What the Guardian left out is that the 2010 power grab by Orban was orchestrated by GOP think tanks: Finkelstein and Bimbaum. They built the entire campaign for Orban before 2010 and the Soros BS attack. I guess 15 years of autocracy in Hungary was a success, so USA is next.
yeah trump is a much weaker man than you americans give him credit for, I assure you. In fact, it's your fear and awe of him that give him most his power anyway.
So go FORTH and destroy him in the courts, you can do it
When is somebody going to claim "Fuck you, no you don't have the right to do that, get back in your bunker you pussy ass bitch and let the real Americans do the work" Trump is a fake American
You can dislike him. He's a war criminal along with a lot of the Bush administration. Just because he doesn't like Trump doesn't mean he isn't a bad guy.
Jim, STFU. These glib comments are insanely unuseful and cruel to the majority of Americans who don’t like Donald Trump, and are fighting their asses off to disempower him.
I know this glib comment gets clicks, but the truth is if you’re right, it’s going to mean Canada probably gets invaded
YOU can STFU for being so godamn rude to a stranger on the internet. Jim is right, Trump controls everything, including election supervision. DEAL WITH IT. And YES Canada will fall to the billionaires in time bc it’s a billionaire takeover and it’s GLOBAL. If you want to fight back, begin by…
Glib comments are ineffectual, useless, and deeply disrespectful to the ACTUAL suffering happening. It’s typical Lib social media bullshit. “Here is my hot take this morning!!!!”
If Jim actually gave a shit about anything, he’d be fucking rallying in Ottawa right now.
SCOTUS gave him total immunity from anything he does in the office of the presidency. Remember? The “joke” was this meant he could order a SEAL team to murder any perceived opponent. Well, ha ha, stay tuned.
FFS. Have you not been watching the courts? Democrats can’t do shit. The courts can and ate. Stop blaming democrats and blame republicans who actually can stop it
Just once I'd like one of you yahoos to spell out what you think the minority power can do for you. Go ahead. You can barf words and whine but what do you really do?
Here's a Start:
Pick a D*mn LEADER- someone the entire country can rally behind- who can SPEAK.
Right now- I'd vote for Booker to step up and lead the Sen Dems- and to PUBLICLY SPEAK- without a gaggle of Dems that talk until your ears bleed.
Impactful Public Events - Let America know how THEY are impacted SPECIFICALLY.
News Coverage - DO Interviews.
Stop Bringing Up Biden + Partisanship- That ship has sailed and if we don't work together as a country the ship will sink.
Stop ROLLING OVER (Hi Chuck)
Send MAILERS- things that people can hold in their hands- asking them what THEY are going to do when THEIR programs are cut. eg. How will YOU pay for YOUR Rx when Medicaid is gone?
Use some of that campaign money to MAKE ADS to bring Americans TOGETHER and to unite for a CAUSE- like
Why is this not being stopped in its tracks? Does SCOTUS not understand he’ll be coming for them soon? Unless they step in now and do their jobs. And have all his billionaire supporters watched what happens to Putin’s oligarchs when they displease him? No loyalty there!
What I want to know is what are the Courts going to do about it. Are they going to sit on their asses wringing their hands, and saying "golly gee, what do we do now" like Merrick Garland did for 4 years?
Actually Pacific Coastal States, NE and Canada is quite a big country economically. Really you are correct, depends on how much of the armed forces will go along. No doubt we would be in a shooting war soon but we probably will be anyways soon given the political trajectory.
I have called the offices of all three members of my Maine Congressional delegation this morning. I called Senator Susan Collins, Senator Angus King, and @golden.house.gov to let them know my concern that this "president" is steamrolling over the Constitution and our Rights.
I watched a DOGE hearing in Congress this morning. Listening to GOP in that hearing they don't see things the way the Democrats do..duh? I mean the divide is bad. I'm biased but the GOP sounds batshit crazy....but I'm biased.
Clear overthrow of the U.S. Government. Defying the U.S. Constitution. This is how they do it. And we're right in it now. This is going to get real serious real fast.
Seems there is nothing Trump thinks he can’t do. The majority of this country think he can’t tell the truth or “President”. However he seems very good at being a mob boss, destroying our democracy and horrifically, making America into something none of us recognize.
Uhh… Trump claimed the Constitution was ‘just a piece of paper’ BEFORE he was elected
What is this pretense of claim ? He was an elected Dictator
Deal with it. Stop pretending it’s all outside reality- It’s reality and until recognized as such won’t be addressed by the general public.
