what Trump does to them he will bail them out. They do not care what happens to the American people.
Great point. My country runs about 85% republican so you are spot on. I don’t think they are getting what they voted for. Still, they are my neighbors and I care but I’m not beyond a “told ya so.”
So sad. I didn't watch the made for tv moment. However, I did catch snippets of the Republicans climbing over one another to touch their Emporer. No class, no self-respect, and definitely no thought for America.
She’s probably afraid for herself and her family if she dares not kiss the ring. Her words don’t match her expression. She looks like an abused spouse trying to make cover.
They just can't help but lie, lie, lie. Trump has not done a single thing to help working Americans. Your own state is always in desperate need of funding, and now you all have screwed your own people. I wonder if Second Harvest is going to be able to keep up with demand.
As a Canadian, I do feel for your farmers. I know that they aren’t getting rich doing what they’re doing. And now Turnip is adding 25% to their cost of potash coming from Canada. How can they possibly plan for this nonsense?
Just like her “replies” to any critical communication from constituents: She writes back as though she’s been complimented instead of taken to task and completely ignores any/all concerns expressed.
Have a town hall and hear and see your constituents views of the situation. Oh wait , you like your propaganda and money and you don’t care as you are too weak to take feedback . 😞
You illiterate bitch
Her name has been on the list, for some time, now....
Americans = Rich white men
Life must be hard when you're soooo stupid.
I bet she would. She knows what she’s doing.
Marsha, Marsha.....look at the 99 pictures that the world sees today, tomorrow, forever. Does this not embarrass you??? The world speaks the truth and you know it to be the truth.‼️
buying her crap. Sad for Tennessee. Let's not forget about John Rose either.
"It's a big club and you ain't in it" George Carlin
Moscow Martha that’s right the gays can legally turn you away now🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Not a good look for TN.
Why do they keep rehiring her?
put down your current issues,
everyone needs to focus on the MOST DANGEROUS issue,
the orange faced rapist and his weaponized government
before it's too late.
Just sayin'
How’s the Stock Market today?
Let’s see 6 weeks.
If you can give me just 1 for each week. And I mean real great stuff!!!
Not lied up stuff.
It’s only 6. Hold up both hands that’s 1 hand five fingers plus just 1 from whatever hand you can take away from jerking off Tang Turd.
She is a gross hag, who should not be in the Senate, let alone the Governors mansion..
You ignorant twit!
What did she just pull her head out of?
Isn't just still being on twitter enough of a monetizing opportunity for him?
And isn't it a bit sad trying to get likes over here via screenshot from over there?
Can't you just kick the X habit like the rest of us? FFS
1) I drink at work, like, a lot
2) I had an unusually physical meeting with a lobbyist or DOGEbag
3) I betray my state and my country because when Dear Leader smiles at me, the skies open and the sun smiles upon me.”
Thanks for admitting he lied Marsha.
Either wake up or go back to bed.
When’s it going to trickle down, I wonder.
Sycophants not patriots.