Trump tramples the Constitution while his enablers look the other way. If laws mean nothing to the powerful, what’s left for the people? We need a system that defends workers, not dictators. Join the People’s Prosperity Movement!
Sounds like the opposition party senate leader should get the ball rolling on impeachment….oh wait….well he cancelled his book tour so he has time now…oh wait..
But in their minds he didn’t put his hand on the Bible this time, so I guess the crazies supporting him don’t count this as swearing his oath to the constitution.
I am not excusing it. But he probably just forgot or he did it intentionally so that his stupid loser magats would say that he didn't promise to follow the Constitution.
The US court system is not going to save the nation from King Donald. The Democrats will not save the USA. The rich & powerful have 0 interest in saving the nation from anything. As it has ever been, it is up to the average citizens of this nation to protect truth, justice, decency & democracy.
Thanks to all who is letting this President turn America into a dictatorship. I guess people don't learn from history. Makes me sad for future generations. They will never have the freedom we had.
Are we officially calling it a coup yet? Because, you know, that's exactly what it is. 😏 I can't wrap my head around everyone just carrying on as normal. Is anyone else feeling like that? It's just incomprehensible to me.
Where is the Supreme Court in all of this, who gave him permission to act at will and not be accountable to anyone, for anything? Would like to know if they still feel the same way.
We need a speaker of the house more concerned about Country over party/heritage foundation project 2025. I wish there was a speaker of the house who had a religious compass pointing him towards truth- like the 10 Commandments states!
Where is the Court to act on the defying a court order? In this time, if he is permitted to defy this one, he will defy them all! What happens at this point is a game changer for both sides law or lawless.
At what point is the oath of upholding the Constitution going to kick in? I would guess that literally a million or more people have taken that oath. Who has a plan? Looks like there’s some upholding to do.
And no way to stop him? Our constitution has failed us, our education system has failed us, our common sense has gone out the window and the corruption is blooming like deadly nightshade right before our eyes. Oh, the rot
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them
Elon is working with Chinese tech giant Baidu in a partnership for self-driving cars in China. Elon says its only a map navigation partnership. HOW the FUCK can Elon partner with China in business deals and work in Trumps CABINET in the OVAL office. AMERICA is being played by TRUMP and ELON.
The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. - James Madison
Trump is going to violate as many items of the constitution as he can, knowing to end up in court, and and seeing just how much latitude, the Supreme Court will give him.
I'd love to agree with you, but the jails are also federally ran. So that's a really huge stretch there. It would take an overwhelming wave of support via the military, which 65% of veteran voters, for example supported Trump.
I'm all for it. I'm just saying, it's not as clean as ya'll see it.
He is so stupid! Where are his advisors at? They need to tell
Him how the constitution works and you can get rid of these with a stroke of a pen! Someone deflate his ego before he gets us into something we can’t get out of!
Well, we're gonna have to invent time travel if we're just going to sit here and allow Donald J Thanos to collect all of the Constitution stones. 🤦🏻♂️
The people who are empowered to do something about it won't, and in many cases actually support it. The question is, what can the rest of us do in the face of lawlessness by the entire Republican party and the judges it has appointed.
Courts need to issue some teeth with their bite,
Or The Lying King and Muskrat won’t do what’s right!
To jail to jail you must send them,
Then after that really condemn em!
for decades, David Frum was part of the Republican shift to Right Wing authoritarianism. He helped build Frankenstein's Monster. Tweeting about its complete abuse now is a bit rich.
Some much for his pledge to protect and preserve the Constitution. There was a reason he didn’t put his hand on the Bible to swear to this - it would have gone up in flames.
It was totally meaningless since he would rather just shred our Constitution. January 20th was just an opportunity for him to give another Long campaign speech, blast his political enemies, celebrate his election win and the number of votes he got. He’s fully insulted and doesn’t seem stoppable.
And like everything else that’s gone before, they will let it happen !! There isn’t anyone that will stop this !! Once the courts are ignored , we are done !!!
Donald Trump throws out the United States Constitution.
Republicans everywhere clap while they load bars of gold into their vehicles.
Food and jobs lay waste.
A minority capture the government, run to their castles to weigh the gold.
Never to be able to ever spend in a polite society.
From what I understand, he has donors on Wall Street. His daughters work for Meta and Amazon (lobbyist). I read that he has never worked outside the government since graduating from law school in the early 70’s. Anyone with better info on Chuck’s wealth/pandering?
He's owned by Wall Street. Being leader is all about money. Kentucky bourbon and horses (McConnell), South Dakota banking (Thune), NY Wall St (Jeffries/Schumer); California (Hi-tech, banking, (Pelosi). Don't even get me started on Wyoming (Cheney, Simpson, Barasso)
Here's an idea: In order to run for president a person must pass a high school level course on the Constitution. Or at least be required to have read it.
The power grab continues as well as ignoring/violating the ruling of the courts. Republicans do not believe in law and order or the Constitution of the United States. Corruption is running deep.
The pardon issue again good grief. Bidens crack head kid will do something dumb eventually, he's proven that time and time again. Orange dude doesn't understand drug users huh
yeah this is why so many of us in Canada won't be coming to visit you any time soon- and likely will insist that the border become more secure so as not to let American guns and other crap into our country!
Then impeach his VP.
This isn’t a boutique they are running, it’s our Entire Government.
So go FORTH and destroy him in the courts, you can do it
You're dreaming if you think there will be a 2028 presidential election.
I know this glib comment gets clicks, but the truth is if you’re right, it’s going to mean Canada probably gets invaded
Or doesn't.
Not a glib comment, an accurate observation.
And I don't give a fuck about clicks.
If Jim actually gave a shit about anything, he’d be fucking rallying in Ottawa right now.
So again. Fuck off Marie.
1. He claims a power.
2. Democrats complain, but do nothing.
3. He has the power.
Pick a D*mn LEADER- someone the entire country can rally behind- who can SPEAK.
Right now- I'd vote for Booker to step up and lead the Sen Dems- and to PUBLICLY SPEAK- without a gaggle of Dems that talk until your ears bleed.
News Coverage - DO Interviews.
Stop Bringing Up Biden + Partisanship- That ship has sailed and if we don't work together as a country the ship will sink.
Stop ROLLING OVER (Hi Chuck)
Use some of that campaign money to MAKE ADS to bring Americans TOGETHER and to unite for a CAUSE- like
Stop with the donations.
People are BROKE + need LEADERSHIP.
-end rant-
I think now we gotta …
(From https://freeprotestssigns.org )
@schumer.senate.gov @schatz.bsky.social @shaheen.senate.gov and the others. Job well done 👏🏼
And the failed “reconstruction” of the south is partly to blame how we ended up here.
God help you if you think individual states could secede and standup to the largest military power in the world.
I just don’t think any individual state or group of states could successfully secede from the union.
As much as I would want secession to end positively, I just don’t see how it could realistically be achieved.
Choose wisely.
Clinton was impeached because he lied about an affair.
Does the dipshit actually have to shoot someone on camera?
But yet the crowd that for as many years as I can remember shouted that firearms are needed to protect liberty are surprisingly quiet.
Haven't they heard what's going on yet?
A LAWLESS nation because of conservatives and Republicans!
What is this pretense of claim ? He was an elected Dictator
Deal with it. Stop pretending it’s all outside reality- It’s reality and until recognized as such won’t be addressed by the general public.
I hate being right about shit like this!!!
It doesn’t count if you don’t put the tiny hand on the bible whilst saying said oath
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them
Screaming „bingo“ if he hits all of them won‘t help much, right?
Like wtf, America
The fact that the streets aren't full of protestors indicates that our country is MORALLY FUCKING BANKRUPT
I'm all for it. I'm just saying, it's not as clean as ya'll see it.
Just tell magas to cope or do something...
Him how the constitution works and you can get rid of these with a stroke of a pen! Someone deflate his ego before he gets us into something we can’t get out of!
then threaten to negate his own pardon.
Or The Lying King and Muskrat won’t do what’s right!
To jail to jail you must send them,
Then after that really condemn em!
Hell, you can call him an autocrat or a god king too.
Didn't we fight a war about that?
He’s not really big on that stupid constitution thing!
And accurate.
Republicans everywhere clap while they load bars of gold into their vehicles.
Food and jobs lay waste.
A minority capture the government, run to their castles to weigh the gold.
Never to be able to ever spend in a polite society.
Question.....Other than billionaires and AIPAC, who's in the room with Chuck?
Brought to you by @drharmony.bsky.social
‘’Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than the fear." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
That's only about 20 years of litigation.